20 research outputs found

    City of Brzozów As District Centre – Its Functions and Spatial Pattern

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    Przedmiotem pracy był Brzozów – nieduże miasto powiatowe (7,5. tys. ludności w 2015 r.) w woj. podkarpackim, na Pogórzu Dynowskim. Rzeźba terenu, klimat i gleby sprzyjały tu rozwojowi rolnictwa, wiec lasy zajmują obecnie tylko 10% terytorium miasta. Od połowy XIX w. eksploatuje się tu złoża gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej.Brzozów założono z początkiem XVI w. – wcześniej tereny te należały do Rusi Halickiej. Miasto rozwinęło się jako ośrodek rzemiosła i handlu dzięki drogom z Rusi i Węgier, była też letnią rezydencją biskupów z Przemyśla. Niszczone przez klęski żywiołowe i najazdy, podupadło w XVII w. i w 1772 r. weszło w skład zaboru austriackiego, tzw. Galicji. Pozbawiony przemysłu i połączenia kolejowego Brzozów rozwijał się słabo. W odrodzonej w 1918 r. Polsce ominęły go inwestycje Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego, a założone w latach 30. uzdrowisko zostało zniszczone podczas II wojny światowej. Szybszy rozwój w latach 1945-80 związany był z uprzemysłowieniem pobliskich miast i dojazdami do nich mieszkańców Brzozowa. Rozwój demograficzny i uporządkowanie miasta przyniosło mu nagrody w ogólnopolskim konkursie małych miast. W nowych warunkach społeczno-gospodarczych po 1989 r. w Brzozowie powstało ok.800 prywatnych podmiotów gospodarczych, jednak trwa odpływ młodych mieszkańców do większych miast i za granicę.Jako jedyne miasto w powiecie, Brzozów pełni rolę centrum usługowego dla swego zaplecza – 6 gmin i 7 wsi gminy Brzozów, zaludnionych łącznie przez 66 tys. osób. Prócz urzędów, działa tu kilka szkół, szpital, Dom Kultury i dekanat Kościoła. Zasięg ponadlokalny ma turystyka – jest tu 190 zabytków (w tym wiele starych domów), sanktuarium maryjne w sąsiedniej wsi i biegnie szosa z Rzeszowa w Bieszczady. Przemysł i rolnictwo mają zaś drugorzędne znaczenie.Plany na przyszłość zakładają zrównoważony rozwój Brzozowa, w tym utrzymanie jego obecnych funkcji oraz poprawę technicznej infrastruktury, przy dbałości o środowisko naturalne i dziedzictwo kulturowe, z wykorzystaniem miejscowych tradycji.The author has dealt with Brzozów – a small district centre (7,5 thus. inh. in 2015), situated in the Podkarpackie (Rzeszów) Voivodeship, within the Dynowskie Foothills of the Carpathians. A mild relief, warm climate and good soils were favourable for agriculture, thus forest covers only 10 % of the city territory. Since the mid-19th cent., natural gas and oil have been mined in the area.Brzozów was founded in the turn of the 14th and 15th cent., formerly, there was a part of the Halicka Ruthenia Duchy. The new town developed as the centre of craft and trade, due to roads from Ruthenia and Hungary, there was also a summer place of Przemyśl bishophood. But the crisis in next two centuries (elementary disasters, wars) broke Brzozów’s growth and in 1772 the city was annexed (with the rest of Southern Poland) by the Austrian Empire. The city was neither industrialized, nor served by railway transport, thus the crisis lasted also in the 1918-39 period. The spa, opened in the 30s. was destroyed during the 2nd World War. Situation improved after 1945, due to the growth of industry in the adjacent cities, where jobs were offered also to commuters from Brzozów. The ordered city participated successfully in the National Competition for Small Towns; After the fall of communist regime in 1989, under new economic conditions, some 800 private economic entities were opened, but an outflow of young generation towards greater urban centres and abroad is continued.As the only urban unit in the district, Brzozów is the teritiary centre for its hinterland – 6 communes and 7 villages of the Brzozów commune, with 66 thousand people in total. There are offices, schools, the Centre of Culture, decanate of the Roman – Catholic Church, shops etc. The supralocal scope has tourist function, due to historic monuments and the St. Mary Sanctuary at Stara Wieś (the village nearbly). Industry and agriculture do not matter much actually. According to plans, Brzozów should develop its present functions in a sustainable way, preserving values of the natural environment and cultural heritage, based on rich local traditions

