41 research outputs found

    Kawasaki disease — a single-centre experience

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    Wstęp. Choroba Kawasaki to ostra choroba gorączkowa, która może przebiegać z zajęciem układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Najczęstszą manifestacją kardiologiczną są tętniaki naczyń wieńcowych. Cel pracy. Celem badania była ocena epidemiologii, przebiegu klinicznego oraz wyników odległej obserwacji pacjentów z chorobą Kawasaki. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 47 dzieci z rozpoznaniem choroby Kawasaki, hospitalizowanych w Klinice Kardiologii Dziecięcej i Wad Wrodzonych Serca GUMed w latach 1997–2010. Analizie poddano dane demograficzne, wyniki badań laboratoryjnych, badania echokardiograficznego oraz koronarografii. Wyniki. Manifestację kardiologiczną choroby Kawasaki odnotowano u 18 (38,3%) pacjentów: poszerzenie tętnic wieńcowych stwierdzono u 16 pacjentów (34%), zapalenie mięśnia sercowego z obniżeniem frakcji wyrzutowej lewej komory u trojga pacjentów (6,3%), u jednego pacjenta (2,1%) stwierdzono tętniak tętnicy obwodowej. Wnioski. Niezbędna jest popularyzacja wiedzy na temat choroby Kawasaki w Polsce. Koincydencja zmian stwierdzanych w badaniach laboratoryjnych może być pomocna w rozpoznaniu choroby Kawasaki.Introduction. Kawasaki disease is an acute febrile illness that can occur with involvement of cardio-vascular system. The most common cardiac manifestation are coronary aneurysms. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to analyze the epidemiology, clinical course and long-term follow up of patients with Kawasaki disease. Material and methods. The study included 47 children with Kawasaki disease hospitalized in the Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Diseases in Gdansk from 1997 to 2010. Demographic data, laboratory tests, echocardiography and coronary angiography were analyzed. Results. Cardiac manifestation of Kawasaki disease was observed in 18 (38.3%) patients: coronary artery aneurysms were found in 16 patients (34%), myocarditis with decreased left ventricular ejection fraction in 3 patients (6.3%) and 1 patient (2.1%) had peripheral arterial aneurysm. Conclusions. It is necessary to popularize knowledge of Kawasaki disease in Poland. Coincidence of changes in laboratory tests may be helpful in the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease

    Emergencies in pediatric cardiology: cardiac tamponade with atypical clinical picture of 5-year-old child. Case report

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    Zapalenie osierdzia jest wyjątkowo rzadko występującą, izolowaną jednostką chorobową. Zwykle jest jednym z wielu objawów uogólnionego procesu. Wszystkie kliniczne postacie zapalenia osierdzia mogą prowadzić do wystąpienia wysięku w worku osierdziowym, a gdy jego poziom istotnie wzrasta, może to prowadzić do tamponady serca. Wówczas mamy do czynienia ze stanem zagrożenia życia i szeroką manifestacją objawów klinicznych. Przedstawiamy przypadek nietypowego przebiegu zagrażającej tamponady serca u 5-letniego dziecka.Pericarditis is very rarely an isolated disease. Usually, it is the one of the many symptoms of the generalized disease process. All clinical forms of pericarditis can lead to pericardial effusion, and when the volume of fluid rises quickly it can cause the emergency event called cardiac tamponade with a wide manifestation of clinical symptoms. We present a case of an atypical clinical cause of cardiac tamponade in a 5-year old child

    Assessment of arterial stiffness in Marfan syndrome and marfanoid phenotype

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    Wstęp. Zespół Marfana jest uwarunkowaną genetycznie chorobą tkanki łącznej spowodowaną nieprawidłową syntezą białka fibryliny. U chorych występuje wiele objawów klinicznych, zwłaszcza wiązanych z układem sercowo- naczyniowym, szkieletem i narządem wzroku. Fenotyp marfanoidalny definiuje się jako występowanie niektórych cech zespołu Marfana, jednak niespełniających kryteriów rozpoznania tego zespołu. Nieprawidłowa synteza fibryliny powoduje zaburzenia struktury włókien elastycznych. To prowadzi do zwiększenia sztywności tętnic, którą można mierzyć za pomocą szybkości fali tętna (PWV, pulse wave velocity) i wskaźnika wzmocnienia (AI, augmentation index). Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 72 chorych z podejrzeniem zespołu Marfana. Na podstawie zmodyfikowanych kryteriów Ghenta chorych podzielono na dwie grupy: u 37 osób rozpoznano zespół Marfana, a u 35 stwierdzono fenotyp marfanoidalny. W badaniu uwzględniono ponadto grupę kontrolną złożoną z 36 zdrowych osób. Wartości PWV i AI uzyskano metodą tonometrii aplanacyjnej. Wyniki. Średnia wartość PWV była wyższa u osób z zespołem Marfana niż w grupie z fenotypem marfanoidalnym i w grupie kontrolnej. Najniższą wartość PWV stwierdzono u osób z fenotypem marfanoidalnym. Najwyższą średnią wartością AI cechowała się grupa z zespołem Marfana, natomiast najniższą — osoby z fenotypem marfanoidalnym. Wnioski. U chorych z zespołem Marfana wartości PWV i AI były wyższe niż u osób z fenotypem marfanoidalnym i zdrowych osób z grupy kontrolnej. Najniższe wartości PWV i AI stwierdzono u osób z fenotypem marfanoidalnym. Chorzy ci są wyżsi niż pozostali, jednak w ich przypadku ściany tętnic mają zwykle prawidłową budowę, co zapewnia korzystne warunki hemodynamiczne.Introduction. Marfan syndrome is a hereditary connective tissue disorder caused by impaired synthesis of a fibrillin protein. This results in a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, in particular cardiovascular, skeletal and ocular features. Marfanoid phenotype is defined as manifesting some features of Marfan syndrome, but not fulfilling the criteria of the diagnosis. Abnormal synthesis of the fibrillin is the reason of impairment of elastic fibers. This effects in increasing arterial stiffness, which can be characterized by pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (AI). Material and methods. Study included 72 patients suspected of Marfan syndrome. On the basis of modified Ghent criteria they were divided into two groups: 37 patients were diagnosed with Marfan syndrome and 35 patients were classified as marfanoid phenotype. Research included also 36 healthy controls. PWV and AI values were obtained by applanation tonometry method. Results. Mean PWV is higher in Marfan syndrome rather than marfanoid phenotype and healthy controls. The lowest mean value of PWV was found among patients with marfanoid phenotype. The highest mean AI value was presented in Marfan syndrome. The lowest mean AI was obtained in a group with marfanoid phenotype. Conclusions. Patients with Marfan syndrome are presenting higher values of PWV and AI than patients with marfanoid phenotype or healthy controls. The lowest values of PWV and AI were obtained among patients with marfanoid phenotype. Patients like these are taller than the others, however, their arterial walls most likely have correct structure, which causes beneficial hemodynamic conditions

