150 research outputs found

    The kINPen—a review on physics and chemistry of the atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its applications

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    The kINPenÂź plasma jet was developed from laboratory prototype to commercially available non-equilibrium cold plasma jet for various applications in materials research, surface treatment and medicine. It has proven to be a valuable plasma source for industry as well as research and commercial use in plasma medicine, leading to very successful therapeutic results and its certification as a medical device. This topical review presents the different kINPen plasma sources available. Diagnostic techniques applied to the kINPen are introduced. The review summarizes the extensive studies of the physics and plasma chemistry of the kINPen performed by research groups across the world, and closes with a brief overview of the main application fields

    Gas Plasma Protein Oxidation Increases Immunogenicity and Human Antigen-Presenting Cell Maturation and Activation

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    Protein vaccines rely on eliciting immune responses. Inflammation is a prerequisite for immune responses to control infection and cancer but is also associated with disease onset. Reactive oxygen species (ROSs) are central during inflammation and are capable of inducing non-enzymatic oxidative protein modifications (oxMods) associated with chronic disease, which alter the functionality or immunogenicity of proteins that are relevant in cancer immunotherapy. Specifically, antigen-presenting cells (APCs) take up and degrade extracellular native and oxidized proteins to induce adaptive immune responses. However, it is less clear how oxMods alter the protein’s immunogenicity, especially in inflammation-related short-lived reactive species. Gas plasma technology simultaneously generates a multitude of ROSs to modify protein antigens in a targeted and controlled manner to study the immunogenicity of oxMods. As model proteins relevant to chronic inflammation and cancer, we used gas plasma-treated insulin and CXCL8. We added those native or oxidized proteins to human THP-1 monocytes or primary monocyte-derived cells (moDCs). Both oxidized proteins caused concentration-independent maturation phenotype alterations in moDCs and THP-1 cells concerning surface marker expression and chemokine and cytokine secretion profiles. Interestingly, concentration-matched H2O2-treated proteins did not recapitulate the effects of gas plasma, suggesting sufficiently short diffusion distances for the short-lived reactive species to modify proteins. Our data provide evidence of dendric cell maturation and activation upon exposure to gas plasma- but not H2O2-modified model proteins. The biological consequences of these findings need to be elucidated in future inflammation and cancer disease models

    D-Glucose Oxidation by Cold Atmospheric Plasma-Induced Reactive Species

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    The glucose oxidation cascade is fascinating; although oxidation products have high economic value, they can manipulate the biological activity through posttranslational modification such as glycosylation of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. The concept of this work is based on the ability of reactive species induced by cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in aqueous liquids and the corresponding gas-liquid interface to oxidize biomolecules under ambient conditions. Here, we report the oxidation of glucose by an argon-based dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet (kINPen) with a special emphasis on examining the reaction pathway to pinpoint the most prominent reactive species engaged in the observed oxidative transformation. Employing d-glucose and d-glucose-13C6solutions and high-resolution mass spectrometry and ESI-tandem MS/MS spectrometry techniques, the occurrence of glucose oxidation products, for example, aldonic acids and aldaric acids, glucono- and glucaro-lactones, as well as less abundant sugar acids including ribonic acid, arabinuronic acid, oxoadipic acid, 3-deoxy-ribose, glutaconic acid, and glucic acid were surveyed. The findings provide deep insights into CAP chemistry, reflecting a switch of reactive species generation with the feed gas modulation (Ar or Ar/O2with N2curtain gas). Depending on the gas phase composition, a combination of oxygen-derived short-lived hydroxyl (‱OH)/atomic oxygen [O(3P)] radicals was found responsible for the glucose oxidation cascade. The results further illustrate that the presence of carbohydrates in cell culture media, gel formulations (agar), or other liquid targets (juices) modulate the availability of CAP-generated species in vitro. In addition, a glycocalyx is attached to many mammalian proteins, which is essential for the respective physiologic role. It might be questioned if its oxidation plays a role in CAP activity

    Peroxynitrous Acid Generated In Situ from Acidified H2O2 and NaNO2. A Suitable Novel Antimicrobial Agent?

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    Peroxynitrite (ONOO−) and peroxynitrous acid (ONOOH) are known as short acting reactive species with nitrating and oxidative properties, which are associated with their antimicrobial effect. However, to the best of our knowledge, ONOOH/ONOO- are not yet used as antimicro-bial actives in practical applications. The aim is to elucidate if ONOOH generated in situ from acidified hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) and sodium nitrite (NaNO2 ) may serve as an antimicrobial active in disinfectants. Therefore, the dose-response relationship and mutagenicity are investigated. Antimicrobial efficacy was investigated by suspension tests and mutagenicity by the Ames test. Tests were conducted with E. coli. For investigating the dose-response relationship, pH values and concentrations of H2O2 and NaNO2 were varied. The antimicrobial efficacy is correlated to the dose of ONOOH, which is determined by numerical computations. The relationship can be described by the efficacy parameter W, corresponding to the amount of educts consumed during exposure time. Sufficient inactivation was observed whenever W ≄ 1 mM, yielding a criterion for inactivation of E. coli by acidified H2O2 and NaNO2 . No mutagenicity of ONOOH was noticed. While further investigations are necessary, results indicate that safe and effective usage of ONOOH generated from acidified H2O2 and NaNO2 as a novel active in disinfectants is conceivable. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Oxidized Proteins Differentially Affect Maturation and Activation of Human Monocyte-Derived Cells

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    In cancer, antigen-presenting cells (APC), including dendritic cells (DCs), take up and process proteins to mount adaptive antitumor immune responses. This often happens in the context of inflamed cancer, where reactive oxygen species (ROS) are ubiquitous to modify proteins. However, the inflammatory consequences of oxidized protein uptake in DCs are understudied. To this end, we investigated human monocyte-derived cell surface marker expression and cytokine release profiles when exposed to oxidized and native proteins. Seventeen proteins were analyzed, including viral proteins (e.g., CMV and HBV), inflammation-related proteins (e.g., HO1 and HMGB1), matrix proteins (e.g., Vim and Coll), and vastly in the laboratory used proteins (e.g., BSA and Ova). The multifaceted nature of inflammation-associated ROS was mimicked using gas plasma technology, generating reactive species cocktails for protein oxidation. Fourteen oxidized proteins led to elevated surface marker expression levels of CD25, CD40, CD80, CD86, and MHC-II as well as strongly modified release of IL6, IL8, IL10, IL12, IL23, MCP-1, and TNFα compared to their native counterparts. Especially IL8, heme oxygenase 2, and vimentin oxidation gave pronounced effects. Furthermore, protein kinase phospho-array studies in monocyte-derived cells pulsed with native vs. oxidized IL8 and insulin showed enhanced AKT and RSK2 phosphorylation. In summary, our data provide for the first time an overview of the functional consequences of oxidized protein uptake by human monocyte-derived cells and could therefore be a starting point for exploiting such principle in anticancer therapy in the future
