9 research outputs found

    Gene amplifications associated with the development of hormone- resistant prostate cancer

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    Purpose: Hormone resistance remains a significant clinical problem in prostate cancer with few therapeutic options. Research into mechanisms of hormone resistance is essential. Experimental Design: We analyzed 38 paired (prehormone/posthormone resistance) prostate cancer samples using the Vysis GenoSensor. Archival microdissected tumor DNA was extracted, amplified, labeled, and hybridized to Amplione I DNA microarrays containing 57 oncogenes. Results: Genetic instability increased during progression from hormone-sensitive to hormone-resistant cancer (P = 0.008). Amplification frequencies of 15 genes (TERC, MYBL3, HRAS, PI3KCA, JUNB, LAMC2, RAF1, MYC, GARP, SAS, FGFR1, PGY1, MYCL1, MYB, FGR) increased by greater than 10% during hormone escape. Receptor tyrosine kinases were amplified in 73% of cases; this was unrelated to development of hormone resistance. However, downstream receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways showed increased amplification rates in resistant tumors for the mitogen-activated protein kinase (FGR/Src-2, HRAS, and RAF1; P = 0.005) and phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase pathways (FGR/ Src-2, PI3K, and Akt; P = 0.046). Transcription factors regulated by these pathways were also more frequently amplified after escape (MYC family: 21% before versus 63% after, P = 0.027; MYB family: 26 % before versus 53 % after, P = 0.18). Conclusions: Development of clinical hormone escape is linked to phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. These pathways may function independently of the androgen receptor or via androgen receptor activation by phosphorylation, providing novel therapeutic targets

    GABA-mediated changes in inter-hemispheric beta frequency activity in early-stage Parkinson's disease

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    In Parkinson's disease (PD), elevated beta (15-35Hz) power in subcortical motor networks is widely believed to promote aspects of PD symptomatology, moreover, a reduction in beta power and coherence accompanies symptomatic improvement following effective treatment with l-DOPA. Previous studies have reported symptomatic improvements that correlate with changes in cortical network activity following GABAA receptor modulation. In this study we have used whole-head magnetoencephalography to characterize neuronal network activity, at rest and during visually cued finger abductions, in unilaterally symptomatic PD and age-matched control participants. Recordings were then repeated following administration of sub-sedative doses of the hypnotic drug zolpidem (0.05mg/kg), which binds to the benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptor. A beamforming based 'virtual electrode' approach was used to reconstruct oscillatory power in the primary motor cortex (M1), contralateral and ipsilateral to symptom presentation in PD patients or dominant hand in control participants. In PD patients, contralateral M1 showed significantly greater beta power than ipsilateral M1. Following zolpidem administration contralateral beta power was significantly reduced while ipsilateral beta power was significantly increased resulting in a hemispheric power ratio that approached parity. Furthermore, there was highly significant correlation between hemispheric beta power ratio and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). The changes in contralateral and ipsilateral beta power were reflected in pre-movement beta desynchronization and the late post-movement beta rebound. However, the absolute level of movement-related beta desynchronization was not altered. These results show that low-dose zolpidem not only reduces contralateral beta but also increases ipsilateral beta, while rebalancing the dynamic range of M1 network oscillations between the two hemispheres. These changes appear to underlie the symptomatic improvements afforded by low-dose zolpidem

    HER4 in breast cancer: comparison of antibodies against intra- and extra-cellular domains of HER4