    Vaccination against influenza in pregnant women – safety and effectiveness

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    Influenza is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. During seasonal influenza epidemics and pandemics, pregnancy places otherwise healthy women at an increased risk of complications from influenza. The factors believed to increase the susceptibility of complicated influenza infection during pregnancy are linked to the physiologic changes, including immunologic changes (attenuation of the cell-mediated immune responses, selective suppression of T-helper 1 cell mediated immunity while the adaptive humoral immunity remains unimpaired), increased cardiac output and oxygen consumption and tidal volume. Pregnant women have similar incidence of seasonal influenza as the general population, however, because of the physiological changes, they are at an increased risk of complications (including secondary pneumonia, acute respiratory insufficiency, increased risk of stillbirth, premature deliveries) and death. Immunization of pregnant women against influenza is currently recommended in many countries. Vaccination against influenza with trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV) has been proven to be safe and effective. Lack of harmful effect of TIV on pregnant women and newborns has been demonstrated in several studies: no increased risk of spontaneous abortions, preterm birth, low birth weight, congenital malformations, cesarean section have been reported. Vaccination against influenza has been proven to be effective in reducing rates and severity of the disease in vaccinated mothers and their children. Several studies revealed a decreased risk of influenza-like illnesses among mothers who were vaccinated during pregnancy, but also a decreased risk of laboratory confirmed cases of influenza and hospitalizations due to influenza and its complications among newborns and infants born to vaccinated mothers. Currently available inactivated influenza vaccines are not licensed for use in infants younger than 6 months. Protection of young infants against the infection in early life thus requires a cocooning strategy to reduce the number of vulnerable individuals among care givers and contacts. Neonates and infants may be also protected against influenza directly by antibodies of maternal origin that cross the placenta or are transferred via breast milk. The duration of passively acquired antibodies depends on the initial blood concentration and is probably less than 6 months. Vaccine coverage among pregnant women remains low. Possible explanations include lack of education by health care workers, the feeling among the general public that influenza is not a serious problem, and the failure of prenatal care providers to offer the vaccine. Overall, the most important factor for a woman to decide to be immunized during pregnancy was to have a clear recommendation from the health care provider. Reasons evoked by obstetricians for not providing influenza vaccines included lack sufficient data on safety and efficacy, concerns about the medical legal risks of vaccination during pregnancy and the perception that pregnant women would not want to be vaccinated. Educational intervention targeting health care workers in charge of pregnant women should be primary implemented to provide higher influenza vaccine coverage and to protect pregnant women and young infants from influenza related morbidity

    Dyspnoe and cough as symptoms of cardiac life threatening condition

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    Dzieci z zespołem Marfana lub zespołami marfanopodobnymi, prezentują bardzo różnorodny obraz kliniczny, podlegający zmianom w czasie. Prezentujemy przypadek, który dokumentuje diagnostykę znacznie poszerzonego cienia śródpiersia u nastolatka. Taki obraz wymaga zawsze różnicowania z chorobami osierdzia (torbiel, guz, wysięk) oraz guzami zewnątrzsercowymi śródpiersia tylnego i górnego w aspekcie kardiologicznego stanu zagrożenia życia.Children with Marfan syndrome present very varied clinical picture, which can change over time. We present a case report that documents the diagnosis of widened mediastinum in a teenager. A widened mediastinum can be indicative of several pathologies of pericardium (cyst, tumor, pericardial effusion) and tumors of posterior or superior mediastinum. As a life-threatening events all these reasons have to be taken into consideration in emergency situation

    Opioids in clinical practice

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    The treatment of pain improves quality of life. Opioids are commonly prescribed painkillers. The side effectsof opioids depend on the route of administration, dosage, drug metabolism, comorbid diseases and thepatient’s general condition. Despite many beneficial effects, opioids can lead to increased mortality in heartfailure, myocardial infarction, pulmonary oedema, and COPD. This article reviews specific uses of opioidmedications. Opioids induce immunosuppression, and may undergo drug-drug interactions, especiallyduring polytherapy or polypragmasia