25 research outputs found

    Nowa struktura rynku telekomunikacyjnego - nowe podmioty, nowe zachowania. Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2001, nr 3-4

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    Omówiono kwestie wynikające z powstania takich nowych typów podmiotów, jak: operatorzy operatorów, giełdy telekomunikacyjne i izby rozliczeniowe. Podano informacje dotyczące rynku globalnego, a przede wszystkim spadku cen i wzrostu przepływności transmisji. Zasygnalizowano również niektóre zjawiska związane z modyfikacją tradycyjnych łańcuchów wartości dodanej w sektorze telekomunikacyjnym

    Observations on hearing preservation in patients with hybrid-L electrode implanted at Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland

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    The objective of the paper is to evaluate the hearing preservation rate in patients with high frequency hearing loss, treated with Cochlear Nucleus Freedom Hybrid-L implant in the Otolaryngology Department, Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland. Study was designed as the retrospective analysis. Twenty-one patients were operated and implanted with Nucleus Freedom Hybrid-L implant. Pure tone thresholds were recorded prior to the surgery and at the time of speech processor switch-on. Patients were subdivided into two groups with respect to their PTA thresholds: group A—classic indications and group B—extended indications. Average PTA for three frequencies (250, 500, 1,000 Hz) were calculated for each patient pre- and postoperatively. In the group of 21 implanted patients in 17 cases we have observed preservation of hearing (12 patients from group A, 5 patients from group B) with a mean value of 13.1 dB. In 4 out of 21 patients deafness on the implanted ear was noted. Our results clearly indicate that with standard procedure hearing preservation can be obtained in majority of patients. Hearing preservation was not achieved in 19 %, but owing to design of the electrode of the Cochlear Nucleus Hybrid-L that enables to work as CI platform alone, in patients who lost their hearing after surgery re-implantations were not required. This proves that EAS is a safe and reliable method to help patients with specific type of hearing loss

    Risk factors of pelvic organ prolapsed in women qualified to reconstructive surgery – the Polish multicenter study

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    To evaluate the prevalence rate of various pelvic floor disorders among patients treated in 8 academic centers in Poland due to pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Results: The mean age of affected women with POP was 61,25 years (median 61), and mean BMI – 27.62 (median – 27.29). 80% of women were menopausal. Mean time of symptoms related to disease was 65,6 months; whereas the time relapsed from first doctor diagnosis of POP to hospital admission was 50.6 months. 97.4% affected women were multiparous. Only 1.21% women with POP were nulliparous. Family history of prolapse was found in 13.4% of patients, whereas familial positive history of urinary incontinence was 10%. Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) among the analyzed group were as follows: frequency – almost 50%, urgency 32.2%, feeling of improper voiding – 29,6% and voiding difficulty – 17.7%. Functional disorders of lower bowel were found in 43% of patients and the most prevalent symptom was constipation (31%), followed by empting difficulty (12%), dyschesia (9%), and urge stool empting (7.7%). Cardiovascular diseases were found among 43% of respondents, whereas pulmonary diseases with chronic coughing were present in 20% of the analyzed population. Subjective POP symptoms reported by women were as follows: feeling of heaviness in lower abdomen – 37.8%, perineal pain – 27.8%, lumbosacral pain – 34.2%, and abdominal pain – 28.4%. Female sexual disorders were reported by 9,8% women and dyspareunia was found in 7.6% of responders. POP was the main reason for sexual abstinence only in 1 out of 10 patients. More than 30% of patients from the study group underwent previously pelvic surgery due to various reasons. POP related quality of life measured by VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) was 61.4 points (median – 60). The most common finding during gynecological examination was cystocele – 96.5%, followed by rectoenterocele – 92.7%, and central defect – 79%. Mean POP quantification was stage III in POP-Q scale. LUTS symptoms (urinary incontinence, urgency and voiding difficulties) were present among 81% of patients whereas lower gastrointestinal disorders (constipation, fecal incontinence, dyschesia) were found in 43% of women affected by POP

    Vacuolar organization in the nodule parenchyma is important for the functioning of pea root nodules

