14 research outputs found

    Assessment of ship manoeuvring safety in waterway systems by relative navigational risk

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    The safety of vessels navigating in the sea waterway system is ensured by fulfilling the acceptable restrictions called safe ship operation conditions in that system. The assessment of navigation safety is particularly important when the conditions for safe operation of ships in the waterway system are changed concerns increasing the maximum parameters of vessels, increasing the allowable hydrometeorological conditions or changing the minimum tug assistance. The article presents a method for assessing navigation safety when the conditions for the safe operation of vessels in the waterway system get changed. The method uses two indicators, which are difference in navigation risks and relative navigation risk. To determine the navigational risk, algorithms were developed for calculating the probability of accidents caused by the deterioration of navigation conditions and technical failure of ship equipment and tugs. Another algorithm was developed for calculating the consequences of the accidents that involve blocking a waterway by a ship anchoring in an emergency, grounding, impact of the ship against a port structure or moored ship and a collision with another ship in motion. The method developed for assessing navigation safety by means of relative navigation risk can be used in practice when changing the conditions for safe operation of vessels in the waterway system and when the system is modernized. Navigational safety management is a decision process that is implemented in the loop presented in the article. The acceptable risk is determined on the basis of vessel traffic intensity and ship parameters defined by safe operation conditions for a given waterway system. Relative navigational risk may be used in assessment and comparison of various conditions of safe ship operation. The probability of an accident caused by ship's moving outside the available navigable area due to technical failures of ship equipment or tugs is determined, depending on the type of port waterway and the manoeuvres performed

    Use of the port community system in sustainable ship-generated waste management

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    PURPOSE: The main objective of the paper is to present the possibilities of using the Port Community System (PCS) as an integrated IT system in the area of ship-generated waste management in the context of sustainable circular economy in seaports.PROJECT/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research carried out enabled the development of a model for ship-generated waste management in seaports using the PSC IT system. Such measures should contribute to the protection and improvement of the status of the environment, as well as result in measurable economic benefits in the future.FINDINGS: The PCS IT system presented in this paper enables sustainable waste management encompassing the circular economy approach. This platform optimises, manages, automates and improves the performance of a range of port processes through a single submission of data, connecting them in a coherent system and reducing the administrative burden.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The PCS-based module to ship-generated waste management have been identified a continuous ship monitoring with regards to waste, provision of thorough control over waste movement (system tightening up), transparent information overview (permanent view of all activity stages). This interactive collaboration tool allows for optimal cooperation between port companies and European Union seaports.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Considering the concept of circular economy, which offers a great opportunity to improve business processes, a waste management model with the PCS may serve as the basis for the development of logistics chains for waste and for the elimination of undesirable incidents caused by poor management practices with respect to ship-generated waste and cargo residues in ports.peer-reviewe

    Analysis and evaluation of the use of LNG as a fuel in the Polish road transport in terms of minimizing energy losses

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    This study characterizes the distribution chain of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Poland, using the terminal in Świnoujście as the “source of LNG”. The focus is primarily on the possibility of LNG distribution for road transport, taking into account the effective use of its energy potential. During the transport and storage of LNG it was found that the evaporation of LNG, the so-called boil-off gas (BOG), is a significant problem that leads to an increased pressure in the tank. Therefore, the possibility of using BOG in individual links of the LNG supply chain is indicated. One prospect is its compression to high pressure, which produces compressed natural gas (CNG) fuels. Thus, this paper specifies the influence of the initial BOG gas pressure on the unit compression work and analyses the change in the compression unit work, which depends on the final CNG fuel pressure, with a specific assumption for the BOG pressure

    Methods for Optimization of Sea Waterway Systems and their Application

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    This paper presents developed optimization methods for sea waterway systems. Objective function of optimization of sea waterway systems have been formulated and its detail form for fairways has been determined. Three probabilistic methods for determining safe bed-breadth of fairway are described. Limitations of the presented methods are also discussed. The developed optimization methods for sea waterway systems have been applied to determine parameters of a modernized fairway between Świnoujście and Szczecin as well as its navigation system

    Assessment of ship manoeuvring safety in waterway systems by relative navigational risk