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    INTRODUCTION: We have previously linked HER4 expression with increased survival in breast cancer. However, other reports have associated HER4 with adverse prognostic significance. One possible explanation for the conflicting reports may be that these results are antibody dependent. The HER4 protein is enzymatically cleaved, which may alter the function of its intracellular domain (ICD). We have therefore compared the staining patterns of antibodies against its intracellular and extracellular domains using tissue microarray technology. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was performed and evaluated on tumours from 402 tamoxifen treated oestrogen receptor positive patients. The HFR1 antibody recognises the ICD of HER4 and thus recognises both the intact receptor and the cleaved ICD. The H4.77.16 clone recognises an extracellular domain of HER4 and thus detects the full length receptor only. RESULTS: Both antibodies demonstrated nuclear, cytoplasmic and membranous staining. Concordance between the membrane staining patterns was high (88.44%, kappa 0.426). The HFR1 antibody, however, demonstrated generally higher levels of cytoplasmic staining (concordance 74.77%, kappa 0.351). The antibodies demonstrated very different patterns of nuclear staining. Over 60% of patients stained with the H4.77.16 had no nuclear staining whereas the vast majority showed staining with the HFR1 antibody (concordance 40.12%, kappa 0.051). Neither antibody demonstrated relationships between membranous or cytoplasmic HER4 staining and survival, although associations were seen with known poor prognostic markers. Cases with H4.77.16-determined nuclear staining had significantly poorer survival outcomes. CONCLUSION: The difference in antigen site may explain the different staining patterns we have seen with respect to location; with each antibody appearing to select for distinct compartments. Thus, HFR1 may select for cytoplasmic and nuclear HER4 ICD, whilst H4.77.16 selects for membranous HER4 and/or HER4 being recycled in cytoplasm or nucleus. This ability to distinguish between site and function of HER4 and its fragments is particularly important, with recent evidence highlighting the different functions of nuclear and mitochondrial HER4

    AKT activation predicts outcome in breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen

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    Oestrogen receptor (ERalpha) expression is a strong predictor of response to endocrine therapy. The PI3K/AKT/mTOR signal transduction pathway has been implicated in endocrine resistance in vitro. The present study was carried out to test the hypothesis that AKT activation mediates tamoxifen resistance in clinical breast cancer. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) using AKT1-3, pan-AKT, pAKT (Thr-308), pAKT (Ser-473), pER (Ser-167), and pHER2 antibodies was performed on 402 ERalpha-positive breast carcinomas from patients treated with tamoxifen. High pAKT (Ser-473) activity (p = 0.0406) and low AKT2 expression (p = 0.0115) alone, or in combination [high pAKT (Ser-473)/low AKT2; 'high-risk' patient group] (p = 0.0014), predicted decreased overall survival in tamoxifen-treated patients with ERalpha-positive breast cancers. There was no significant association between tumour levels of AKT expression or activity and disease-free survival (DFS); however, the 'high-risk' patient group was significantly more likely to relapse (p = 0.0491). During tamoxifen treatment, neither AKT2 nor pAKT predicted DFS. Finally, activation of AKT, via phosphorylation, was linked to activation of both HER2 and ERalpha in this patient cohort. The data presented here show that the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway is associated with relapse and death in ERalpha-positive breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen, supporting in vitro evidence that AKT mediates tamoxifen resistance. Patients with a 'high-risk' expression profile were at increased risk of death (hazard ratio 3.22, p = 0.002) relative to 'low-risk' patients, highlighting the potential that tumour profiling, with multiple IHC markers predictive of therapeutic response, may improve patient selection for endocrine therapies, eg tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor-based treatments

    Frequent amplifications and deletions of G(1)/S-phase transition genes, CCND1 and MYC in early breast cancers: A potential role in G(1)/S escape

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    Uncontrolled growth of cancer cells can be related to dysfunctional cell cycle control, including entry into S-phase, initiating cell division. Cyclin CCND3 and CCNE1 along with CDK2 and CDK6 regulate this checkpoint, and genetic changes, detectable by fluorescence in situ hybridization, are hypothesized to increase the aggressiveness of breast cancer, thereby influencing patient survival. Genomic change was investigated in 106 primary breast cancer samples, where the combined gene copy number changes in one of these four cell cycle regulatory factors was observed in 22% of the 98 tumors of successful analysis, distributed with 15 deletions and 7 amplifications. A trend towards decreased survival was observed with the aberrations, suggesting a prognostic potential of this set of markers, which was supported by an association with tumor grade. For validation of the new set of FISH probes for the G1/S-phase cell cycle factors, two additional markers, frequently amplified in breast cancers, were included in this study: The G1/S phase control gene CCND1 and the proliferation marker MYC. Both markers were amplified in 14% and deleted in 5% of the cases. This is the first report of genomic deletions of MYC in breast cancer