37 research outputs found

    Addison's Disease Revisited in Poland: Year 2008 versus Year 1990

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    This study aimed at comparing two groups of patients with Addison's disease: A, including 180 patients described in 1991 and B, consisting of 138 patients registered since 1991. The incidence of coexisting autoimmune disorders was evaluated and etiological factors were analyzed. Immunological and imaging studies (computed tomography in group B) were performed. Adrenal autoantibodies were examined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in group A, and by the assay measuring autoantibodies against steroid 21-hydroxylase in group B. Adrenal autoantibodies were revealed in 37% of patients examined by the immunofluorescence method and in 63% investigated by the modern technique. Tuberculosis was found in 52 patients in the group A and in two patients in the group B; metastatic infiltrations of the adrenals in CT were detected in 16 patients. Probable autoimmune Addison's disease was diagnosed in 125/180 patients (69%) in the group A and in 116/138 patients (84%) in the group B

    Subject-specific pulse wave propagation modeling: Towards enhancement of cardiovascular assessment methods.

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Pulse wave analysis (PWA) technique, which reconstructs and analyses aortic pressure waveform based on non-invasive peripheral pressure recording, became an important bioassay for cardiovascular assessment in a general population. The aim of our study was to establish a pulse wave propagation modeling framework capable of matching clinical PWA data from healthy individuals on a per-subject basis. Radial pressure profiles from 20 healthy individuals (10 males, 10 females), with mean age of 42 ± 10 years, were recorded using applanation tonometry (SphygmoCor, AtCor Medical, Australia) and used to estimate subject-specific parameters of mathematical model of blood flow in the system of fifty-five arteries. The model was able to describe recorded pressure profiles with high accuracy (mean absolute percentage error of 1.87 ± 0.75%) when estimating only 6 parameters for each subject. Cardiac output (CO) and stroke volume (SV) have been correctly identified by the model as lower in females than males (CO of 3.57 ± 0.54 vs. 4.18 ± 0.72 L/min with p-value 0.99 and r > 0.97 for systolic (SP) and diastolic (DP) pressures, respectively; r > 0.77 for augmentation index (AI); all p-values < 0.01). Model-predicted central waveforms, however, had higher SP than those reconstructed by PWA using recorded radial waves (5.6 ± 3.3 mmHg on average). From all estimated subject-specific parameters only the time to the peak of heart ejection profile correlated with clinically measured AI. Our study suggests that the proposed model may serve as a tool to computationally investigate virtual patient scenarios mimicking different cardiovascular abnormalities. Such a framework can augment our understanding and help with the interpretation of PWA results

    Patient-specific pulse wave propagation model identifies cardiovascular risk characteristics in hemodialysis patients.

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    Risk of cardiovascular associated death in dialysis patients is the highest among all other co-morbidities. Improving the identification of patients with the highest cardiovascular risk to design an adequate treatment is, therefore, of utmost importance. There are several non-invasive cardiovascular state biomarkers based on the pulse (pressure) wave propagation properties, but their major determinants are not fully understood. In the current study we aimed to provide a framework to precisely dissect the information available in non-invasively recorded pulse wave in hemodialysis patients. Radial pressure wave profiles were recorded before, during and after two independent hemodialysis sessions in 35 anuric prevalent hemodialysis patients and once in a group of 32 healthy volunteers. Each recording was used to estimate six subject-specific parameters of pulse wave propagation model. Pressure profiles were also analyzed using SphygmoCor software (AtCor Medical, Australia) to derive values of already established biomarkers, i.e. augmentation index and sub-endocardial viability ratio (SEVR). Data preprocessing using propensity score matching allowed to compare hemodialysis and healthy groups. Augmentation index remained on average stable at 142 ± 28% during dialysis and had similar values in both considered groups. SEVR, whose pre-dialytic value was on average lower by 12% compared to healthy participants, was improved by hemodialysis, with post-dialytic values indistinguishable from those in healthy population (p-value > 0.2). The model, however, identified that the patients on hemodialysis had significantly increased stiffness of both large and small arteries compared to healthy counterparts (> 60% before dialysis with p-value < 0.05 or borderline) and that it was only transiently decreased during hemodialysis session. Additionally, correlation-based clustering revealed that augmentation index reflects the shape of heart ejection profile and SEVR is associated with stiffness of larger arteries. Patient-specific pulse wave propagation modeling coupled with radial pressure profile recording correctly identified increased arterial stiffness in hemodialysis patients, while regular pulse wave analysis based biomarkers failed to show significant differences. Further model testing in larger populations and investigating other biomarkers are needed to confirm these findings

    Impact of hemodialysis on cardiovascular system assessed by pulse wave analysis.

