20 research outputs found

    Polytypism and superconductivity in the NbS2 system

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    We report on the phase formation and the superconducting properties in the NbS2 system. Specifically, we have performed a series of standardized solid-state syntheses in this system, which allow us to establish a comprehensive synthesis map for the formation of the two polytypes 2H-NbS2 and 3R-NbS2, respectively. We show that the identification of two polytypes by means of X-ray diffraction is not always unambiguous. Our physical property measurements on a phase-pure sample of 3R-NbS2, on a phase-pure sample of 2H-NbS2, and a mixed phase sample confirm earlier reports that 2H-NbS2 is a bulk superconductor and that 3R-NbS2 is not a superconductor above T = 1.75 K. Our results clearly show that specific heat measurements, as true bulk measurements, are crucial for the identification of superconducting materials in this and related systems. Our results indicate that for the investigation of van der Waals materials great care has to be taken on choosing the synthesis conditions for obtaining phase pure samples

    Polytypism and Superconductivity in the NbS2_2 System

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    We report on the phase formation and the superconducting properties in the NbS2_2 system. Specifically, we have performed a series of standardized solid-state syntheses in this system, which allow us to establish a comprehensive synthesis map for the formation of the two polytypes 2H-NbS2_2 and 3R-NbS2_2, respectively. We show that the identification of two polytypes by means of X-ray diffraction is not always unambiguous. Our physical property measurements on a phase-pure sample of 3R-NbS2_2, on a phase-pure sample of 2H-NbS2_2, and a mixed phase sample confirm earlier reports that 2H-NbS2_2 is a bulk superconductor and that 3R-NbS2_2 is not a superconductor above T=T = 1.75 K. Our results clearly show that specific heat measurements, as true bulk measurements, are crucial for the identification of superconducting materials in this and related systems. Our results indicate that for the investigation of van-der-Waals materials great care has to be taken on choosing the synthesis conditions for obtaining phase pure samples.Comment: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/dt/d0dt03636f#!divAbstrac

    Adaptive sparse sampling for quasiparticle interference imaging

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    Quasiparticle interference imaging (QPI) offers insight into the band structure of quantum materials from the Fourier transform of local density of states (LDOS) maps. Their acquisition with a scanning tunneling microscope is traditionally tedious due to the large number of required measurements that may take several days to complete. The recent demonstration of sparse sampling for QPI imaging showed how the effective measurement time could be fundamentally reduced by only sampling a small and random subset of the total LDOS. However, the amount of required sub-sampling to faithfully recover the QPI image remained a recurring question. Here we introduce an adaptive sparse sampling (ASS) approach in which we gradually accumulate sparsely sampled LDOS measurements until a desired quality level is achieved via compressive sensing recovery. The iteratively measured random subset of the LDOS can be interleaved with regular topographic images that are used for image registry and drift correction. These reference topographies also allow to resume interrupted measurements to further improve the QPI quality. Our ASS approach is a convenient extension to quasiparticle interference imaging that should remove further hesitation in the implementation of sparse sampling mapping schemes

    Adaptive Sparse Sampling for Quasiparticle Interference Imaging

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    Quasiparticle interference imaging (QPI) offers insight into the band structure of quantum materials from the Fourier transform of local density of states (LDOS) maps. Their acquisition with a scanning tunneling microscope is traditionally tedious due to the large number of required measurements that may take several days to complete. The recent demonstration of sparse sampling for QPI imaging showed how the effective measurement time could be fundamentally reduced by only sampling a small and random subset of the total LDOS. However, the amount of required sub-sampling to faithfully recover the QPI image remained a recurring question. Here we introduce an adaptive sparse sampling (ASS) approach in which we gradually accumulate sparsely sampled LDOS measurements until a desired quality level is achieved via compressive sensing recovery. The iteratively measured random subset of the LDOS can be interleaved with regular topographic images that are used for image registry and drift correction. These reference topographies also allow to resume interrupted measurements to further improve the QPI quality. Our ASS approach is a convenient extension to quasiparticle interference imaging that should remove further hesitation in the implementation of sparse sampling mapping schemes.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Preparation and Characterization of High-Entropy Alloy (TaNb)1x_{1-x}(ZrHfTi)x_x Superconducting Films

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    We report on the preparation and the physical properties of superconducting (TaNb)_1-x(ZrHfTi)_x high-entropy alloy films. The films were prepared by means of magnetron sputtering at room temperature, with x ranging from 0 to 1 with an average thickness of 600 - 950 nm. All films crystallize in a pseudo body-centered cubic (BCC) structure. For samples with x < 0.65, the normal-state properties are metallic, while for x > 0.65 the films are weakly insulating. The transition from metallic to weakly insulating occurs right at the near-equimolar stoichiometry. We find all films, except for x = 0 or 1, to become superconducting at low temperatures, and we interpret their superconducting properties within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) framework. The highest transition temperature T_c = 6.9 K of the solid solution is observed for x = 0.43. The highest upper-critical field B_c2(0) = 11.05 T is found for the near-equimolar ratio x = 0.65, where the mixing entropy is the largest. The superconducting parameters derived for all the films from transport measurements are found to be close to those that are reported for amorphous superconductors. Our results indicate that these films of high-entropy alloys are promising candidates for superconducting device fabrication