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    The safety of vessels navigating in the sea waterway system is ensured by fulfilling the acceptable restrictions called safe ship operation conditions in that system. The assessment of navigation safety is particularly important when the conditions for safe operation of ships in the waterway system are changed concerns increasing the maximum parameters of vessels, increasing the allowable hydrometeorological conditions or changing the minimum tug assistance. The article presents a method for assessing navigation safety when the conditions for the safe operation of vessels in the waterway system get changed. The method uses two indicators, which are difference in navigation risks and relative navigation risk. To determine the navigational risk, algorithms were developed for calculating the probability of accidents caused by the deterioration of navigation conditions and technical failure of ship equipment and tugs. Another algorithm was developed for calculating the consequences of the accidents that involve blocking a waterway by a ship anchoring in an emergency, grounding, impact of the ship against a port structure or moored ship and a collision with another ship in motion. The method developed for assessing navigation safety by means of relative navigation risk can be used in practice when changing the conditions for safe operation of vessels in the waterway system and when the system is modernized. Navigational safety management is a decision process that is implemented in the loop presented in the article. The acceptable risk is determined on the basis of vessel traffic intensity and ship parameters defined by safe operation conditions for a given waterway system. Relative navigational risk may be used in assessment and comparison of various conditions of safe ship operation. The probability of an accident caused by ship's moving outside the available navigable area due to technical failures of ship equipment or tugs is determined, depending on the type of port waterway and the manoeuvres performed

    Dimensions οf inland ships in relation to the parameters of waterways : the case of Poland

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    PURPOSE: The article focuses on the analysis of the relation between the guaranteed parameters of the waterway and the dimensions of the inland ships. This article focuses on the consideration of how the change of the allowable ship draft affects the value of the efficiency index.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: In this way, it was obtained that the transport efficiency is linearly dependent on the draft of the vessel, so if, despite the possibility of loading the vessel into allowable draft, it is impossible due to the parameters of the waterways, the overall transport efficiency may decrease to a greater extent. Changes in load capacity is another factor influencing the effectiveness of the use of inland ships in the conditions of their operation on Polish inland waterways.FINDINGS: The study analyzes the impact of this parameter on the shipowners decisions regarding investment in fleet maintenance.PRACTICAL IMPLICATION: The results of the research will help to achieve the means of water transport to the limited ones in the way of natural or technical parameters of the infrastructure of Polish waters.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The results of the research complement the current knowledge on matching the parameters of specific inland vessels that provide services on a given route with the parameters of inland waterways, taking into account the dynamics of occurring negative changes on Polish waterways.The publication was financed by a subsidy for the Faculty of Navigation of Maritime University of Szczecin for the maintenance and development of research potential.peer-reviewe

    Assessment of Explosion Safety Status within the Area of an LNG Terminal in a Function of Selected Parameters

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    This paper examines the issues of designing optimization tasks with the objective of ensuring the safety and continuation of transportation processes. Modelling the processes that are a consequence of a breakdown is a crucial issue enabling an increase of safety at selected stages of transport. This paper elaborates on the matter of modelling hazardous situations resulting from an uncontrolled LNG release due to a crash or damage to a ship’s hull. This paper demonstrates subsequent stages of modelling along with theoretical assumptions and finally it presents the results of simulation calculations for various scenarios of LNG releases. The article shows the complexity of modelling at a time when variable atmospheric conditions occur, which hinder the planning of rescue operations in the event of an uncontrolled LNG release into the atmosphere. It needs to be remembered that making decisions in critical situations and developing proper procedures at a time when people’s lives are at risk or in the face of an environmental pollution incident constitutes one of the most significant components of effective management in transport. Two LNG release scenarios are presented in this article: catastrophic rupture and leak, for which danger zone dimensions were calculated. Simulations were conducted with the use of a tool called Phast ver. 8.23 for LNG. Calculations were made in a function of variable weather conditions and for two values of Pasquill coefficients

    Maximum Safe Parameters of Outbound Loaded Vessels for Wind Turbine Installation

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    A paper presents problems related to the safe operation of wind turbine installation vessels in port waterways. It presents a developed method for determining maximum safe lengths of blades of wind turbines loaded transversely on a jack-up vessel leaving a given port. In this method, the safety criterion for navigation is the acceptable risk of accidents, whose scenarios are determined by the identification of hazards in the studied waterway. Based on this safety criterion, the confidence level of the width of the safe maneuvering area of the loaded jack-up vessel and the maximum safe lengths of the transversely loaded wind turbine blades, respectively, are determined

    Koncepcja modelu łańcucha dostaw ładunków agro z wykorzystaniem żeglugi śródlądowej w aspekcie zapewnienia niezawodności systemu transportowego

