14 research outputs found

    Spatial mean interstitial fluid pressure and transvacular flux per tumour volume as a function of tumour size.

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    <p>Spatial mean interstitial fluid pressure and transvacular flux per tumour volume as a function of tumour size.</p

    Estimation of blood vessel surface area to tissue volume ratio of tumours with various tumour sizes (experimental data extracted from [6]).

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    <p>For the best fitted curve using equation <i>y</i> = <i>ax</i><sup><i>b</i></sup> (a = 54.68, b = -0.2021).</p

    Spatial mean doxorubicin extracellular concentration as a function of time under 2-hour continuous infusion, dose = 50 mg/m<sup>2</sup>.

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    <p>(a) Free and (b) bound doxorubicin in tumour, (c) free and (d) bound doxorubicin in normal tissue.</p

    Interstitial fluid pressure distribution in tumour and normal tissue.

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    <p>Interstitial fluid pressure distribution in tumour and normal tissue.</p

    Reconstructed 3-D models showing tumours of varying sizes and their surrounding tissues.

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    <p>Reconstructed 3-D models showing tumours of varying sizes and their surrounding tissues.</p

    MR image of a tumour (in orange) and its surrounding tissue (in pale blue).

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    <p>MR image of a tumour (in orange) and its surrounding tissue (in pale blue).</p

    Schematic of drug transport model with continuous infusion of doxorubicin.

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    <p>Schematic of drug transport model with continuous infusion of doxorubicin.</p

    Free and bound doxorubicin concentrations in blood after administration as a function of time.

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    <p>(infusion duration = 2 hours, total dose = 50 mg/m<sup>2</sup>).</p

    Transvascular exchange of doxorubicin by convection as a function of time.

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    <p>(a) free and (b) bound doxorubicin exchange (2-hour infusion, total dose = 50 mg/m<sup>2</sup>).</p