23 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Hasil Pengupasan Aspal Untuk Daur Ulang Campuran Beton Aspal

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    One for maintenance and rehabilitation of roads damaged is to give a new pavement layer (overlay) on top of the old pavement. However, this method requires so much road materials (aggregates and asphalt) so that make the old pavement to be unused. This research aims to introduce one method of repair pavement that utilizing the recycled materials of the old pavement, that can be use to a new pavement, to get the physical and mechanical properties concrete mixes hot asphalt as a result of recycling of the old pavement and to get the best quality of bitumen on mix hot asphalt and concrete from the recycled of old pavement. The independent variable in this research is a variation of asphalt content 5.0; 5; 5; 6.0; 6.5; and 7%, while the addition of bitumen content variation are 0.0, 0:25, 0:50, 0.75, and 1.0% of the chunks of asphalt concrete. Results of this research, performance of the mixed concrete with the recycled asphalt (RAP) and the standard mixed, indicates that the density, the percentage of voids of the aggregate (VMA), stability, flow, marshall quotient, percentage of voids of mixture (VIM) and percentage of voids that filled with bitumen (VFB) meet the specifications of Bina Marga 2010, the Optimum Asphalt Content obtained from the Marshall test of RAP and the standard mixture each by 6.79% and 6.9%. Keywords: Recycling, Asphalt Concrete, stability, flo

    Penggunaan Bahan Anti Stripping Untuk Campuran Beton Aspal

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    This Research is Using Anti Stripping material to add roughness Asphalt Concrete mixture The purpose of this research was to obtain Marshall Properties Values On Asphalt Concrete Mixture, and determine levels of Anti Stripping Material Optimum Asphalt concrete misture based on Bina Marga spesification.Variation Asphalt content to Mixture are 5.0%; 5.5%; 6.0%; 6.5%; and Anti Stripping material variation are 0.2%; 0.3%; 0.4% to Optimum Asphalt Content.Marshall Testing Method Based on SNI 06-2489-1991.The result of Using anti stripping Material for Asphalt concrete mixture showed that with Optimum asphalt content 6% and addition of Wetfix Be 0.3% from the weight of asphalt can increase % voids mineral aggregate,% voids in material, Marshall Quotient and Marshall stability for 1.34%; 2.89%; 3.34% and 6.72%. Besides the addition of anti-stripping materials can also reduce % voids filled with bitumen (VFB), stability and fatigue of 0.82%; 2.85% and 12.72%.With the value of stability Masrshall The remaining 96.90% is a mixture of asphalt concrete has a high resistance to damage caused by the influence of water.For all characteristics confirm to specifications Marshall properties based on Specifications Asphalt concrete RSNI3 mix XXXX-2014

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pembangunan Perikanan: Studi Kasus Pada Perikanan Tangkap Di Indramayu (Factors Affecting the Performance of Fisheries Development: a Case Study of Capture Fisheries in Indramayu)

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    Various policies of fisheries development have been implemented by Indonesian government. However, they have not reached the expected results. Until now the policy/program of empowerment has not been able to significantly increase fishermen income and welfare. Fishermen are still poor and underdeveloped compared to other community groups. Therefore, some corrective measures are needed to improve programs/policies that have been implemented over the years. To get the answer, a study that examines factors affect the success of a fisheries policy is conducted in Indramayu, West Java. By using analysis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the research defines that fisheries institutions factor significantly led to the success of fisheries development

    Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Rumpon Pada Operasi Penangkapan Ikan Di Perairan Kei Kecil, Maluku Tenggara

