90 research outputs found

    Державний фінансовий контроль є невід'ємною частиною державного управління

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    This multilevel study examined the relationships between moral climate factors and prosocial as well as antisocial behaviors inside and outside the school (school misconduct, delinquent behavior, and vandalism). The moral climate factors were punishment- and victim-based moral orientation, relationships among students, and teacher-student relationships. The analyses of data from 670 students in 69 classes showed that the classroom-level variables only had a significant impact on misconduct at school of students aged 12 to 20. For the other outcome variables, the student-level variables (student and teacher-student relationships, but especially students’ moral orientation) were significant. A novel finding was that a positive teacher-student relationship not only proved to be related to less misconduct inside the school but also to less delinquent behavior and vandalism outside the school. This indicates that the teacher is an important socializing agent for adolescent behavior in general

    Захист вітчизняного товаровиробника при здійсненні державних закупівель: зарубіжний досвід

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    Систематизовані знання щодо зарубіжного досвіду здійснення захисту вітчизняного товаровиробника при здійсненні державних закупівель. Проаналізовані основні елементи протекціонізму в США, Великобританії, Швейцарії, Італії, Ізраїлі. Висловлені пропозиції щодо особливостей впровадження їх у вітчизняних реаліях.Систематизированны знания относительно зарубежного опыта реализации защиты отечественного товаропроизводителя при осуществлении государственных закупок. Проанализированы основные элементы протекционизма в США, Великобритании, Швейцарии, Италии, Израиле. Сформулированы предложения относительно особенностей внедрения их в отечественных реалиях.In the articles systematized of knowledge in relation to foreign experience of realization of defence of domestic commodity producer during realization of the public purchasing. An analysis of basic elements of protectionism in the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Israel. Suggestions are expressed in relation to the features of introduction of them in domestic realities are detailed

    Training direct care staff working with persons with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour: A meta-analytic review study

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    Two separate meta-analyses were conducted to examine (1) the effects of training programs on the behaviour of direct care staff working with clients with ID who present challenging behaviour problems (predominantly aggressive and violent behaviour), and (2) the effects of staff training on the challenging behaviour of their clients with ID. A 3-level random effects model was used for both meta-analyses to account for both within and between study variance. Results showed that staff training was moderately effective in changing staff behaviour, but no convincing evidence was found for an effect on the reduction of challenging behaviour of persons with ID. The type, content and goal of training did not moderate the effects of staff training, whereas sample and study characteristics (e.g., sex participant or year of publication) did. The way a training program is delivered to staff may be much more important than characteristics of a training