14 research outputs found

    Rwanda – Od konfliktu etnicznego do ludobójstwa

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    "Wiele konfliktów o podłożu etnicznym w Afryce jest efektem europejskiej ekspansji kolonialnej. Kolonializm niszczył bowiem delikatne struktury plemienne i wprowadzał europejski model państwowości, z centralnym ośrodkiem zarządzania państwem. Dla zwiększenia efektywności działań, władze kolonialne często faworyzowały wybrane grupy etniczne, skłócając je tym samym z pozostałymi. Przykładem takiej polityki była kolonia belgijska – Rwanda."(...

    Sytuacja społeczno-polityczna w Jemenie po odejściu prezydenta Saliha

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    Yemen is a country which belongs to the world’s poorest regions. Constant civil wars, instability of employment, lack of education and healthcare as well as widespread famine, are only some of the major problems which Yemen struggles with. Due to totalitarian and inefficient rule of the former President Ali Abdall Salli, the political situation worsen leading to so called ‘Arab Spring’ revolution when the Yemeni society finally said ‘no’ to the regime. Incompetent political leadership of President Ali Abdullah Saleh as well as his dealings with tribal intricacies created a perfect harbour for al Qaeda creating a sense of destabilizations and fear around the country. Despite of the reigns of newly-elected president , the situation has not improved. Country still remains in a deep economic and social crisis being on verge of another civil war which could be tragic. The main reason for destabilisation in Yemen is growing conflict between Shiite-Huti from the north of the country as well as rapid activation of al Qaeda structures in the Arabian Peninsula in the south. The situation in Yemen shows us how terrorist organizations and other related groups activate in consequence of abolishment of the country’s regime and central administration. This kind of situation is not promising for the future of the country. It needs to be said openly that without help from other countries and international organisations, Yemen is unable to cope with the existing situation and it is the only way to save that region which as we know plays a strategic role in the international arena

    Nutrition and lifestyle in patients pharmacologically treated due to hypertension

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    Background: Proper nutrition and physical activity are together an important way of non-pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension. The aim of the study was to answer the question whether patients with hypertension use non-pharmacological methods of hypertension treatment. Methods: The study included a group of 280 patients aged 18–85, suffering from hypertension. In the study, 10 nutritional and non-nutritional factors affecting the treatment of hypertension were analyzed. Data regarding the diet were collected by a method of 24-h recall. Basic anthropometric measurements (body weight, body height, waist and hip circumference) were taken, as well as threefold measurement of blood pressure. The data were statistically analyzed. Results: The average value of blood pressure was 131.2 ± 15.5/82.9 ± 10.5 mm Hg. Approximately 90% of the respondents had abnormal body weight, i.e. excessive weight or obesity. Abdominal obesity according to waist hip ratio assessment was diagnosed in 87% of women and 66% of men; according to the measurement of waist circumference, it was diagnosed in 140 (81%) women and 88 (81%) men. Among the ingredients with antihypertensive effect, the sodium intake was 4,417.8 ± 2,052.7 mg/d, which when converted to salt is on average 11 g/d, potassium: 3,808.5 ± 1,265.7 mg/d, calcium: 724.6 ± 413.7 mg/d, and magnesium: 383.9 ± 139.3 mg/d. One in 5 (18%) people declared smoking. Only 5% of subjects reported high level of physical activity. Conclusions: In persons with diagnosed hypertension, vast majority of patients did not implement non-pharmacological hypertension treatment

    Effectiveness of EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME preparations as an adjunct to conventional treatment of acne vulgaris — results of an observational study

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    Background: Although topical dermocosmetics are widely used care products, only a few studies investigated their effectiveness in enhancing the tolerance and efficacy of medical anti-acne therapies. The primary objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME cream and washing cream as an adjunct to pharmacological treatment (local and/or systemic) administered for at least 12 weeks in patients with mild to very severe acne vulgaris. Material and methods: This observational study was conducted in patients (n = 306) aged 14 years and over with mild to very severe [Global Acne Severity Scale (GEA) 1–5] acne vulgaris. Participants were instructed to apply the EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME cream and washing cream twice daily for at least 12 weeks along with prescribed anti-acne therapy (topical agents, oral isotretinoin, or systemic antibiotics/ /spironolactone combined with topical agents). Results: The treatment regimen led to an improvement in GEA scores in 88.9% of all patients (p < 0.05). Statistically significant changes were observed in the reduction of sebum secretion, number of papules and pustules, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, and erythema (p < 0.05). The vast majority of dermatologists and patients rated the tolerance of the products as very good (97% and 94%, respectively). The quality of life of most patients improved by the end of the study. Conclusions: EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME cream and washing cream are safe and effective products used as adjunctive treatment to topical or systemic therapy of mild to very severe acne vulgaris

    Social and political situation in Yemen after the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh

