3 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Magnetic Field in a Linear Magnetized Plasma by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy

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    Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) is a commonly used technique to measure the temperature and density of atoms or molecules in a gas. In this work, we demonstrate that the TDLAS diagnostics could be effectively applied to measure the magnetic field in a low-density weakly magnetized plasma using the Zeeman splitting of the absorption spectrum of lines from noble gases. The laser wavelength is tailored to fit the 1s5→2p6 transition of atomic Ar with the wavelength λ=763.51nm . Two mechanisms of line broadening and splitting are observed: Doppler broadening and Zeeman effect. The latter is especially pronounced by applying polarization-selective observation of the absorption to the TDLAS measurements. By fitting the σ and π components of the absorption spectrum, the line-integrated magnetic field on the order of 30–50 mT is determined. The agreement between the measured values and the vacuum field (neglecting the impact of the plasma) calculations on the axis of the PSI-2 is found to be about 15–20

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for helium detection in beryllium coatings

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    Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) method is considered to be a promising tool for analyzing the retention of hydrogen isotopes (D and T) and helium (He) on the first walls and divertor regions of future fusion reactors. Helium will be produced in DT reactions but could also be used in the initial non-nuclear phases of DEMO concepts. The present study investigates the He detection by LIBS method in the Be coatings simulating the deposits on the divertor plasma-facing components of JET while the results are also relevant for He detection in the deposits of other wall materials. The study was carried out in a vacuum vessel filled with 2–40 mbar argon background gas. It was shown that 2.8 at. % of He was confidently detectable by LIBS at optimized measurement conditions and the estimated limit of detection at used experimental conditions is approximately 0.7 at. %. The intensity of the He emission line at 587.56 nm was the strongest at the center of the laser-induced plasma plume. The He line intensity increased with the pressure of Ar gas but the broadening of the He line and the increase of the background emission and noise set an upper limit to the Ar background pressure usable for He detection. The application of the calibration-free LIBS procedure resulted in the overestimation of the He/Be ratio by several orders of magnitude. The overestimation can be explained by the deviation of LIBS plasma from the local thermodynamic equilibrium, which is caused by the very high excitation energy of He atoms

    Recent progress in L-H transition studies at JET: Tritium, Helium, Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We present an overview of results from a series of L-II transition experiments undertaken at JET since the installation of the ITER-like-wall (JET-ILW), with beryllium wall tiles and a tungsten divertor. Tritium, helium and deuterium plasmas have been investigated. Initial results in tritium show ohmic L-H transitions at low density and the power threshold for the L-H transition (P-LH) is lower in tritium plasmas than in deuterium ones at low densities, while we still lack contrasted data to provide a scaling at high densities. In helium plasmas there is a notable shift of the density at which the power threshold is minimum ((n) over bar (e,min)) to higher values relative to deuterium and hydrogen references. Above (n) over bar (e,min) (He) the L-H power threshold at high densities is similar for D and He plasmas. Transport modelling in slab geometry shows that in helium neoclassical transport competes with interchange-driven transport, unlike in hydrogen isotopes. Measurements of the radial electric field in deuterium plasmas show that E-r shear is not a good indicator of proximity to the L-H transition. Transport analysis of ion heat flux in deuterium plasmas show a non-linearity as density is decreased below (n) over bar (e,min). Lastly, a regression of the JET-ILW deuterium data is compared to the 2008 ITPA scaling law