37 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Nilai Perusahaan Melalui Investasi Teknologi Informasi

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    Adopting information technology is a necessary requirement for conducting anybusiness in such globalized competitive era. Using the innovative information technologywill give the chance for a firm to become the winner from the competition cause the firm canwork efficiently and effectively, it can increase performance so that it can boots its firm value

    Sentra kulakan solusi permasalahan UMKM dan masyarakat miskin

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    Kebijakan kemudahan pemberian fasilitas mendirikan g erai retail (Alfamart, Indomaret, dll) mengakibatkanbanyaknya toko/pracangan yang gulung tikar, hal ini dikarenakan toko/pracangan belum bisa memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin beragam, selain itu persaingan harga yang terjadi antara toko/pracangan dengan retail menyebabkan orang beralih membeli ketoko retail yang harga produk persatuannya relatif lebih murah, sehingga barang yang dijual oleh toko/pracangan tidak laku akhirnya harus ditutup. Hal demikian juga dialami oleh UMKM yang membeli barang di toko/pracangan, dengan ditutupnya pracangan mereka kesulitan mendapatkan pasokan bahan, karena jika membeli ditoko atau pasar mereka harus mengeluarkan biaya transport yang relatif besar, sehingga keuntungan mereka menjadi berkurang.Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka perlu dibuat wadah/toko tempat kulakan bagi toko/pracangan dan UMKM dengan harga yang murah dan jenis barang yang beragam. Pendirian sentra kulakan ini diharapkan bisa meningkatkan atau menghidupkan kembali toko pracangan dan UMKM yang telah mati, dengan memberikan kepastian pasokan barang dengan harga murah dan dapat diangsur pembayarannya

    Institutional Transformation and Its Impact on Sustainable Community Development Program

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    Institutions are not static but always adapt to change. Institutional transformation has two dimensions: (1) changes in interest among economic actors who triggered institutional transformation, and (2) institutional change is deliberately designed to regulate economic activity. In this context is the institutional rules, formal and informal rules, which is implemented by Activity Management Unit (UPK) as the implementing organization empowerment to carry out community development activities. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a case study method to the institutional transformation of the organization implementing the empowerment that took place during the independence. The results show that institutional transformation is not just a difference in form, quality, state from time to time of an institution, but also the differences in the quantity of an institutional activity triggered by the common interests of the perpetrators. UPK institutional transformation as organizations implementing empowerment that took place during the independence has implications: (1) Implementation of development programs in the field were not always as expected, the fact it gave birth to the dependence of the organization implementing the program funds and assistance from the government to continue to do empowerment; (2) The pattern of community development through the establishment of the organization only gives added value to the board in managing the organization and to engage in other activities; (3) Institutional transformation carried out aimed to guarantee activities that bring in revenue for the organization implementing the empowerment and incentives for administrators; (4) Sustainability implementing organization embodied empowerment by focusing on the goal orientation of commercial activities in the form of the ability to generate profits through financial intermediation that beat should embrace social mission, and (5) Management of organizational empowerment is a form of management resulting from the relationship between formal rules and informal rules. Keywords: institutional transformation, implementing organizational empowerment, community empowermen

    Analisis Tenaga Kerja Sektor Pertanian Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Jombang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap sektor pertanian untuk mengembangkan sektor pertanian pasca pandemi Covid-19 dan formulasi kebijakan pemerintah dalam menjaga keberlanjutan sektor pertanian. Pendekatan elastisitas dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pandemi Covid-19 selain mengakibatkan kontraksi ekonomi yang negatif di hampir seluruh sektor ekonomi Kabupaten Jombang termasuk sektor pertanian juga mengakibatkan produktivitas tenaga kerja di sektor pertanian menurun. Hasil proyeksi berdasarkan elasitisitas kesempatan kerja sektoral, mengindikasikan lapangan usaha dengan serapan tenaga kerja terendah yaitu sektor pertanian dengan produktifitas per tenaga kerja akan menurun hingga tahun 2025

    Local Wisdom in Governance Natural Resources Management

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    This study aimed to describe governance based on local wisdom in the management of water resources in some areas in Malang, East Java, Indonesa. Discussions focused on local knowledge as social capital in meeting water needs of society, and society as a form of protection against water resources. Governance in water resource management organizations chosen because it has its own uniqueness in the management of the organization. The study also aims to explore the local values ​​of any underlying organizational governance because in the beginning, the organization managing the water resources to grow with traditional values. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researchers chose to use a qualitative approach. The findings show that the Council consensus and cooperation is the center of the uniqueness of governance based on local wisdom that produces: (1) selection of the orientation of the water resources management institution that emphasizes efforts to maximize the usefulness of water for the people of maximizing profits; (2) still bound water resource management organization with institutional rural communities by promoting the power of social capital, particularly the dimension of trust and patience among residents. Although concomitant change in space, time, mode of organization and human resources, but in substance, the uniqueness of governance by promoting local wisdom still performing well. The role of local wisdom in the governance of water resources to maintain balance and harmony with nature society particularly in efforts to manage water resources in a sustainable manner. Keywords: local knowledge, governance, natural resource

