32 research outputs found

    Comment on "Information flow of quantum states interacting with closed timelike curves"

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    We show that recent results on the interaction of causality-respecting particles with particles on closed timelike curves derived in [Phys. Rev. A 82, 062330 (2010)] depend on ambiguous assumption about the form of the state which is inputted into the proposed equivalent circuit. Choosing different form of this state leads to opposite conclusion on the power of closed timelike curves

    Developing the system of collecting, storing and processing information from solar collectors

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    В данной статье представлена новая методика управления системой сбора, хранения и обработки информации от солнечных коллекторов, которая может применяться для обогрева промышленных и бытовых отсеков для горячего водоснабжения. Наиболее выгодное использование солнечных коллекторов в промышленности - замена помех от человека сетями беспроводных датчиков. Стандартная система солнечного коллектора потребляет в среднем 30% тепла из-за плохого управления и конфигурации. Наша система контроля и управления позволяет повысить производительность обогрева производственных и бытовых помещений с помощью солнечного коллектора для горячего водоснабжения

    Developing the system of collecting, storing and processing information from solar collectors

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    В данной статье представлена новая методика управления системой сбора, хранения и обработки информации от солнечных коллекторов, которая может применяться для обогрева промышленных и бытовых отсеков для горячего водоснабжения. Наиболее выгодное использование солнечных коллекторов в промышленности - замена помех от человека сетями беспроводных датчиков. Стандартная система солнечного коллектора потребляет в среднем 30% тепла из-за плохого управления и конфигурации. Наша система контроля и управления позволяет повысить производительность обогрева производственных и бытовых помещений с помощью солнечного коллектора для горячего водоснабжения

    Optimization Model of Adaptive Decision Taking Support System for Distributed Systems Cyber Security Facilities Placement

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    Abstract— An article herein presents an optimization model, designated for computational core of decision-taking support system (DTSS). DTSS is necessary for system analysis and search of optimal versions for cybersecurity facilities placement and information protection of an enterprise or organization distributed computational network (DCN). DTSS and a model allow automize the analysis of information protection and cybersecurity systems in different versions. It is possible to consider, how separate elements, influence at DCN protection factors and their combinations. Offered model, in distinction from existing, has allowed implementing both the principles of information protection equivalency to a concrete threat and a system complex approach to forming a highly effective protection system for DCN. Hereby we have presented the outcomes of computational experiments on selecting the rational program algorithm of implementing the developed optimization model. It has been offered to use genetic algorithm modification (GAM). Based on the offered model, there has been implemented the module for adaptive DTSS. DTSS module might be applied upon designing protected DCN, based on preset architecture and available sets of information protection and cybersecurity systems in the network

    Development of Speaker Voice Identification Using Main Tone Boundary Statistics for Applying To Robot-Verbal Systems

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    Abstract—Hereby there is given the speaker identification basic system. There is discussed application and usage of the voice interfaces, in particular, speaker voice identification upon robot and human being communication. There is given description of the information system for speaker automatic identification according to the voice to apply to robotic-verbal systems. There is carried out review of algorithms and computer-aided learning libraries and selected the most appropriate, according to the necessary criteria, ALGLIB. There is conducted the research of identification model operation performance assessment at different set of the fundamental voice tone. As the criterion of accuracy there has been used the percentage of improperly classified cases of a speaker identification

    Optimization Model of Adaptive Decision Taking Support System for Distributed Systems Cyber Security Facilities Placement

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    Abstract— An article herein presents an optimization model, designated for computational core of decision-taking support system (DTSS). DTSS is necessary for system analysis and search of optimal versions for cybersecurity facilities placement and information protection of an enterprise or organization distributed computational network (DCN). DTSS and a model allow automize the analysis of information protection and cybersecurity systems in different versions. It is possible to consider, how separate elements, influence at DCN protection factors and their combinations. Offered model, in distinction from existing, has allowed implementing both the principles of information protection equivalency to a concrete threat and a system complex approach to forming a highly effective protection system for DCN. Hereby we have presented the outcomes of computational experiments on selecting the rational program algorithm of implementing the developed optimization model. It has been offered to use genetic algorithm modification (GAM). Based on the offered model, there has been implemented the module for adaptive DTSS. DTSS module might be applied upon designing protected DCN, based on preset architecture and available sets of information protection and cybersecurity systems in the network

    Development of Speaker Voice Identification Using Main Tone Boundary Statistics for Applying To Robot-Verbal Systems

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    Abstract—Hereby there is given the speaker identification basic system. There is discussed application and usage of the voice interfaces, in particular, speaker voice identification upon robot and human being communication. There is given description of the information system for speaker automatic identification according to the voice to apply to robotic-verbal systems. There is carried out review of algorithms and computer-aided learning libraries and selected the most appropriate, according to the necessary criteria, ALGLIB. There is conducted the research of identification model operation performance assessment at different set of the fundamental voice tone. As the criterion of accuracy there has been used the percentage of improperly classified cases of a speaker identification


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