6 research outputs found

    Immunological Outcomes of Bovine Colostrum Supplementation in Trained and Physically Active People: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Bovine colostrum (BC) is a promising natural product applied to improve immunological functions. However, there is very little evidence on the true benefits of BC treatment on the immune function of trained and physically active people; moreover, there is no consensus on the supplementation strategy. For this reason, the aim of this meta-analysis was to quantify the effects of BC supplementation on immunological outcomes in physically active people. Data from 10 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the effect of BC supplementation in athletes and physically active adults were analysed, involving 239 participants. The results show that BC supplementation has no or a fairly low impact on improving the concentration of serum immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG), lymphocytes and neutrophils, and saliva immunoglobulin (IgA) in athletes and physically active participants. Previous research has shown BC to reduce upper respiratory tract infections; nevertheless, there is a gap of scientific knowledge on the mechanisms underlying these effects. Future RCTs are needed to focus on finding these mechanisms, as well as on preparing a clear consensus on a BC supplementation strategy in trained athletes and the physically active population

    Ocena częstotliwości spożycia produktów, potraw i napojów o wysokiej wartości energetycznej przez młodzież szkolną o różnym poziomie aktywności fizycznej

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of consumption of high energy products, dishes and drinks among high school students with different level of physical activity. The investigated population included 592 students at the age of 18.2 ± 0.03 y (girls DZ = 294, boys CH = 298) with different level of physical activity [adequate physical activity WAF (n = 352), inadequate physical activity NAF (n = 240)]. Dietary intake data was obtained using a Food Frequency Questionnaire FFQ, and physical activity was assessed by the use of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ. BMI and skinfold thickness was also measured. The results showed that boys and students with inadequate physical activity significantly more often consume most of the products which lead to overweight and obesity. Moreover, it was found that the higher the level of physical activity, the higher was the consumption of sweet drinks. The frequency of consumption of juice, sweets drinks and energy drinks positively correlated with BMI and skinfold thickness. The findings of this study showed that the level of physical activity is a significant factor affecting dietary habits of students. It was also shown that excessive consumption of energy drinks could be one of the main reason of overweight and obesity

    Karjeros kompetencijos svarba darbuotojų karjerai: turizmo sektoriaus žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo aspektas

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    Šiandieniniame veiklos pasaulyje turizmo srities specialistų demonstruojama karjeros kompetencija gali jiems padėti išspręsti problemas, kylančias dėl karjeros siekių ir darbo rinkos galimybių. Tačiau nauji specialistai, ateinantys į darbo rinką, dažnai neturi gebėjimų, užtikrinančių karjeros kompetenciją. Skiriasi ir ją bei darbdavių nuomonės šiuo klausimu. Todėl svarbu išsiaiškinti tiek žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo objektų, tiek ir subjektų požiūrį į naujų darbuotojų karjeros kompetenciją kaip prielaidą sėkmingai jų karjerai. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama įvertinti naujų turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų karjeros kompetenciją darbdavių požiūriu. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė naujų turizmo srities specialistų turimus ir darbdavių pageidaujamus įgūdžius: įsidarbinamumą, efektyvų bendravimą ir savęs pažinimą. Tyrimas atskleidė ir darbdaviams svarbiausius žmogiškųjų išteklių karjeros kompetenciją užtikrinančius gebėjimus.In the modern business world, career competences manifested by tourism professionals could help them cope with the problems arising from individual career ambitions and challenges in the labour market. However, new professionals, joining the labour market often do not possess skills ensuring career competences. Opinions of employers and employees differ on this issue. Thus, it becomes essential to interpret attitudes of both objects and subjects of human resources management to new employees’ career competences as an assumption for their successful career. This research aims to evaluate career competences of new employees in tourism sector in regards to their employers. The research results disclose what skills newly recruited tourism professionals possess, and what skills employers desire to find in employees’ effective communication and seif-cognition factors. The research unfolds what human resources career competences skills occur as the most significant for the employers

    The effect of vitamin D supplementation on insulin and glucose metabolism in overweight and obese individuals: systematic review with meta-analysis

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    The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of vitamin D supplementation on glucose and insulin metabolism in overweight and obese subjects. The search process was based on the selection of publications listed in the databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Embase and the Cochrane library that met the inclusion criteria. Twelve randomized controlled trials were included. The analysed population consisted of 1181 individuals with BMIs >23 kg/m2. Changes in the concentration of 25(OH)D, fasting glucose, insulin and the HOMA-IR index were assessed. In the meta-regression analysis, a restricted maximum likelihood method was applied. To combine individual study results, a meta-analysis was performed. Vitamin D supplementation did not have an effect on glucose concentrations, insulin level and HOMA-IR values when the supplemented dose, time of supplementation and baseline of 25(OH)D concentration were taken under consideration in subgroup-analysis. This meta-analysis provides evidence that vitamin D supplementation has no significant effect on glucose and insulin metabolism in overweight and obese individuals

    Characteristics of Selected Somatic and Motor Abilities of Youth Soccer Players with Diabetes Type 1 Treated with Insulin Pump Therapy

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    Long-term insulin treatment can slow the growth process and decrease physical fitness level in children. In diabetic children, these two developments should be constantly monitored. The aim of the present study was to examine differences in somatic and physical fitness characteristics between soccer-training boys with type 1 diabetes and healthy boys of the same age (reference values based on Polish population norms for somatic and motor parameters). The participants were 94 boys (8–17 years), diagnosed with diabetes, who participated in soccer training on a regular basis and received routine medical care. The study involved (a) anthropometric and body composition measurements, (b) general motor ability assessments, and (c) comparison of those characteristics with the healthy Polish population. The diabetic boys were found to have lower levels of almost all somatic traits and motor abilities as compared with the healthy boys (p ≤ 0.05). Handgrip strength was a variable with the smallest difference between the two groups. The observed differences indicate the necessity to design an appropriate control and assessment system based on simple medical and fitness field tests for diabetic children and adolescents. It will allow optimizing advanced training as well as minimize health risks before, during, or after exercise