887 research outputs found

    Interval Training: Its Effects on Resting Fat Oxidation and Body Composition In Recreationally Active College-Aged Females

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    The effects of invasive vertebrate species on agriculture, human health and safety, and the environment are a growing concern around the world. The number of incidents of invasive species causing harm continues to climb with increased worldwide travel and transportation of goods. The focus for many decades was on invasive pathogens, plants, and invertebrates because they can greatly affect human and animal health and food supplies. In recent years, invasive vertebrate species, such as rats, feral pigs, and feral cats, have garnered more attention because the magnitude of their impacts have been repeatedly highlighted in the media. In response, better methods of prevention, detection, and management of invasive species have been developed. For example, several eradications of invasive vertebrates on islands have been successful, although management on mainland settings is generally much more challenging

    The Relationship Between Body Composition and Baseball Performance in Division II Baseball Players

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    Halcyornis toliapicus (aves: Lower Eocene, England) indicates advanced neuromorphology in Mesozoic Neornithes

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    Our recent X-ray micro computer-tomographic (ÎĽCT) investigations of Prophaethon shrubsolei and Odontopteryx toliapica from the Lower Eocene London Clay Formation of England revealed the avian brain to have been essentially modern in form by 55 Ma, but that an important vision-related synapomorphy of living birds, the eminentia sagittalis of the telencephalon, was poorly developed. This evidence suggested that the feature probably appeared close to the end of the Mesozoic. Here we use ÎĽCT analysis to describe the endocranium of Halcyornis toliapicus, also from the London Clay Formation. The affinities of Halcyornis have been hotly debated, with the taxon referred to the Charadriiformes (Laridae), Coraciiformes (Alcedinidae, and its own family Halcyornithidae) and most recently that Halcyornithidae may be a possible senior synonym of Pseudasturidae (Pan-Psittaciformes). Unlike Prophaethon and Odontopteryx, the eminentia sagittalis of Halcyornis is strongly developed and comparable to that of living species. Like those London Clay taxa, the eminentia sagittalis occupies a rostral position on the telencephalon. The senses of Halcyornis appear to have been well developed. The length of the cochlear duct of the inner ear indicates a hearing sensitivity within the upper range of living species, and enlarged olfactory lobes suggest a reasonable reliance on sense of smell. The optic nerves were especially well developed which, together with the strong development of the eminentia sagittalis, indicates a high degree of visual specialization in Halcyornis. The advanced development of the eminentia sagittalis further supports a Mesozoic age for the appearance of this structure and associated neural architectural complexity found in extant Aves. The eminentia sagittalis of living Psittaciformes is situated caudally on the telencephalon, making a Pan-Psittaciformes relationship unlikely for Halcyorni

    The Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training versus Steady-State Training on Body Fat and Fat Oxidation

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    Integrated waveguides and deterministically positioned nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond created by femtosecond laser writing

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    Diamond's nitrogen vacancy (NV) center is an optically active defect with long spin coherence times, showing great potential for both efficient nanoscale magnetometry and quantum information processing schemes. Recently, both the formation of buried 3D optical waveguides and high quality single NVs in diamond were demonstrated using the versatile femtosecond laser-writing technique. However, until now, combining these technologies has been an outstanding challenge. In this work, we fabricate laser written photonic waveguides in quantum grade diamond which are aligned to within micron resolution to single laser-written NVs, enabling an integrated platform providing deterministically positioned waveguide-coupled NVs. This fabrication technology opens the way towards on-chip optical routing of single photons between NVs and optically integrated spin-based sensing

    A prospective study of von Willebrand factor levels and bleeding in pregnant women with type 1 von Willebrand disease

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134934/1/hae13086.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134934/2/hae13086_am.pd

    The Effect of 28 Days of Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Repeated-Sprint Ability

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