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    Yemen is a country which belongs to the world’s poorest regions. Constant civil wars, instability of employment, lack of education and healthcare as well as widespread famine, are only some of the major problems which Yemen struggles with. Due to totalitarian and inefficient rule of the former President Ali Abdall Salli, the political situation worsen leading to so called ‘Arab Spring’ revolution when the Yemeni society finally said ‘no’ to the regime. Incompetent political leadership of President Ali Abdullah Saleh as well as his dealings with tribal intricacies created a perfect harbour for al Qaeda creating a sense of destabilizations and fear around the country. Despite of the reigns of newly-elected president , the situation has not improved. Country still remains in a deep economic and social crisis being on verge of another civil war which could be tragic. The main reason for destabilisation in Yemen is growing conflict between Shiite-Huti from the north of the country as well as rapid activation of al Qaeda structures in the Arabian Peninsula in the south. The situation in Yemen shows us how terrorist organizations and other related groups activate in consequence of abolishment of the country’s regime and central administration. This kind of situation is not promising for the future of the country. It needs to be said openly that without help from other countries and international organisations, Yemen is unable to cope with the existing situation and it is the only way to save that region which as we know plays a strategic role in the international arena

    Jerzy Zdanowski, Bliski Wschód 2011: bunt czy rewolucja?

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    Music in Chinese Culture

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    Artykuł jest przeglądem historii muzyki chińskiej od czasów starożytnych do dziś. Autorka podkreśla, że muzyka chińska zachowuje wciąż swój indywidualny charakter, pomimo że zaznaczył się w niej wpływ Zachodu. W przypadku Chin mamy do czynienia z bardzo odmienną od europejskiej kulturą muzyczną, zwłaszcza w starożytnym okresie jej rozwoju. W Chinach od najdawniejszych czasów muzyka odgrywała wielką rolę, była ściśle powiązana z filozofią i religią. Wiara w społeczne i wychowawcze oddziaływanie muzyki przyczyniła się do otoczenia jej wręcz kultem. Typowe ograniczenia, kultywowanie tylko pewnych gatunków, sposobów opracowania, instrumentów oraz jej rygorystyczny konserwatyzm i archaizm uczynił tą muzykę wyjątkową i jedyną w swoim rodzaju. Dla starożytnej kultury chińskiej muzyka stała się mądrością serca, która była i nadal jest nieodłączną częścią codziennego życia każdego Chińczyka.Summing up the development of Chinese music, we cannot forget, that Chinese music still remains very individual and characteristic in spite of the west having its influence on it. We are dealing with a very different musical culture, especially having taken the development of ancient music. From the start music in China played a major role, it was closely bonded with philosophy and religion. The belief in social and educational effects of music contributed to surrounding it with cult. Typical restraints, applied to only a few genres, interpretations and instruments and its rigorous conservatism and archaic nature made this music exceptional and one of a kind. For ancient Chinese culture music became the wisdom of the heart, which was and continues to be a hardwired part of every Chinese person’s life

    Skuteczność preparatów EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME stosowanych wspomagająco względem konwencjonalnej terapii trądziku pospolitego — wyniki badania obserwacyjnego

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    Wstęp: Mimo iż dermokosmetyki są szeroko stosowanymi produktami pielęgnacyjnymi, dotychczas przeprowadzono niewiele badań oceniających ich skuteczność w zwiększaniu tolerancji i skuteczności terapii przeciwtrądzikowych. Głównym celem niniejszego badania była ocena bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności kremu oraz kremu myjącego EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME stosowanych przez co najmniej 12 tygodni we wspomaganiu leczenia farmakologicznego (miejscowego i/lub ogólnoustrojowego) u pacjentów z trądzikiem pospolitym o nasileniu od łagodnego do bardzo ciężkiego. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono badanie obserwacyjne u pacjentów (n = 306) w wieku 14 lat i starszych z trądzikiem pospolitym o nasileniu od łagodnego do bardzo ciężkiego [Global Acne Severity Scale (GEA) 1–5]. Uczestników poinstruowano, by wraz z przepisaną terapią przeciwtrądzikową (leki miejscowe, doustna izotretynoina lub ogólnoustrojowe antybiotyki/spironolakton w połączeniu z lekami miejscowymi) stosowali krem i krem myjący EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME dwa razy dziennie przez co najmniej 12 tygodni. Wyniki: W wyniku zastosowania leczenia uzyskano poprawę w zakresie wskaźnika GEA u 88,9% pacjentów (p < 0,05). Zaobserwowano statystycznie istotne zmiany w zakresie zmniejszenia wydzielania sebum, liczby grudek i krost, przebarwień pozapalnych i rumienia (p < 0,05). Zdecydowana większość dermatologów i pacjentów (odpowiednio 97% i 94%) oceniła tolerancję produktów jako bardzo dobrą. Pod koniec badania stwierdzono poprawę jakości życia większości pacjentów. Wnioski: Krem oraz krem myjący EFFACLAR H ISO-BIOME są bezpiecznymi i skutecznymi produktami do stosowania w leczeniu wspomagającym miejscową lub ogólnoustrojową terapię trądziku pospolitego o nasileniu od łagodnego do bardzo ciężkiego