6 research outputs found

    Results from two years of Matricaria inodora L. and Matricaria chamomilla L. monitoring (2012 + 2013) – greenhouse efficacy trials with Tribenuron and Florasulam and ALS target site resistance test at Pro 197 and Thr 574

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    The first ALS resistant Matricaria chamomilla (MATCH) biotype was found in 2006 in Schleswig Holstein in Witzwort (SCHLEICH-SAIDFAR et al., 2011). Since 2006 ALS resistant Matricaria chamomilla and Matricaria inodora (MATIN) were found at other locations near the North Sea coastline in Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony (ULBER et al., 2012). As there were more and more cases of reduced efficacy of sulfonylureas on mayweed, Dow AgroSciences decided in 2012 and 2013 to test MATCH and MATIN samples in Germany. In 2012 seed samples collected by Dow AgroSciences were planted in greenhouse environment and treated with tribenuron or florasulam. As a second step plants were checked for mutations of the ALS gene at positions Pro 197 and Thr 574 via Pyrosequencing. In Europe there is no known case of metabolic ALS-resistance (ULBER et al., 2012). It was found that mayweed plants showed a mutation at position Pro 197 only. In 2013 leaf samples were taken only and investigated for mutations of ALS position Pro 197 and Thr 574.Keywords: Dow AgroSciences, Germany, mayweed, resistanceErgebnisse aus zwei Jahren (2012 + 2013) eines Matricaria inodora- und Matricaria chamomilla–Monitoring – Biotest mit Tribenuron und Florasulam und ALS-Target-Site-Analyse an den Stellen Pro 197 und Thr 574ZusammenfassungDie erste nachgewiesene ALS-resistente Kamille (Matricaria chamomilla/recutita) stammt aus dem Jahr 2006 aus Witzwort in Schleswig-Holstein (SCHLEICH-SAIDFAR et al., 2011). Seit 2006 gab es einige weitere Kamille-Standorte, bei denen eine ALS-Resistenz nachgewiesen wurde (ULBER et al., 2012). Diese befanden sich in erster Linie an der Nordseeküste Schleswig-Holsteins und Niedersachsens. Da sich die ALS-resistente Kamille weiter ausbreitete, wurden 2012 und 2013 im Auftrag von Dow AgroSciences deutschlandweit Kamille-Proben (MATIN und MATCH) gesammelt und untersucht. In 2012 wurden Samenproben gesammelt, die dann im Biotest mit Tribenuron bzw. Florasulam behandelt und danach mit Pyrosequencing an den Stellen Pro 197 und Thr 574 auf Mutationen untersucht wurden. Da bei ALS-Resistenz bei zweikeimblättrigen Unkräutern europaweit keine metabolische Resistenz bekannt ist (ULBER et al., 2012), wurden 2013 deutschlandweit Blattproben gesammelt und an den Stellen Pro 197 und Thr 574 auf Mutation untersucht.Stichwörter: Deutschland, Dow AgroSciences, Kamille, Resisten

    Bekämpfung von Ambrosia artemisiifolia (AMBEL) mit verschiedenen Herbiziden – Auswertung europäischer Versuchsergebnisse von 2003 bis 2012

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    Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Beifußblättrige Ambrosie) – das aus Nordamerika kommende dikotyle Unkraut verursacht jedes Jahr Ertragseinbußen im Wert mehrerer Millionen Euro. Dazu kommt noch die Gefahr von Allergien durch Pollen. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse belegen, dass in Getreide sowie in Obst- und Weinbau Herbizide zur Verfügung stehen, die sehr effizient Ambrosia artemisiifolia bekämpfen können. In Getreide zeigte ArianeTM1 C mit 1,0 l/ha eine sehr gute Wirkung und in Obst- und Weinbau wirkte DominatorTM2 mit 2,0 l/ha sehr gut gegen A. artemisiifolia.Stichwörter: Ambrosia, Clopyralid, Florasulam, Fluroxypyr, PollenControl of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (AMBEL) with different herbicides – Assessment of European test results from 2003 to 2012Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) – broadleaf weed coming from North America causes many million Euros yield damages every year, and additionally comes danger of allergy caused by its pollen. Presented data show that in cereals as well as in orchards and vineyards there are available herbicides, which can very effectively control Ambrosia artemisiifolia. In cereals showed ArianeTM3 C applied at 1,0 l/ha very good efficacy and in orchards and vineyards was DominatorTM4 at 2,0 l/ha very effective again common ragweed.Keywords: ragweed, ambrosia, Clopyralid, Florasulam, Fluroxypyr, polle

    Control of ALS resistant volunteer oil seed rape and other dicotyledonous weeds with GF-145, a new cereal herbicide product containing isoxaben and florasulam

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    GF-145 contains the active ingredients isoxaben (610 g ai/kg) and florasulam (40 g ai/kg) and is formulated as a Wettable Granule (WG). The active ingredients are found in commercial products such as Primus™2 (florasulam), Starane XL™ (fluroxypyr + florasulam), Ariane C™ (fluroxypyr + florasulam + clopyralid) or Flexidor™ (isoxaben). While florasulam has been widely used in cereal crops in recent years, isoxaben offers a new mode of action (MOA) for use in German cereal herbicides even when considering that Flexidor™ has had regulatory approval in 1988 to 1991. The MOA of isoxaben is inhibition of cellulose synthesis (HRAC class L), while florasulam inhibits Acetolactate Synthase (ALS) and is a representative of the HRAC class B. It is known that florasulam works through uptake by green leaves. Isoxaben is a herbicide with soil activity and with a very low activity when foliar applied, except on some species in the cruciferae family. GF-145 is intended to be applied in the autumn in cereals (wheat, barley, rye, triticale) for the control of ALS resistant volunteer oil seed rape and annual dicotyledonous weeds including Matricaria spp., Stellaria media, Papaver rhoeas, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Myosotis arvensis, Lamium spp., Galium aparine, Veronica spp. and others when applied at early post-emergence from BBCH 10 to 13 of the crop. The use rate in winter cereals is 95 g product/ha (58 g ai/ha isoxaben plus 3.75 g ai/ha florasulam). Field trials conducted in previous years confirmed excellent selectivity in all cereal crops and efficacy trials initiated in autumn 2012 show that GF-145 provides excellent and superior control to ALS resistant oil seed rape that was better than straight florasulam and other ALS active ingredients. GF-145 adds a new MOA to the cereal herbicide portfolio and controls volunteer oil seed rape, cruciferous weeds and broad-leaved weeds and is more robust than florasulam based products that do not contain isoxaben

    THE SEMIOTICS OF SERFDOM: How serfdom was perceived in the Swedish conglomerate state, 1561–1806

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