65 research outputs found

    Cervical cancer mortality in young adult European women

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    Background: The process of social, political and economic transformation, which took place in Central and Eastern Europe in the early 90's, has affected many spheres of Europeans' lives, including health-associated issues. These changes also had an impact on mortality rates due to cervical cancer (CC). Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse CC mortality trends in Europe after 1990. Methods: Data on death due to CC, uterine cancers and unspecified uterine cancers, in women aged 20\u201344, were taken from the WHO Mortality Database. Trends in European countries between 1990 and 2017 were assessed using the Joinpoint Regression Program. Results: Most of the countries experienced a decrease in CC mortality. Although the lowest rates were observed in EU15 Member States, the highest decreases were observed in Central and Eastern Europe. However, there are still differences in mortality in these countries. There are also a few countries like Belarus, Latvia and Ukraine, which experienced an increase in mortality. The range of mortality across Europe in 2017 was between 0.6 and 5.2/100,000 women. Conclusions: It is essential to introduce well-organised screening programmes for early detection of CC with coverage of a correspondingly high percentage of the population, particularly in East-Central Europe, as well as to introduce high-coverage HPV vaccination in all European countries

    Human telomerase activity regulation

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    Telomerase has been recognized as a relevant factor distinguishing cancer cells from normal cells. Thus, it has become a very promising target for anticancer therapy. The cell proliferative potential can be limited by replication end problem, due to telomeres shortening, which is overcome in cancer cells by telomerase activity or by alternative telomeres lengthening (ALT) mechanism. However, this multisubunit enzymatic complex can be regulated at various levels, including expression control but also other factors contributing to the enzyme phosphorylation status, assembling or complex subunits transport. Thus, we show that the telomerase expression targeting cannot be the only possibility to shorten telomeres and induce cell apoptosis. It is important especially since the transcription expression is not always correlated with the enzyme activity which might result in transcription modulation failure or a possibility for the gene therapy to be overcome. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge of numerous telomerase regulation mechanisms that take place after telomerase subunits coding genes transcription. Thus we show the possible mechanisms of telomerase activity regulation which might become attractive anticancer therapy targets

    European trends in breast cancer mortality, 1980–2017 and predictions to 2025

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    Background: Breast cancer mortality in European women has been falling for three decades. We analysed trends in mortality from breast cancer in Europe over the period 1980–2017 and predicted number of deaths and rates to 2025. Methods: We extracted death certification data for breast cancer in women for 35 European countries, between 1980 and 2017, from the World Health Organisation database. We computed the age-standardised (world standard population) mortality rates per 100,000 person-years, by country and calendar year. We obtained also predictions for 2025 using a joinpoint regression model and calculated the number of avoided deaths over the period 1994–2025. Results: The mortality rate declined from 15.0 in 2012 to 14.4 in 2017 per 100,000 women (−3.9%) for the European Union (EU)-27. This fall was greater in the EU-14 (−5.2%), whereas rates rose in the transitional countries during this period by 1.9%. Mortality rate predictions across Europe are expected to reach relatively uniform levels in 2025. During the studied period, favourable trends in mortality emerged in most countries, with the greatest decrease in Denmark, whereas Poland and Romania showed an upward trend. The largest predicted decrease in breast cancer mortality was estimated for the United Kingdom (12.2/100,000 women in 2025), leading to the estimated avoidance of 150,000 breast cancer deaths over the period 1994–2025 and 470,000 in the EU-27. Conclusions: Favourable trends in breast cancer mortality were observed in most European countries, and they will continue to fall in the coming years. Less favourable patterns were still observed among the transitional countries than other European areas

    Assessing physical activity and sedentary lifestyle behaviours for children and adolescents living in a district of Poland. What are the key determinants for improving health?

