7 research outputs found

    Vorstellung des Studienreformforums: Bisherige Arbeit und aktuelle Beiträge

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    Das Studienreform-Forum befasst sich einerseits mit der Systematisierung von Studienreformen und Studienreform-Vorhaben, andererseits mit Grundsatzfragen der Studienreform. Beides zusammen bildet die Grundlage zur Weiterentwicklung von Studiengängen.Im Jahr 2020 hat das Studienreform-Forum erneut zur Einsendung von Beiträgen zu diesen Fragen aufgerufen. Angesichts der Pandemie wurde dieser Aufruf verlängert und parallel eine Initiative zur Dokumentation und Auswertung der Lehre unter Pandemiebedingungen gestartet, deren Ergebnisse mittelfristig mit den übrigen Beiträgen in Bezug gesetzt werden sollen.Dieser Artikel dokumentiert die auf den Call for Papers eingesandten Beiträge

    Workshop: Hochschuldidaktische Konsequenzen aus zwei Semestern Krisenlehre

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    Die Umstellung des Lehrbetriebs an den Hochschulen auf Online-Lehre hat nicht nur technische, sondern vor allem auch didaktische Herausforderungen mit sich gebracht, die vielfältig – und zum Teil sehr unterschiedlich – beantwortet wurden. An einer systematischen hochschulübergreifenden Auswertung fehlt es bislang aber noch. Im hir dokumentierten Workshop wurde der aktuelle Stand exemplarisch vorgestellt und diskutiert, wie es gelingen kann, dass die wertvollen Erfahrungen dieser Zeit nicht mit der Rückkehr zur Präsenzlehre verloren gehen

    Acute psychiatrie binnen en buiten het ziekenhuis

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    A range of clinical syndromes may present with psychiatric symptoms, both in and out of hospital settings. In such situations agitation, suicidality, communication difficulties and legal aspects often play a role, making diagnosis and treatment a challenge. Based on several case studies, we illustrate how the recently-published Dutch open access source 'Acute Psychiatry' (www.acutepsychiatrie.com) can be of help in acute psychiatric presentations both within and outside psychiatric hospitals

    Acute psychiatrie binnen en buiten het ziekenhuis: Wat is de beste aanpak?

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    Acute presentaties van psychiatrische aandoeningen vragen zowel binnen als buiten het ziekenhuis om efficiënte en zorgvuldige diagnostiek en behandeling. Vanwege de hectiek van het acute moment, waarbij vaak agitatie, suïcidaliteit, communicatieve uitdagingen en juridische aspecten een rol spelen, kan het in de praktijk lastig zijn om optimale en adequate zorg te bieden. Aan de hand van drie casussen geven wij handreikingen voor de diagnostiek en behandeling in dit soort acute situaties. A range of clinical syndromes may present with psychiatric symptoms, both in and out of hospital settings. In such situations agitation, suicidality, communication difficulties and legal aspects often play a role, making diagnosis and treatment a challenge. Based on several case studies, we illustrate how the recently-published Dutch open access source 'Acute Psychiatry' (www.acutepsychiatrie.com) can be of help in acute psychiatric presentations both within and outside psychiatric hospitals

    Alimentação hospitalar: proposições para a qualificação do Serviço de Alimentação e Nutrição, avaliadas pela comunidade científica Hospital food: proposals for qualification of the Food and Nutrition Service, evaluated by the scientific community

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    OBJETIVO: validar proposições para qualificar a alimentação hospitalar pela comunidade científica brasileira. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: aplicou-se um questionário eletrônico a profissionais da área de nutrição clínica, cadastrados na Plataforma Lattes, base de dados brasileira de currículos de pesquisadores e instituições, das áreas de Ciência e Tecnologia. O questionário era acompanhado por uma escala Likert, com espaços para argumentações. Os temas abrangiam a participação do paciente, a qualidade nutricional e sensorial das dietas hospitalares e o planejamento e metas do Serviço de Alimentação e Nutrição Hospitalar (SANH). Também foram solicitadas as cinco prioridades para um SANH. Foi considerada aprovada a proposição com concordância total ou parcial maior ou igual a 70%. RESULTADOS: todas as proposições obtiveram concordância total igual ou maior que 70%. Houve adesão mínima de 70% na proposição que considera que a intervenção nutricional deve ser realizada em comum acordo com o paciente, e máxima de 93% sobre a necessidade de controles estatísticos de dietas prescritas pelo SANH. As prioridades mais citadas referem-se à infraestrutura e à capacitação de recursos humanos (40%), a qualidade da alimentação hospitalar (27%) e ao estado nutricional do paciente.<br>The scope of this paper is to validate proposals used to qualify hospital food by the Brazilian scientific community. An electronic questionnaire was applied to clinical nutrition professionals registered on the Lattes Platform (Brazilian database of institutions and researchers' curricula in the areas of Science and Technology). The questionnaire incorporated a Likert scale and had spaces for comments. The themes dealt with patient participation, the nutritional and sensory quality of hospital diets, and planning and goals of the Hospital Food and Nutrition Service (HFNS). The questionnaire also asked for the top five priorities for a HFNS. Proposals with total or partial adherence equal to or greater than 70% were considered to be approved. All proposals had total adherence equal to or greater than 70%. The proposal that had minimal adherence (70%) was the one that proposed that nutritional intervention must be arranged by mutual agreement with the patient. The proposal that had maximal adherence (93%) was the one advocating that there must be statistical control on diets prescribed by the HFNS. The most cited priorities referred to infrastructure and training of human resources (40%), the quality of hospital food (27%) and the nutritional status of the patient