61 research outputs found

    Method of and apparatus for double-exposure holographic interferometry

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    Double-exposure holographic interferometry is carried out using first and second lasers responsive to respective applied firing signals for producing respective pulsed output beams. An optical system is provided oriented such that the output beams of the lasers produce coinciding scene and reference beams. An initiator circuit generates and applies a firing signal to the first laser; and a timer/firing device responsive to the generation of a firing signal by the initiator circuit, generates and applies a firing signal to the second laser a predetermined period of time later

    Dual laser optical system and method for studying fluid flow

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    A dual laser optical system and method is disclosed for visualization of phenomena in transport substances which induce refractive index gradients such as fluid flow and pressure and temperature gradients in fluids and gases. Two images representing mutually perpendicular components of refractive index gradients may be viewed simultaneously on screen. Two lasers having wave lengths in the visible range but separated by about 1000 angstroms are utilized to provide beams which are collimated into a beam containing components of the different wave lengths. The collimated beam is passed through a test volume of the transparent substance. The collimated beam is then separated into components of the different wave lengths and focused onto a pair of knife edges arranged mutually perpendicular to produce and project images onto the screen

    Non-contact temperature measurement requirements

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    The Marshall Space Flight Center is involved with levitation experiments for Spacelab, Space Station, and drop tube/tower operations. These experiments have temperature measurement requirements, that of course must be non-contact in nature. The experiment modules involved are the Acoustic Levitator Furnace (ALF), and the Modular Electromagnetic Levitator (MEL). User requirements of the ALF and drop tube are presented. The center also has temperature measurement needs that are not microgravity experiment oriented, but rather are related to the propulsion system for the STS. This requirement will also be discussed

    Holographic microscopy studies of emulsions

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    A holographic microscopy system that records and observes the dynamic properties of separation of dispersed immiscible fluids is described. The holographic construction system and reconstruction system that were used to obtain particle size and distribution information from the holograms are discussed. The holographic microscopy system is used to observed the phase separating processes in immiscible fluids that were isothermally cooled into the two phase region. Nucleation, growth rates, coalescence, and particle motion are successfully demonstrated with this system. Thus a holographic particle sizing system with a resolution of 2 micrometers and a field of view of 100 cu cm was developed that provides the capability of testing the theories of separating immiscible fluids for particle number densities in the range of 10 to 10 to the 7th power particles

    Evaluation of AAFE apparatus to measure residual and transient convection in zero-gravity

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    An evaluation apparatus which photographs convective and diffusive flows in crystal growth experiments is presented. Results in the following catagories are reported: (1) Human factors; (2) Electrical and mechanical; (3) Optical performance; and (4) Thermal performance

    Mass Gauging Demonstrator for Any Gravitational Conditions

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    The present invention is a mass gauging interferometry system used to determine the volume contained within a tank. By using an optical interferometric technique to determine gas density and/or pressure a much smaller compression volume or higher fidelity measurement is possible. The mass gauging interferometer system is comprised of an optical source, a component that splits the optical source into a plurality of beams, a component that recombines the split beams, an optical cell operatively coupled to a tank, a detector for detecting fringes, and a means for compression. A portion of the beam travels through the optical cell operatively coupled to the tank, while the other beam(s) is a reference

    Kinetic Studies on Photodeposition of Polydiacetylene Thin Film from Solution: Preliminary Determination of the Rate Law

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    Preliminary kinetic studies were undertaken on the photodeposition of thin films of a polydiacetylene derivative of 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline from monomer solutions onto quartz substrates. Solutions of the monomer, DAMNA, in 1,2-dichloroethane at various concentrations were irradiated at 364 nm using an argon-ion laser at several intensities. It was found that the rate of polydiacetylene (PDAMNA) film photodeposition varies linearly with UV light intensity and as the square root of monomer concentration

    Separation processes during binary monotectic alloy production

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    Observation of microgravity solidification processes indicates that outside of sedimentation, at least two other important effects can separate the phases: critical-point wetting and spreading; and thermal migration of second-phase droplets due to interfacial tension gradients. It is difficult to study these surface tension effects while in a unit gravity field. In order to investigate the processes occurring over a temperature range, i.e., between a consolute point and the monotectic temperature, it is necessary to use a low-gravity environment. The MSFC drop tube (and tower), the ballistic trajectory KC-135 airplane, and the Space Shuttle are ideal facilities to aid formation and testing of hypotheses. Much of the early work in this area focuses on transparent materials so that process dynamics may be studied by optical techniques such as photography for viewing macro-processes; holography for studying diffusional growth; spinodal decomposition and coalescence; ellipsometry for surface wetting and spreading effects; and interferometry and spectroscopy for small-scale spatial resolution of concentration profiles
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