9 research outputs found

    Propeller Design Requirements for Quadcopters Utilizing Variable Pitch Propellers

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV, has increases in the drastically in these past several years since their costs reduced. This research is based and built upon previous research presented in a conference. With the advent of commercial Quadcopters, four propeller systems, are used, being designed and used to operate the advantages of both flight and hovering. The basic design of their propeller blades has not evolved from the early days of manned flight when wooden fixed blades were used. In this paper that expands upon previous findings and discussions it explores the historical developments. Furthermore, how the expansion and reduction in costs of modern materials and manufacturing techniques that offer more accurate matching of blades’ needs and applications

    Multi-Choice Questions and Their Problems When Used for Assessment of Aircraft Engineers Education

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    Licensed aircraft engineers under the European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA, undertake academic training to complement their practical and type specific studies. These exams are mainly Multi-Choice Questions, MCQ, and four 20-minute essays. The MCQ exams are as few as 16 questions to a maximum of 140 questions. A score of 75% is needed to pass each exam, and each question has three possible answers. This authors of this paper reviews the theory and design of the MCQ and asks if the assumptions are valid and that it achieves the academic level assumed for engineers who will be maintaining some of the most complex system in the world, and the safety of passengers. It will argue that there are failings and how this can be address, in particular, that repeated tests should have a higher pass level

    Unmanned Aerial Systems and Airport Master Plans

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    Investigative research study to establish best practices that may lead to a model for integrating UAS operations into airport master plans. Qualitative, observational, and case analysis to determine best ways to incorporate UAS integration into the airport planning process, specifically airport master plans

    Training Standards, Certification and Other Relevant Presentations

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    Human factors are critical to accelerate the adoption of unmanned technologies. Unmanned systems require a different set of skills to operate than conventional aircraft. Until operators are certified like pilots and the technology is proven, unmanned systems will be highly restricted in civilian airspace limiting their role. This panel will look at the challenges and regulatory issues on the horizon. Keynote session to the panel discussion on The Potential Role for Unmanned Systems as Fighter Aircraft--When Will This be a Reality

    Tier I Session 2: What\u27s Your Kryptonite?

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    Identify your perceived weaknesses, while gaining the tools needed to make them work for and not against you

    Propeller Design Requirements for Quadcopters Utilizing Variable Pitch Propellers

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV, has increases in the drastically in these past several years since their costs reduced. This research is based and built upon previous research presented in a conference. With the advent of commercial Quadcopters, four propeller systems, are used, being designed and used to operate the advantages of both flight and hovering. The basic design of their propeller blades has not evolved from the early days of manned flight when wooden fixed blades were used. In this paper that expands upon previous findings and discussions it explores the historical developments. Furthermore, how the expansion and reduction in costs of modern materials and manufacturing techniques that offer more accurate matching of blades’ needs and applications

    Multi-Choice Questions and Their Problems When Used for Assessment of Aircraft Engineers Education

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    Licensed aircraft engineers under the European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA, undertake academic training to complement their practical and type specific studies. These exams are mainly Multi-Choice Questions, MCQ, and four 20-minute essays. The MCQ exams are as few as 16 questions to a maximum of 140 questions. A score of 75% is needed to pass each exam, and each question has three possible answers. This authors of this paper reviews the theory and design of the MCQ and asks if the assumptions are valid and that it achieves the academic level assumed for engineers who will be maintaining some of the most complex system in the world, and the safety of passengers. It will argue that there are failings and how this can be address, in particular, that repeated tests should have a higher pass level

    Design of an Educational Tool for Unmanned Air Vehicle Design and Analysis

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    Offering laboratories and team projects present significant challenges for delivering Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses in the online (asynchronous) modality. These interactiveworkspaces are important attributes since they provide forums for students to more deeply explorefundamental principles, exercise teamwork and planning to jointly overcome problems, and gain criticalexperience. The employment of online environments and interactive activities hold the potential to changehow fundamental student outcomes measured by accreditation organizations are incorporated and treated incurricula, potentially improving the quality of the overall educational experience. To address this needEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University has teamed with Pinnacle Solutions to develop a realistic unmannedaircraft system (UAS) development, application, and evaluation simulation that educators can integrate intoprogram curriculum. The research contained in this paper addresses simulation development andapplication starting with identification of basic educational objectives driving the need and how thesimulation tool is envisioned to satisfy learning objectives. This will be followed by a description andexamples of a multi-environment simulation framework designed to meet those needs. The first is acomponent test environment where students can investigate basic technical principles of operation and keyperformance metrics of standalone UAS components such as sensors, communications, and propulsionelements. The second is an integration facility, where students are provided the capability to applyknowledge gained in the previous laboratory to select and combine appropriate elements into a unifiedsubsystem to meet prescribed mission parameters. The third is a flight test environment, where studentsexperiment with development and execution of simulated flight profiles over common terrain environments(i.e., mountainous) to measure operational performance attributes of the completed UAS. The design isanticipated to provide the flexibility to implement each environment sequentially, as described above, orindependently; ensuring a solution applicable to a broad range of courses, objectives, outcomes, and studentcapabilities

    An International Review of Sponsorship Research

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