30 research outputs found

    Pedagog wobec potrzeb 偶yciowych i spo艂ecznego wsparcia

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    Osoba z niepe艂nosprawno艣ci膮 : zadania edukacji i rehabilitacji : wybrane aspekty analiz

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    Family and the health needs of a child with a disability

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    Rodzina stanowi w przestrzeni 偶yciowej dziecka z niepe艂nosprawno艣ci膮 podstawowe a zarazem niezast膮pione 艣rodowisko rozwoju oraz aktualizowania si臋 jego specyficznych potrzeb zdrowotnych. Jest te偶 cennym 藕r贸d艂em zasob贸w rehabilitacyjnych, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 rozpatrywane w charakterze czynnik贸w warunkuj膮cych efektywno艣膰 leczenia usprawniaj膮cego. Transakcyjny charakter interakcji niepe艂nosprawnego dziecka z jego rodzin膮 wp艂ywa modyfikuj膮co na funkcjonowanie ca艂ego systemu rodzinnego, kt贸rego stabilno艣膰 wymaga w tym przypadku dysponowania przez ni膮 skutecznymi strategiami radzenia sobie z pojawiaj膮cymi si臋 zadaniami natury leczniczej, wychowawczej, emocjonalnej, spo艂ecznej i ekonomicznej. Dysponuj膮 nimi jednak zazwyczaj jedynie rodziny pozytywnie nastawione do tych zada艅, sp贸jne wewn臋trznie oraz posiadaj膮ce niezb臋dne zabezpieczenie materialne. W pozosta艂ych przypadkach zasoby rodziny okazuj膮 si臋 niewystarczaj膮ce, tote偶 wymagaj膮 one pomocy, kt贸rej upatruje si臋 nie tylko w rozwi膮zaniach systemowych ale tak偶e w 艣rodowiskowej sieci spo艂ecznej. Wykorzystywanie zasob贸w spo艂ecznego wsparcia jest wa偶nym czynnikiem kszta艂towania si臋 podmiotowo艣ci rodziny, kt贸ra si臋 wyra偶a 艣wiadomym uczestnictwem rodzic贸w w procesie wychowania, opieki i rehabilitacji dziecka z niepe艂nosprawno艣ci膮.In the life space of a child with a disability the family constitutes the basic and at the same time irreplaceable environment for development and realisation of their particular health needs. It is also a valuable source of rehabilitation resources, which may be considered as factors conditioning the effectiveness of mobility improving treatment. The transactional character of interactions between a child with a disability and its family, is not without effect on the functioning of the entire family system, the stability of which requires it, in this case, to have at its disposal effective strategies for dealing with medical, behavioural, emotional, social and economic challenges. However, in most cases only families with a positive attitude to these challenges, those with internal cohesion and appropriate financial resources do actually have the above at their disposal. In the remaining cases the family resources turn out to be insufficient, and as such require assistance, which is sought not only in systemic solutions but also from the community social network. The use of social support resources is an important factor in the shaping of family empowerment, which expresses itself as a conscious participation of the parents in the processes of upbringing, care and rehabilitation of a child with a disability

    Ethics and deontology in the counselling meeting : from theory to practice

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    This article contains considerations on counselling In the context of how it is situated within ethical and deontological standards. The theoretical concept is an attempt to show the combination of ethics and deontology in the counseling proceedings. For this purpose the authors refer to the specific code of conduct intended for supportive proceedings determined by axiological ethics, normative ethics and deontological issues in their broadest sense, which concerns the liability towards the supported individual. To make the discussion implementable the authors also refer to the practice of counselling intervention as something integrated with ethical proceedings. Therefore, the considerations included herein show that no sort of activity within the area of help and social support can be independent of axiology. This is because each counselor who establishes a specific relationship with the supported person enters the ethical space being more or less aware of this fact