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    Different models have been proposed to explain the operation of oxygen diffusion barrier in root nodules of leguminous plants. This barrier participates in protection of oxygen-sensitive nitrogenase, the key enzyme in nitrogen fixation, from inactivation. Details concerning structural and biochemical properties of the barrier are still lacking. Here, the properties of pea root nodule cortical cells were examined under normal conditions and after shoot removal. Microscopic observations, including neutral red staining and epifluorescence investigations, showed that the inner and outer nodule parenchyma cells exhibit different patterns of the central vacuole development. In opposition to the inner part, the outer parenchyma cells exhibited vacuolar shrinkage and formed cell wall infoldings. Shoot removal induced vacuolar shrinkage and formation of infoldings in the inner parenchyma and uninfected cells of the symbiotic tissue, as well. It is postulated that cells which possess shrinking vacuoles are sensitive to the external osmotic pressure. The cells can give an additional resistance to oxygen diffusion by release of water to the intercellular spaces

    Structural bases for effectivity of bacteroidal tissue in pea root nodules formed by effective or ineffective bacteria strain

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    The performed comparison included changes in volume and surface area of the chosen cellular structures during the development of the effective and ineffective bacteroidal tissue of pea root nodules. It has been noted that the increase of the volume of the infected cell in effective nodules is associated with the increase of the volume of vacuome, symbiosomes and cystol while in ineffective bacteroidal tissue with the increase of the starch volume and to a lesser degree symbiosomes and cytosol volumes. In turn, the volume increase of uninfected cells in effective bacteroidal tissue is associated with the volume increase of vacuome and cystol and in case of ineffective nodules with the increase of the volumes of cystol, starch, and to a lesser degree, vacuome. This data point to the disturbances in the vacuolation process of infected and uninfected cells in ineffective bacteroidal tissue. In effective symbiosis the volume of vacuome and peribacteroidal spaces in the infected cells change in the dependent way that stresses common features of these two compartments. It has also been observed that the surface area and/or volume of such infected cell compartments as plastids, mitochondria, symbiosomes and cystol change in a more co-ordinated way during the development of the effective than ineffective bacteroidal tissue. All these facts create a basis for discussion about the role of particular compartments in the functioning of bacteroidal tissue

    Some new aspects of the pea (Pisum sativum L.) root nodule ultrastructure

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    Unequal cell divisions were observed in the meristem of pea root nodule. Since after such divisions only the bigger cells become infected then those divisions play a significant role in the formation of the three-dimensional structure of the bacteroidal tissue. In the infected cells of the young ineffective bacteroidal tissue the first host reaction to the incompatibility of the symbiotic system is the RER membranes aggregation. In effective symbiosis RER membranes form permanent sites of contact with the peribacteroidal membranes thus connecting all the symbiosoms in the cell. Possibly that ensures the synchronisation of the differentiation processes of the bacteroids and/or their simultaneous degeneration. The presence of membraneous structures in the form of rings is a characteristic feature of effective bacteroids. It is postulated that the structures are directly connected with nitrogen assimilation. Structures X and Y which are present in the bacteroids of the effective and ineffective symbiosis may be connected with the adaptation of bacterial cells to lowered oxygen pressure in bacteroidal tissue and their transformation (structures X) into bacteroids. The presence of the cytoplasm (or cytoplasmatic remnants) of the infected cells was observed in the intercellular spaces. It is sugested that it is a way, so far unknown, of the gas diffusion regulation in bacteroidal tissue

    L' offre et la demande des e-competences des employes en Pologne - une approche d'estimation

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    Parler des compétences des travailleurs conduit à évoquer les besoins, lacunes ou incompétences qui proviennent de l'utilisation des technologies de communication électronique. Paralèllement, les changements sur le marché du travail polonais indiquent que le travail mental non routinier prend une place de plus en plus importante. Compte tenu de l'importance et de l'impact des /incompétences /dans le travail effectué dans différents groupes professionnels, on peut déjà observer une lacune évidente, à la fois de nature cognitive et sociale

    Localization of acid phosphatase activity in the apoplast of root nodules of pea (Pisum sativum)

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    Changes in the activity of acid phosphatase (AcPase) in the apoplast of pea root nodule were investigated. The activity was determined using lead and cerium methods. The results indicated a following sequence of AcPase activity appearance during the development of the infection thread: 1) low AcPase activity appears in the outer part of cells of symbiotic bacteria; 2) bacteria show increased AcPase activity, and the enzyme activity appears in the thread walls; 3) activity exhibits also matrix of the infection thread; 4) bacteria just before their release from the infection threads show high AcPase activity; 5) AcPase activity ceases after bacteria transformation into bacteroids. The increase in bacterial AcPase activity may reflect a higher demand for inorganic phosphorus necessary for propagation of the bacteria within the infection threads and/or involved in bacteria release from the infection threads