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    One of ways to increase the fishing operation effectiveness is done by using fish aggregating device (FAD) called rumpon. The types of FAD used in Kei Kecil waters made from bamboos or plastic drum material. This research objectives are (1) determining catch composition around FAD, (2) comparing the effectiveness of two types of FAD on fishing operation, and (3) comparing the effectiveness of fishing gears, operated around the FAD. The method that used in this research was doing survey through observing fishing activities around the FAD. Fishing gear and FAD samples were determined through purposive sampling method. These data were collected from August to October 2007 in Kei Kecil Waters of South East Maluku. The kind of fish catch around FAD were scad mackerel, frigate mackerel, and barred spanish mackerel. The most dominant of catch was scad mackerel (80%), whereas percentage e of frigate mackerel and barred spanish mackerel were 19% and 1%. The composition of the length size of scad mackerel, frigate mackerel, and barred spanish mackerel were dominated by the large size. Type of bamboo FAD was more efective compared with the plastic drum FAD type. Purse seine fishing was more efective compared with gillnet and troll line fishing that operated around rumpon

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Industrialisasi Perikanan Laut (the Development of Capture Fisheries Management Information System in Relation to the Development of Marine Fisheries Industrialization)

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    Developing capture fisheries management information system needs a Management Information System (MIS) which could support various aspects within an integrated and holistic system to gain better access of information on Marine Fisheries Industrialization in Indonesia. The objectives of the research are to investigate the management information system in lobster fisheries and develop management infomation system to support marine fisheries industrialization. This research implemented integrated approach information system for holistic system application. Applies a systems approach that takes into account the system as a whole integrated information for each activity or application. The system limits on the development of the lobster fishery in PPN Palabuhanratu. The technology used for processing the data and information on the lobster fishery is a computerized information technology. Analysis of system requirements derived from the fishing company, fishermen and stakeholders. Establishing the design of information systems in the lobster fisheries at PPN Palabuhanratu by identifying the real system, preparation of the scheme, providing menus, preparation of the logical flow of programs and computer applications. With the establishment of fisheries information management system will facilitate information services more quickly and accurately

    Strategi Pengelolaan Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Udang Di Kabupaten Cilacap (Management Strategies to Increase Shrimp Production in Cilacap Regency)

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    Cilacap is the center of the shrimp fishery in Central Java's south sea. Lately, the shrimp resources in that area have decreased biologically, which is characterized by a decrease in shrimp production trend line. From 2004 to 2008 there was a decrease by 6.3% per year which was caused by large scale utilization in shrimp resources and degradation in carrying capacity. This study aimed to determine influential factors in decreasing shrimp production and to develop strategies for business development in Cilacap's shrimp fishery. Data were analyzed using the fish-bone diagram and SWOT (Strengths Weakness Opportunities and Threats) analysis. Influential factors in decreasing shrimp production were 1) fishermen; 2) units of fishing; 3) mangrove forests; 4) fishing methods, and 5) shrimp resources stock. Strategies for Cilacap shrimp fishery management were 1) law enforcement in controlling the shrimp capture and mangrove exploitation; 2) the economic development of fishermen and society; 3) integrated shrimp fisheries management; 4) mangrove and aquatic ecosystems rehabilitation; and 5) increase the environmental and shrimp resources carrying capacity

    Evaluasi Luasan Kawasan Mangrove Untuk Mendukung Perikanan Udang Di Kabupaten Cilacap Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Evaluation of the Mangrove Area Extents to Support Fishing Shrimp in Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province)

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    Cilacap waters are rich with shrimp resource, particularly from Penaidae spp species, such as shrimp Jerbung (Penaeus merguensis) and shrimp Dogol (Metapenaeus endevouri and Metapenaeus ensis). Statistic data of shrimp in Cilacap showed shrimp production keep on declining, from 1,118,644 kg in 2004 to 818,595 kg in 2008. The declining production is suspected due to the increasing intensity of catching and the damage of ecology in coastal areas, particularly the mangrove. This research is aimed at mapping the mangrove areas, and estimating stock of shrimp resource in Cilacap. Data analysis was conducted by using spatial analysis and analysis of potential resource of fish. Results of the analysis showed that estimated mangrove forest in Cilacap in 2005 was about 14,502.55 ha, reduced to about 9,326.71 ha in 2007 and continue to decline to about 2,618.78 ha in 2009. Estimated score of MSY shrimp is 955,493.34 kg/year, with optimum catch 55,014.68 trips