    Social consequences of disability : between exclusion and participation

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    The theoretical basis for the discussed issues are disability studies. Taken considerations relate to the social consequences of disability in the context of the vulnerable human interaction. The article includes a聽 reflection on the sigma as a聽 phenomenon associated with prejudice and generating negative stereotypes, and thus affecting the scope of the exclusion vs participation. The authors also aim at answering the question relating to the possibility of tackling social exclusion through the re-orientation of public polic

    Associations between weather conditions and individual range use by commercial and heritage chickens

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    Ranging area use by domestic poultry is not always optimal and differences in it exist on the levels of breed, flock and individual bird. Outdoor shelters are usually not protective for all weather parameters and may not fulfil a protective role to all birds within the flock all time, if individuals are sensitive to different weather conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between different weather parameters and the use of the range by individual Green-legged Partridge and Sasso C44 chickens. In August 2018, 60 birds per genetic strain were housed in groups of 10 from weeks 5 to 10, under conditions exceeding minimal EU requirements of organic meat chicken production. Birds in each pen had access to an outdoor range that was video-recorded during the experiment to obtain frequencies of individual birds' use of the ranges. Weather data were collected each minute throughout the whole experiment by an automatic weather station. In each pen, birds tagged individually with a laminated color tag, had access to an outdoor range that was video-recorded during the experiment. Frequencies of individual birds' use of the ranges were manually obtained from the recordings. Univariate and multivariate linear regression models were used to investigate the associations between the variables. The results showed significant associations between weather parameters and range use for one third of Green-legged Partridge and Sasso chickens (n=21 in both breeds). Between breeds, range use associations with different weather parameters were identified. Negative associations with relative humidity occurred most frequently in Green-legged Partridges (n=8; R2 from 0.1 to 0.17), while positive associations with atmospheric pressure (n=7; R2 from 0.09 to 0.17) were most common in Sasso chickens. Further investigations into the reasons behind individual sensitivity of meat-purpose chickens to specific weather conditions would increase the understanding of their preferences and needs, which over time will improve animal welfare

    Associations between welfare and ranging profile in free-range commercial and heritage meat-purpose chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)

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    Despite consumers' belief that access to an outdoor range improves chicken welfare, still little is known about whether this is true and whether individual ranging profiles relate to the birds' welfare. The aim of the present study was to identify and compare welfare issues of the traditional broiler hybrid Sasso and the Polish heritage chicken Green-legged Partridge, having outdoor access, and examine if the birds' welfare status was associated with the ranging profile: outdoor-preferring, moderate-outdoor, and indoor-preferring. In August 2018, 60 non-beak trimmed birds per genetic strain were housed in groups of 10 from weeks 5 to 10, under conditions exceeding EU requirements of organic meat chicken production. Each pen had access to an individual outdoor range that was video-recorded continuously to obtain frequencies of individual birds' use of the ranges. Plumage condition, comb pecking wounds, skin injuries, dirtiness, toe damage, eye pathologies, footpad dermatitis, hock burns, respiratory infections, diarrhea, and walking difficulties were assessed at the end of the experiment. Statistical analysis was conducted applying generalized linear mixed models, with binomial distribution and logit link using SAS software, applying breed and ranging profile as fixed factors and their interaction, with pen as random factor. A tendency for more respiratory infections was observed in Sasso birds from each ranging profile, as compared to matching ranging profiles presented by Green-legged Partridges (outdoor-preferring: P = 0.0012; moderate-outdoor: P < 0.0001; and indoor-preferring: P = 0.0247). Indoor-preferring Green-legged Partridges tended to present more respiratory infections, as compared to the 2 other ranging profiles within the breed (outdoor-preferring: P = 0.0291; moderate-outdoor: P = 0.0448). Regardless of the breed, toe damages were more frequent in indoor-preferring birds, as compared to other ranging profiles (P = 0.017). It remains unknown whether the use of outdoor areas prevents development of welfare issues or if birds with a suboptimal welfare condition become indoor-preferring individuals

    Kwestia marginalizacji w pedagogice specjalnej : kontekst dorastania

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    Obszary i struktura kompetencji edukacyjnych w kontek艣cie oddzia艂ywa艅 profilaktyczno-korekcyjnych

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