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    Valuable information about cardiovascular system can be derived from the shape of aortic pulse wave being the result of reciprocal interaction between heart and vasculature. Pressure profiles in ascending aorta were obtained from peripheral waveforms recorded non-invasively (SphygmoCor, AtCor Medical, Australia) before, during and after hemodialysis sessions performed after 3-day and 2-day interdialytic intervals in 35 anuric, prevalent hemodialysis patients. Fluid status was assessed by Body Composition Monitor (Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany) and online hematocrit monitoring device (CritLine, HemaMetrics, Utah). Systolic pressure and ejection duration decreased during dialysis. Augmentation index remained stable at 30 ± 13% throughout hemodialysis session despite the decrease of augmented pressure and pulse height. Subendocardial viability ratio (SEVR) determined after 3-day and 2-day interdialytic intervals increased during the sessions by 43.8 ± 26.6% and 26.1 ± 25.4%, respectively. Hemodialysis performed after 3-day and 2-day interdialytic periods reduced significantly overhydration by 2.4 ± 1.0 L and 1.8 ± 1.2 L and blood volume by 16.3 ± 9.7% and 13.7 ± 8.9%, respectively. Intradialytic increase of SEVR correlated with ultrafiltration rate (R = 0.39, p-value < 0.01), reduction in overhydration (R = -0.57, p-value < 0.001) and blood volume drop (R = -0.38, p-value < 0.01). The strong correlation between the decrease of overhydration during hemodialysis and increase in SEVR confirmed that careful fluid management is crucial for proper cardiac function. Hemodialysis affected cardiovascular system with the parameters derived from pulse-wave-analysis (systolic and augmented pressures, pulse height, ejection duration, SEVR) being significantly different at the end of dialysis from those before the session. Combination of pulse-wave-analysis with the monitoring of overhydration provides a new insight into the impact of hemodialysis on cardiovascular system

    Quantification of Dialytic Removal and Extracellular Calcium Mass Balance during a Weekly Cycle of Hemodialysis.

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    The removal of calcium during hemodialysis with low calcium concentration in dialysis fluid is generally slow, and the net absorption of calcium from dialysis fluid is often reported. The details of the calcium transport process during dialysis and calcium mass balance in the extracellular fluid, however, have not been fully studied.Weekly cycle of three dialysis sessions with interdialytic breaks of 2-2-3 days was monitored in 25 stable patients on maintenance hemodialysis with calcium concentration in dialysis fluid of 1.35 mmol/L. Total and ionic calcium were frequently measured in blood and dialysate. The volume of fluid compartments was measured by bioimpedance.Weekly dialytic removal of 12.79 ± 8.71 mmol calcium was found in 17 patients, whereas 9.48 ± 8.07 mmol calcium was absorbed per week from dialysis fluid in 8 patients. Ionic calcium was generally absorbed from dialysis fluid, whereas complexed calcium (the difference of total and ionic calcium in dialysis fluid) was removed from the body. The concentration of total calcium in plasma increased slightly during dialysis. The mass of total and ionic calcium in extracellular fluid decreased during dialysis in patients with the dialytic removal of calcium from the body and did not change in patients with the absorption of calcium from dialysis fluid.We conclude that about one third of patients on dialysis with calcium 1.35 mmol/L in dialysis fluid may absorb calcium from dialysis fluid and therefore individual prescriptions of calcium concentration in dialysis fluid should be considered for such patients

    <i>MMP9</i> Gene Polymorphism (rs3918242) Increases the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Patients

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    Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) C(-1562)T gene polymorphism has been considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Our study aimed to evaluate the association between this polymorphism and CVD in diabetes patients. The genotyping was performed in 740 patients with T2DM and 400 healthy subjects. A significant difference in the polymorphism distribution was revealed between patients and controls. The T allele and TT homozygote were associated with increased risk of diabetes (OR 1.88, p p = 0.0002, respectively). The comparison between CVD+ and CVD− subgroups showed a much higher frequency of the T allele in patients with CVD (OR 2.87, 95% CI 2.14–3.85, p p = 0.0015). The carrier genotypes (CT/TT) were correlated with HDL levels in both CVD+ and CVD− subgroups (p p MMP-9 C(-1562)T polymorphism and an increased risk of CVD in T2DM. If replicated in other studies, it could be considered a genetic marker for predicting risk of T2DM and its cardiovascular comorbidity

    Hemodialysis-induced changes in hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein: Implications for relative blood volume monitoring.

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    BackgroundRelative blood volume (RBV) changes during hemodialysis (HD) are typically estimated based on online measurements of hematocrit, hemoglobin or total blood protein. The aim of this study was to assess changes in the above parameters during HD in order to compare the potential differences in the RBV changes estimated by individual methods.Methods25 anuric maintenance HD patients were monitored during a 1-week conventional HD treatment. Blood samples were collected from the arterial dialysis blood line at the beginning and at the end of each HD session. The analysis of blood samples was performed using the hematology analyzer Advia 2120 and clinical chemistry analyzer Advia 1800 (Siemens Healthcare).ResultsDuring the analyzed 30 HD sessions with ultrafiltration in the range 0.7-4.0 L (2.5 ± 0.8 L) hematocrit (HCT) increased by 9.1 ± 7.0% (mean ± SD), hemoglobin (HGB) increased by 10.6 ± 6.3%, total plasma protein (TPP) increased by 15.6 ± 9.5%, total blood protein (TBP) increased by 10.4 ± 5.8%, red blood cell count (RBC) increased by 10.8 ± 7.1%, while mean corpuscular red cell volume (MCV) decreased by 1.5 ± 1.1% (all changes statistically significant, p ConclusionsTracking HGB or TBP can be treated as equivalent for the purpose of estimating RBV changes during HD. Due to the reduction of MCV, the HCT-based estimate of RBV changes may underestimate the actual blood volume changes

    Features of the pulse wave in ascending aorta.

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    <p>Superposition of forward and reflected pressure waves results in certain amount of augmented pressure, with a characteristic inflection point located to the left of pressure peak in elderly subjects. In younger subjects inflection point is typically found to the right of pressure peak, what results in negative values of augmented pressure.</p

    Pearson correlation coefficients between model-estimated parameters (see Table 3) and demographic/clinical participants characteristics (see Table 1).

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    <p>Pearson correlation coefficients between model-estimated parameters (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0190972#pone.0190972.t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>) and demographic/clinical participants characteristics (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0190972#pone.0190972.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>).</p