    Observation of the metallic mosaic phase in 1TT-TaS2_2 at equilibrium

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    The transition-metal dichalcogenide tantalum disulphide (1TT-TaS2_2) hosts a commensurate charge density wave (CCDW) at temperatures below 165 ~K where it also becomes insulating. The low temperature CCDW phase can be driven into a metastable "mosaic" phase by means of either laser or voltage pulses which shows a large density of CDW domain walls as well as a closing of the electronic band gap. The exact origins of this pulse-induced metallic mosaic are not yet fully understood. Here, using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS), we observe the occurrence of such a metallic mosaic phase on the surface of TaS2_2 without prior pulse excitation over continuous areas larger than 100×100 100 \times 100~nm2^2 and macroscopic areas on the millimetre scale. We attribute the appearance of the mosaic phase to the presence of surface defects which arrange into the characteristic dense domain wall network. Based on our STM measurements, we further argue how the appearance of the metallic behaviour in the mosaic phase can be explained by local stacking differences of the top two layers induced by the large number of domain walls. Thus, we provide a potential avenue to explain the origin of the pulse induced mosaic phase.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, under review at npj Quantum Material

    Preparation and characterization of high-entropy alloy (TaNb)1−x(ZrHfTi)x superconducting films

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    We report on the preparation and the physical properties of superconducting (TaNb)1−x(ZrHfTi)x high-entropy alloy films. The films were prepared by means of magnetron sputtering at room temperature, with x ranging from 0 to 1 with an average thickness of 600–950 nm. All films crystallize in a pseudo body-centered cubic (BCC) structure. For samples with x<0.65, the normal-state properties are metallic, while for x≥0.65 the films are weakly insulating. The transition from metallic to weakly insulating occurs right at the near-equimolar stoichiometry. We find all films, except for x=0 or 1, to become superconducting at low temperatures, and we interpret their superconducting properties within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) framework. The highest transition temperature Tc=6.9K of the solid solution is observed for x∼0.43. The highest upper-critical field Bc2(0)=11.05 T is found for the near-equimolar ratio x∼0.65, where the mixing entropy is the largest. The superconducting parameters derived for all the films from transport measurements are found to be close to those that are reported for amorphous superconductors. Our results indicate that these films of high-entropy alloys are promising candidates for superconducting device fabrication

    Type-II superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe<sub>2</sub>

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    We report on the microscopic superconducting properties of the Dirac semimetal PdTe2. In this study, we have focused on mosaic crystals of PdTe2, and used detailed zero-field and transverse-field muon-spin relaxation/rotation (μSR), ac-magnetic susceptibility, and resistivity measurements to investigate their superconducting properties. The magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal two superconducting transition temperatures at 1.8 and 1.6 K, respectively, in agreement with earlier reports. In contrary to these reports, we find that these mosaic PdTe2 crystals are not type-I, but rather type-II superconductors. In fact, we observe the clear manifestation of a flux-line lattice through a clear diamagnetic shift and Gaussian broadening of the Fourier spectra in the superconducting state. This behavior is likely caused by the disorder in the mosaic crystals of PdTe2 studied here. Our analysis of the superconducting order parameter by the means of temperature-dependent magnetic penetration depth λ(T ) reveals a fully gapped superconducting state that can be well-fitted using an s-wave symmetric gap. We find that PdTe2 is a promising model system for the investigation and interplay of nontrivial topology, surface superconductivity, and type-II bulk superconductivity in a van der Waals material. Moreover, our results indicate that the superconductivity in this material can be easily modified from type-I to type-II by disorder in the system.</p

    Low-energy excitations in type-II Weyl semimetal Td−MoTe2 evidenced through optical conductivity

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    Molybdenum ditelluride, MoTe2, is a versatile material where the topological phase can be readily tuned by manipulating the associated structural phase transition. The fine details of the band structure of MoTe2, key to understanding its topological properties, have proven difficult to disentangle experientially due to the multiband character of the material. Through experimental optical conductivity spectra, we detect two strong low-energy interband transitions. Both are linked to excitations between spin-orbit split bands. The lowest interband transition shows a strong thermal shift, pointing to a chemical potential that dramatically decreases with temperature. With the help of ab initio calculations and a simple two-band model, we give qualitative and quantitative explanations of the main features in the temperature-dependent optical spectra up to 400 meV