8 research outputs found

    Coexpression of Kit and the receptors for erythropoietin, interleukin 6 and GM-CSF on hemopoietic cells

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    The detection of functional growth factor (GF) receptors on subpopulations of hemopoietic cells may provide a further dissection of immature cell subsets. Since little information is available about coexpression of different GF receptors at the level of single hemopoietic cells, we studied the feasibility of simultaneous cell staining with a combination of biotin- and digoxigenin-labeled GFs for flow cytometric detection of functional receptors. Using this methodology, coexpression of Kit and receptors for erythropoietin (EPO), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and GM-CSF on hemopoietic cells was studied by triple-staining of rhesus monkey bone marrow (BM) cells with labeled GFs and antibodies against other cell surface markers. Most of the immature, CD34+2 cells were Kit+ but did not display detectable levels of EPO-receptors (EPO-Rs) or GM-CSF-R. Approximately 60% of these CD34+2/Kit+ cells coexpressed the IL-6-R, demonstrating that immature cells are heterogeneous with respect to IL-6-R expression. Maturation of monomyeloid progenitors, as demonstrated by decreasing CD34 and increasing CD11b expression, is accompanied by a decline of Kit and an increase in GM-CSF-R expression in such a way that Kit+/GM-CSF-R+ cells are hardly detectable. IL-6-R expression is maintained or even increased during monomyeloid differentiation. IL-6-R and GM-CSF-R were not identified on most CD71+2 cells, which indicated that these receptors are probably not expressed during erythroid differentiation. Together with previous results, our data show that both Kit and CD71 are upregulated with erythroid commitment of immature progenitors. Upon further differentiation, Kit+/EPO-R-cells lose CD34 and acquire EPO-R. Maturing erythroid cells eventually lose CD71 and Kit expression but retain the EPO-R. In conclusion, this approach enables further characterization of the specificity of GFs for different bone marrow subpopulations. Apart from insight into the differentiation stages on which individual GFs may act, information about receptor coexpression may be used to identify individual cells that can respond to multiple GFs, and allows for further characterization of the regulation of lineage-specific differentiation

    Facilitated engraftment of human hematopoietic cells in severe combined immunodeficient mice following a single injection of Cl²MDP liposomes

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    Transplantation of normal and malignant human hematopoietic cells into severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice allows for evaluation of long-term growth abilities of these cells and provides a preclinical model for therapeutic interventions. However, large numbers of cells are required for successful engraftment in preirradiated mice due to residual graft resistance, that may be mediated by cells from the mononuclear phagocytic system. Intravenous (i.v.) injection of liposomes containing dichloromethylene diphosphonate (Cl2MDP) may eliminate mouse macrophages in spleen and liver. In this study outgrowth of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells and umbilical cord blood (UCB) cells in SCID mice conditioned with a single i.v. injection of Cl2MDP liposomes in addition to sublethal total body irradiation (TBI) was compared to outgrowth of these cells in SCID mice that had received TBI alone. A two- to 10-fold increase in outgrowth of AML cells was observed in four cases of AML. Administration of 107 UCB cells reproducibly engrafted SCID mice that had been conditioned with Cl2MDP liposomes and TBI, whereas human cells were not detected in mice conditioned with TBI alone. As few as 2 x 104 purified CD34+ UCB cells engrafted in all mice treated with Cl2MDP liposomes. In SCID mice treated with macrophage depletion unexpected graft failures were not observed. Histological examination of the spleen showed that TBI and Cl2MDP liposomes i.v. resulted in a transient elimination of all macrophage subsets in the spleen, whereas TBI had a minor effect. Cl2MDP liposomes were easy to use and their application was not associated with appreciable side-effects. Cl2MDP liposome pretreatment in combination with TBI allows for reproducible outgrowth of high numbers of human hematopoietic cells in SCID mice

    The efficacy of recombinant thrombopoietin in murine and nonhuman primate models for radiation-induced myelosuppression and stem cell transplantation

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    Radiation-induced pancytopenia proved to be a suitable model system in mice and rhesus monkeys for studying thrombopoietin (TPO) target cell range and efficacy. TPO was highly effective in rhesus monkeys exposed to the mid-lethal dose of 5 Gy (300 kV x-rays) TBI, a model in which it alleviated thrombocytopenia, promoted red cell reconstitution, accelerated reconstitution of immature CD34+ bone marrow cells, and potentiated the response to growth factors such as GM-CSF and G-CSF. In contrast to the results in the 5 Gy TBI model, TPO was ineffective following transplantation of limited numbers of autologous bone marrow or highly purified stem cells in monkeys conditioned with 8 Gy TBI. In the 5 Gy model, a single dose of TPO augmented by GM-CSF 24 h after TBI was effective in preventing thrombocytopenia. The strong erythropoietic stimulation may result in iron depletion, and TPO treatment should be accompanied by monitoring of iron status. This preclinical evaluation thus identified TPO as a potential major therapeutic agent for counteracting radiation-induced pancytopenia and demonstrated pronounced stimulatory effects on the reconstitution of immature CD34+ hemopoietic cells with multilineage potential. The latter observation explains the potentiation of the hematopoietic responses to G-CSF and GM-CSF when administered concomitantly. It also predicts the effective use of TPO to accelerate reconstitution of immature hematopoietic cells as well as possible synergistic effects in vivo with various other growth factors acting on immature stem cells and their direct lineage-committed progeny. The finding that a single dose of TPO might be sufficient for a clinically significant response emphasizes its potency and is of practical relevance. The heterogeneity of the TPO response encountered in the various models used for evaluation points to multiple mechanisms operating on the TPO response and heterogeneity of its target cells. Mechanistic mouse studies made apparent that the response of multilineage cells shortly after TBI to a single administration of TPO is quantitatively more important for optimal efficacy than the lineage-restricted response obtained at later intervals after TBI and emphasized the importance of a relatively high dose of TPO to overcome initial c-mpl-mediated clearance. Further elucidation of mechanisms determining efficacy might very well result in a further improvement, e.g., following transplantation of limited numbers of stem cells. Adverse effects of TPO administration to myelosuppressed or stem cell transplanted experimental animals were not observed

    Involvement of Marrow-Derived Endothelial Cells in Vascularization

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