9 research outputs found

    Beyond mean-field dynamics of small Bose-Hubbard systems based on the number-conserving phase space approach

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    The number-conserving quantum phase space description of the Bose-Hubbard model is discussed for the illustrative case of two and three modes, as well as the generalization of the two-mode case to an open quantum system. The phase-space description based on generalized SU(M) coherent states yields a Liouvillian flow in the macroscopic limit, which can be efficiently simulated using Monte Carlo methods even for large systems. We show that this description clearly goes beyond the common mean-field limit. In particular it resolves well-known problems where the common mean-field approach fails, like the description of dynamical instabilities and chaotic dynamics. Moreover, it provides a valuable tool for a semi-classical approximation of many interesting quantities, which depend on higher moments of the quantum state and are therefore not accessible within the common approach. As a prominent example, we analyse the depletion and heating of the condensate. A comparison to methods ignoring the fixed particle number shows that in this case artificial number fluctuations lead to ambiguities and large deviations even for quite simple examples.Comment: Significantly enhanced and revised version (20 pages, 20 figures

    Quantum dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in tilted and driven bichromatic optical lattices

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    We study the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in tilted and driven optical superlattices. For a bichromatic lattice, each Bloch band split up into two minibands such that the dynamics is governed by the interplay of Bloch oscillations and transitions between the bands. Thus, bichromatic potentials provide an excellent model system for the study of nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling and allow for a variety of applications in matter wave interferometry and quantum metrology. In the present paper we investigate the coherent dynamics of an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate as well as its stability. Different mechanisms of instability are discussed, which lead to a rapid depletion of the condensate.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Exact number conserving phase-space dynamics of the M-site Bose-Hubbard model

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    The dynamics of M-site, N-particle Bose-Hubbard systems is described in quantum phase space constructed in terms of generalized SU(M) coherent states. These states have a special significance for these systems as they describe fully condensed states. Based on the differential algebra developed by Gilmore, we derive an explicit evolution equation for the (generalized) Husimi-(Q)- and Glauber-Sudarshan-(P)-distributions. Most remarkably, these evolution equations turn out to be second order differential equations where the second order terms scale as 1/N with the particle number. For large N the evolution reduces to a (classical) Liouvillian dynamics. The phase space approach thus provides a distinguished instrument to explore the mean-field many-particle crossover. In addition, the thermodynamic Bloch equation is analyzed using similar techniques.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex

    Resonance solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in an open double-well potential

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    The resonance states and the decay dynamics of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger (or Gross-Pitaevskii) equation are studied for a simple, however flexible model system, the double delta-shell potential. This model allows analytical solutions and provides insight into the influence of the nonlinearity on the decay dynamics. The bifurcation scenario of the resonance states is discussed, as well as their dynamical stability properties. A discrete approximation using a biorthogonal basis is suggested which allows an accurate description even for only two basis states in terms of a nonlinear, nonhermitian matrix problem.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    Kicked Bose-Hubbard systems and kicked tops -- destruction and stimulation of tunneling

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    In a two-mode approximation, Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in a double-well potential can be described by a many particle Hamiltonian of Bose-Hubbard type. We focus on such a BEC whose interatomic interaction strength is modulated periodically by δ\delta-kicks which represents a realization of a kicked top. In the (classical) mean-field approximation it provides a rich mixed phase space dynamics with regular and chaotic regions. By increasing the kick-strength a bifurcation leads to the appearance of self-trapping states localized on regular islands. This self-trapping is also found for the many particle system, however in general suppressed by coherent many particle tunneling oscillations. The tunneling time can be calculated from the quasi-energy splitting of the corresponding Floquet states. By varying the kick-strength these quasi-energy levels undergo both avoided and even actual crossings. Therefore stimulation or complete destruction of tunneling can be observed for this many particle system

    The nonlinear Schroedinger equation for the delta-comb potential: quasi-classical chaos and bifurcations of periodic stationary solutions

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    The nonlinear Schroedinger equation is studied for a periodic sequence of delta-potentials (a delta-comb) or narrow Gaussian potentials. For the delta-comb the time-independent nonlinear Schroedinger equation can be solved analytically in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions and thus provides useful insight into the features of nonlinear stationary states of periodic potentials. Phenomena well-known from classical chaos are found, such as a bifurcation of periodic stationary states and a transition to spatial chaos. The relation of new features of nonlinear Bloch bands, such as looped and period doubled bands, are analyzed in detail. An analytic expression for the critical nonlinearity for the emergence of looped bands is derived. The results for the delta-comb are generalized to a more realistic potential consisting of a periodic sequence of narrow Gaussian peaks and the dynamical stability of periodic solutions in a Gaussian comb is discussed.Comment: Enhanced and revised version, to appear in J. Nonlin. Math. Phy