    Digital divide as a challenge for Polish social gerontology

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    Along with the intensive development of the information society, many beneficial phenomena improving the quality of life of Internet users have appeared. Unfortunately, there is still an unharmonic participation of all age groups in cyberspace. This phenomenon is described as digital exclusion. This digital divide has been studied in detail and described in the sociological, pedagogical and gerontological literature. Despite a solid theoretical basis and many activities aimed at digital inclusion, so far the digital divide has not been completely eliminated. More than two decades of research allow us to notice several important regularities about the phenomenon of lack of full participation of older people in cyberspace. This chapter is unique due to the first attempt to systematise the phenomenon of digital exclusion in Poland with the use of the popular J. V. Dijk concept. The article presents several perspectives: individual conditions, systemic solutions and gaps to be filled. Despite its theoretical nature, due to the methodology used, the text has a number of postulates useful in gerontological practice. The individual perspective refers to the needs of seniors, their physical conditions and cognitive characteristics. The community perspective, on the other hand, aims at presenting proven and useful practices for digital inclusion in various non-formal education institutions. Thus, the text intertwines the perspectives of individual and horizontal conditions. The study is the result of the international project "REMEDIS is supported in Poland by the National Science Centre - NCN [021/03/Y/HS6/00275]"

    The level of dental anxiety and dental status in adult patients

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    Background: The present study aimed to assess potential correlation between dental anxiety and overall dental status in adult patients, in consideration of the frequency of dental appointments and individual dental hygiene practices. Materials and Methods: Individual dental anxiety levels were assessed with the aid of the Corah’s dental anxiety scale (DAS). The study embraced 112 patients of the University Dental Clinic, Kraków. Following clinical and X-ray exams, respectively, decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index and dental treatment index (DTI) were computed for each study subject. Results: Mean DAS among the 112 subjects under study was 9.41 standard deviation (SD = 3.36). Mean DMFT value was 15.86 (SD = 7.00), whereas DTI value was 0.76 (SD = 0.27). The number of decayed teeth and an individual dental anxiety level were found to be correlated (r = 0.26). Higher dental anxiety correlated with lower DTI value (r = −0.22) and lesser frequency of dental appointments (r = 0.22). Conclusions: Individual dental anxiety level appears to impact overall dental status, frequency of dental appointments and everyday oral health practices. Every conceivable effort should therefore be undertaken with a view to effectively diminishing dental anxiety levels in the patients. How to cite the article: Dobros K, Hajto-Bryk J, Wnęk A, Zarzecka J, Rzepka D. The level of dental anxiety and dental status in adult patients. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(3):11-4

    Evaluation of the Functionality of a New E-Learning Platform vs. Previous Experiences in E-Learning and the Self-Assessment of Own Digital Literacy

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    Recent civilizational transformations have led us to search for and introduce new didactic solutions. One of these is e-learning, which is a response to the needs of the education system and its individual stakeholders. The e-learning systems currently available offer similar solutions. Only during direct interaction with a given tool can one notice significant differences in their functionality. By carrying out evaluation studies the indicators that determine this functionality can be identified. The paper presents e-learning in the context of the academic training of the future generations of teachers. The reflections revolve around digital literacy and experience in using modern information and communication technologies in education. The goal of the research was to evaluate three areas: the functionality of the SELI platform, individual experiences with e-learning, and digital literacy. The technique used was an e-learning survey appended to the end of two e-learning courses offered on the platform. The survey was addressed to teachers and students of the biggest pedagogical university in Poland. The general impression of the content presented on the platform was, in most cases, rated as being very good or good. The platform itself was also evaluated positively. Based on the analyses conducted, two groups of platform users were identified. One third of the users have diverse experiences with e-learning, which corresponds with their digital literacy. The remaining two thirds of the respondents need more training in the areas evaluated. The authors of the paper believe that this type of study should accompany all activities that introduce e-learning at every stage of education. Only then will it be possible to discover where the digital divide lies among the teaching staff and learners