    Financing for the Poor: Between Formal and Informal Financial Institutions

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    The phenomenon of informal financial institutions (moneylenders), which has existed in economic activities are economic phenomena that constantly take place. Various attempts to reduce the practice of informal financial institutions (rentenir) has done repeatedly. But in fact these efforts are not able to eliminate the practice of informal financial institutions. This study aims to determine how the poor public perception of the formal and informal financial institutions and determine transaction costs contained in the formal and informal financial institutions. To achieve these objectives, this study used a qualitative approach with case studies, which aims to understand thoroughly the institutional pattern in accessing loans from financial institutions formal and informal. Keywords: formal financial institutions, informal financial institutions, transaction cost

    The Role of Tuan Guru Hasanain Juaini: A Study on the Role of Tuan Guru Hasanaian Juaini in Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren), West Lombok Regency

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    Tuan Guru on the island of Lombok since ancient times played multiple roles in the community, especially on the island of Lombok. In the years 1800-1899, based on history, the role Tuan Guru was more focused on efforts to unite people in their respective areas. Lastly, many Tuan Guru do not only do things in the religious field, but also in the education, social and also pay attention to the environment, as was done by Tuan Guru Hasanain Juaini. This research article raises the figure of Tuan Guru Hasanain Juaini who has phenomenal and unique abilities using descriptive qualitative role studies. This theme is interesting to research to determine the role of Tuan Guru Hasanaian Juaini as a leader in the fields of religion, social, economy and the environment. As well as what factors encourage and hinder the success of Tuan Guru Hasanain in carrying out his role. Keywords: Tuan Guru, Pesantren, Role Study DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-20-11 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Building SME Competitiveness Advantage in ASEAN Economic Community Era

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    Commencement of the ASEAN Economic Community SMEs can conduct a hope in the future, at least it can be seen from several aspects. To realize these expectations, the most important role of government is to create a conducive business climate through policies. This study aimed to understand the conditions of SMEs so that leads to a portrait of regulation that is expected to build a competitive advantage of SMEs in the Era of the ASEAN Economic Community. This study uses a desk study and survey. Desk studies conducted to review the legal product in the form of legislation both at the center (the Act) as well as at the regional level (Perda). Legal products reviewed were the regulations related to SMEs. The research findings show that only large-scale efforts are always prioritized while micro-enterprises and cooperatives no longer get the attention it deserves. In some cases, government measures are often just turn off the micro-enterprises and cooperatives. As a result, the policy line taken for the protection of cooperatives and SMEs are often ambiguous and ultimately less work effectively to help the people's economy that is essential for eradicating poverty. Keywords: SME, regulation, competitivenes

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Mahasiswa (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Strata I Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politikuniversitas Merdeka Malang)

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    Penelitan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan dunia bisnis saat ini telah banyak kita temui suatu Perusahaan yang telah memasuki dunia pasar jasa. Hal itulah yang membuat suatu Perusahaan berlomba-lomba menawarkan kualitas pelayanan yang bera-gam dan terbaik.Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh variabel kualitas pelayanan dalam mempengaruhi kepuasan dan loyalitas maha-siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Merdeka Malang Fakul-tas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik sebanyak 207 responden dengan menggunakan teknik Slovin. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang telah meme-nuhi uji validitas dan reliabilitas, maka melalui analisis Path.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kualitas pelayanan berpe-ngaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas. Kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepu-asan dan kepuasan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas

    Faktor Internal Penentu Laju Pertumbuhan Modal Sendiri pada Perusahaan Rokok Go Public di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the basic earning power, debt to equity ratio, plowback ratio, and interest and tax rate on the growth rate of equiy in cigarette companies that go public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2018. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that the four variables had a simultaneously significant effect on the growth rate of equity, while only Basic Earning Power had no significant effect partially. Because the calculation of basic earning power uses Earning Before Interest and Tax where Earning Before Interest and Tax is the profit that has not been taxed, which in fact tax for cigarette companies is a large expense. In addition, equity growth itself is largely determined by the amount of Earning After Tax compared to Earning Before Interest and Tax. The higher the Earning After Tax, the greater the opportunity for equity growth.