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    Making transport sentences requires taking into account many external and internal factors dependent on changes taking place on the shipping market. The place, time and type of transported cargo, etc., have an impact on the complexity of the transport system structure, which is why it is important to explore the possibilities and create transport optimization models throughout the entire cargo supply chain and analyze issues related to their organization, which affects the safety and reliability of this type of systems. The aim of the article is to present and analyze the concept of the agro cargo supply chain model using inland navigation, in the relations between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany on the example of the Capital Group OT Logistics S.A. (OTL SA Capital Group). Taking into account the complexity and structure of transport tasks, it is important to look for optimal solutions in the field of transport. Each supply chain model includes only certain selected factors that have a limited impact on the volatility of the transport. It is not possible to build a model that would fully recreate the behavior of the object, with all possible external influences. The article considers the optimization model of inland wheat transport to final consumers, which predicts a constant demand for cereal loads in certain time segments. This model does not provide any rapid domestic fluctuations in demand for wheat at certain time intervals.Wykonywanie zdań przewozowych wymaga uwzględnienia wielu czynników zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych zależnych od zmian zachodzących na rynku żeglugowym. Miejsce, czas i rodzaj transportowanego ładunku itp. mają wpływ na złożoność struktury systemów transportowych, przez co istotne jest badanie możliwości i tworzenie modeli optymalizacji przewozów w całym łańcuchu dostaw ładunków oraz analiza zagadnień związanych z ich organizacją, co wpływa na bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność tego typu systemów. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i analiza koncepcji modelu łańcucha dostaw ładunków agro, z wykorzystaniem żeglugi śródlądowej, w relacjach Polska – Niemcy na przykładzie Grupy Kapitałowej OT Logistics S.A. (GK OTL SA). Biorąc pod uwagę złożoność i strukturę zadań przewozowych istotne jest poszukiwanie optymalnych rozwiązań w zakresie funkcjonowania transportu z uwzględnieniem aspektów bezpieczeństwa i niezawodności. Każdy model łańcucha dostaw uwzględnia tylko pewne wybrane czynniki, które mają ograniczony wpływ na zmienność przewozu. Nie jest możliwe zbudowanie modelu, który w pełni odtworzyłby zachowanie obiektu, przy wszelkich możliwych oddziaływaniach zewnętrznych. W artykule rozpatrzono model optymalizacji śródlądowych przewozów pszenicy do odbiorców końcowych, który przewiduje stały popyt na ładunki zbożowe w określonych odcinkach Model ten nie przewiduje gwałtownych wewnątrzkrajowych wahań popytu na pszenicę w określonych odcinkach czasowych

    Analiza napędu śródlądowych jednostek pływających według kryterium efektywności, ekologii i bezpieczeństwa

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    The paper analyses the propulsion systems of inland waterway vessels according to the criteria of economic efficiency, ecology and safety. The professional experience of the authors and their expert knowledge indicate that always the increase of safety level as well as ecological solutions are realized at the expense of economic efficiency. Therefore, arguing for the result of such analysis, the features of water bodies, port infrastructure and elements which should influence the selection of propulsion systems, features of various types of power and fuels with their energy value guaranteeing the swimming range were described. Types of propulsion systems were characterized and a model of selection of propulsion system to the type of sailing was presented. The analysis presented in the article is necessary for a reliable assessment of the accuracy of the selection of the propulsion system for the actual conditions of operation of sea and inland waterway vessels, i.e. for the type of the vessel and its suitability to perform operational tasks on specific waterways.W artykule dokonano analizy napędów śródlądowych jednostek pływających we-dług kryteriów efektywności, ekologii i bezpieczeństwa. Doświadczenie zawodowe autorów i ich wiedza ekspercka wskazują, że zawsze wzrost poziomu bezpieczeństwa jak i rozwiązania ekologiczne realizowane są kosztem efektywności. Dlatego też, argumentując wynik takiej analizy opisano cechy akwenów, infrastruktury portowej oraz elementy, które powinny mieć wpływ na dobór napędów, cechy energii zasilającej i paliw z ich wartością energetyczną gwarantującą zasięg pływania. Scharakteryzowano typy napędów oraz przedstawiono model doboru napędu do typu żeglugi. Analiza przed-stawiona w artykule jest niezbędna do rzetelnej oceny trafności doboru napędu do rzeczywistych warunków eksploatacji jednostek pływających, czyli do typu jednostki oraz jej zdatności do wykonania zadań eksploatacyjnych na określonych akwenach