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    Introduction. Adequate levels of physical activity throughout an individual’s life ensure an optimal state of health. Only 30% of adolescents and 10% of adults perform sufficient physical activity to facilitate proper physical, psychological/mental and emotional development. Objective. Determining physical activity behaviour in children and adolescents through surveying the opinions of school pupils and parents, in order to lend support for optimised educational programmes designed to promote healthy lifestyle behaviour, as well as establishing consistent answers. Materials and Methods. A randomised survey was conducted on two groups of n=1100 pupil subjects, each attending elementary or secondary school, with the former in Classes 5 and 6, whereas the latter were aged between 16–19 years old; in both instances parents were also included in the survey. All subjects came from the Kalisz District in western-central Poland, and were divided into those living in the city of Kalisz and those in the surrounding rural areas. Results. It was found that 87%, 96% and 89% of elementary, middle and secondary school pupils, respectively, participated in Physical Education (PE) lessons. The numbers of pupils who daily, or almost daily, spent time on a computer, were 52%, 60% and 70%, respectively, for elementary, middle and secondary schools, and likewise 70%, 62% and 48% for watching TV. Conclusions; It is vital that education programmes with a focus on a healthy lifestyle are introduced and targeted at teenagers in order to promote physical activity during the crucial time of the body’s development. The period of maturing into adulthood is particularly crucial for acquiring the right knowledge, convictions, skills and attitudes that help shape a pro-healthy lifestyle in later years

    Nutrition-related health behaviours and prevalence of overweight and obesity among Polish children and adolescents

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    Introduction. An adequate mode of nutrition is among the most important environmental factors affecting the development of Man and maintenance of a good health status. An improper selection of nutrients and irregular consumption of meals may lead to overweight and obesity. Objective. The characteristics of health behaviours of the examined population of schoolchildren, with consideration of nutrition and body weight disorders. A comparison of the opinions of schoolchildren and their parents concerning health behaviours. Development of guidelines for educational programmes carried out in the place of residence of the population of schoolchildren and their parents. Materials and method. The survey covered a randomised group of schoolchildren attending elementary and secondary schools in the Kalisz Province and province of the city of Kalisz. The study was conducted in May and June 2009, in a randomly selected representative group of 1,100 boys and girls from classes V and VI of elementary schools, and 1,100 secondary school adolescents aged 16–19 and their parents. The studies of schoolchildren attending elementary and secondary schools were compared with the all-Polish studies of junior high school adolescents in the school year 2006–2007. Results. The respondents most often consumed 3–4 meals; however, as many as 26% of junior high school adolescents and 27% of secondary school adolescents admitted that they consume only one meal daily. The schoolchildren show inadequate nutritional habits concerning an insufficient consumption of fruits, vegetables and fish, in favour of high calorific meals and sweet snacks and drinks. Parents improperly assess the body weight of their children and perceive them as slimmer, which is not confirmed by the BMI value for age and gender. Conclusions. Systematic monitoring and analysis of changes in the health behaviours of adolescents should be a basis for planning health education and promotion programmes. Educational programmes concerning various aspects of health should be implemented in an organized and complementary way, directed not only at schools, but also at entire families and local communities. Knowledge, beliefs, skills and attitudes towards health acquired during the period of adolescence decide about life style in adulthood

    Alcohol consumption in Polish middle and high school pupils-has this rapidly increased during 2009–11?

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    Introduction. The dynamic rise of alcohol consumption in adolescents is a matter of serious concern, requiring frequently updated monitoring. By such means, it is possible to optimise preventative measures for dealing with this problem. Objective. To estimate the magnitude/amount and frequency of alcohol consumed by middle and high school pupils in Poland, including the circumstances when alcohol was first drunk. Materials and Methods. A randomised survey was performed throughout Poland on middle school (junior high school) pupils, (n=9360) in 2009, followed by both middle and high school pupils in 2011 (n=7971). The questionnaire was devised by the Polish Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS). Results. A strikingly sharp increase in alcohol consumption (29%) was observed in subjects between 2009 – 2011. In the latter year, 1 month prior to survey, respectively, 50% and 71% of middle school and high school pupils drank alcohol, and correspondingly, 36% and 63% of these pupils ever became intoxicated/drunk. Conclusions. 1) Adolescent alcohol consumption increases with age and is highest in girls. Monitoring as well as in-depth analysis thus becomes necessary. 2) Systematic monitoring and analysis of changing healthy lifestyle behaviour should be used for taking the necessary corrective action. This should happen concurrently and consist of planned health education programmes, including health promotion