24 research outputs found

    Spatialising the Imperial Mode of Living - rethinking a concept

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    In the introduction to this special section, we present the core idea of the concept “imperial mode of living” (IML) which attempts to explain why and how the reproduction of capitalist societal relations continues to be hegemonic despite the widespread recognition of its destructive tendencies. It is argued that the IML itself can be understood as a spatial category: the imperial mode of living creates asymmetric interdependencies between various places and territories in the global North and the global South, it structures the relationship between different parts of the globe in a way that the mechanisms of reproduction in one part affect societies in others. Along four dimensions – valorisation, accumula- tion and reproduction; hegemony and subjectivation; hierarchization; externalization – we present a conceptual and research heuristic on how the working of the imperial mode of living and its socio-spatial implications can be under- stood. Moreover, it is argued that, given deepening crisis tendencies, the paradigm of a “Green Economy” or “Green Deal“ might serve as dominant imaginary that is able to orientate and unite liberal progressive forces to provide for a sufficient degree of economic coherence and to create new terrains of compromising and ways to deal with conflicts that are favourable to the operation of a green-capitalist regime of accumulation. Such an eco-capitalist modernisation of the imperial mode of living in the global North has also severe socio-spatial implications. At the end of the article, we draw a few conclusions, present some criticisms that were made and give a brief outlook of the prospects of a “green capitalism”

    Modernisierte Naturbeherrschung: Agrobiodiversität, Biotechnologie und die Krise der industriellen Landwirtschaft

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    Having been a subject mainly of north-south relations, biodiversity now is increasingly discussed in the context of northern agriculture. There is an increasing discursive dominance of the standpoint of molecular biology, materialising itself in research institutions and in the policy of the federal ministry of research. As a consequence the contradictions within industrial agriculture are accentuated: The access to genetic resources is increasingly monopolized, and farmers become more and more dependent on the high-tech products of the seed industry. Thereby traditional methods of conserving and developing biodiversity, which the seed industry has always built on, are devaluated. Furthermore the traditional alliance between agriculture and seed industry becomes fragile. This creates new possibilities for small farmers' associations to change societal relationships with nature in modern agriculture

    Verdichtungen zweiter Ordnung: Die Internationalisierung des Staates aus einer neo-poulantzianischen Perspektive

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    This article develops an understanding of the internationalisation of the state, inspired by critical approaches to state theory, regulation theory and the concept of scale which was developed in critical geography. International state apparatuses and the integral state – in an Gramscian sense – are analysed with the concept of a „material condensation of societal power relations of second order“. The example of international environmental politics is briefly developed and some open questions for research and emancipatory politics are formulated

    Herrschaftskritik und radikale Demokratie: Zum Tod von Wolf-Dieter Narr (1937-2019)

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    Nachruf auf Wolf-Dieter Narr.Obituary to Wolf-Dieter Narr

    Der Socio-ecological reconstruction as a question of democracy: Dilemmas and opportunities of a trade union’s transformation politics

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    Der sozial-o?kologische Umbau als Demokratiefrage. Dilemmata und Chancen einer gewerkschaftlichen Transformationspolitik. Obwohl in der aktuellen Debatte weitgehend vernachlässigt, ist die Demokratisierung der VerfĂĽgung ĂĽber die Produktionsmittel ein SchlĂĽssel zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation. Die gleichberechtigte Beteiligung der von Produktionsentscheidungen Betroffenen am Entscheidungsprozess wĂĽrde nicht nur die Voraussetzungen fĂĽr menschenwĂĽrdige Arbeit schaffen, sondern auch die Reorganisation der Produktion nach dem Prinzip der sozialen und ökologischen Nutzwertorientierung. Nachdem der Artikel den engen Zusammenhang zwischen Demokratisierung und sozial-ökologischer Transformation auf theoretischer Ebene erläutert hat, werden die Dilemmata und Chancen diskutiert, mit denen die Gewerkschaften im Automobilsektor derzeit konfrontiert sind. Ein zentrales Argument ist, dass eine Strategie der radikalen Demokratisierung, die zwar auf den ersten Blick die Organisationsmacht der Gewerkschaften bedroht, ein Mittel sein kann, durch das sie gestärkt und in die Lage versetzt werden, eine entscheidende Rolle bei der sozial-ökologischen Transformation zu spielen.Socio-ecological reconstruction as a question of democracy. Dilemmas and opportunities of a trade union’s transformation politics. Although largely neglected in current debates, the democratisation of the disposal over the means of production is a key to socio-ecological transformation. The equal participation of those who are affected by production decisions in the decision-making process would create not only the preconditions for decent work but also for reorganising production according the principle of a social and ecological use-value-orientation. After having elaborated on the close relationship between democratisation and socio-ecological transformation on a theoretical level, the article discusses the dilemmas and opportunities which trade unions in the automotive sector are currently facing. A central argument is that a strategy of radical democratisation, although at first sight threatening union’s organisational power, can be a means through which unions are strengthened and enabled to play a crucial role in socio-ecological transformation

    Between neo-Fossilism and a „green economy“: Development trends of the global energy regime.

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    Capitalism and the fossilist energy regime have been considered so closely interrelated that a crisis of the latter would inevitably raise a major threat for the former, resulting amongst others in growing geopolitical tensions. In critical (Marxist) debates such a crisis has been conceptualized as “peak oil” or “the end of cheap nature” ( Jason Moore). However, the recent boom of unconventional fossil energies particularly in the USA has put such diagnoses in question. The article analyses recent development trends of the global energy regime. Its main argument is that the crucial problem is not so much the peak of scarce fossil resources. Neither is there simply a rising tension between the capitalist core and its geopolitical competitors for reasons of energy supply. Rather, there are multiple energetic conflicts some of which criss-cross the line between the sphere of U.S. hegemony on the one hand and its competitors like China and Russia on the other. The major energetic threat arises from the socially and environmentally destructive power of the (neo-)fossilist patterns of production and consumption. This threat won’t be overcome by a “greening” of capitalism. Instead, overcoming it requires a fundamental transformation of the mode of producing and consuming energy.Capitalism and the fossilist energy regime have been considered so closely interrelated that a crisis of the latter would inevitably raise a major threat for the former, resulting amongst others in growing geopolitical tensions. In critical (Marxist) debates such a crisis has been conceptualized as “peak oil” or “the end of cheap nature” ( Jason Moore). However, the recent boom of unconventional fossil energies particularly in the USA has put such diagnoses in question. The article analyses recent development trends of the global energy regime. Its main argument is that the crucial problem is not so much the peak of scarce fossil resources. Neither is there simply a rising tension between the capitalist core and its geopolitical competitors for reasons of energy supply. Rather, there are multiple energetic conflicts some of which criss-cross the line between the sphere of U.S. hegemony on the one hand and its competitors like China and Russia on the other. The major energetic threat arises from the socially and environmentally destructive power of the (neo-)fossilist patterns of production and consumption. This threat won’t be overcome by a “greening” of capitalism. Instead, overcoming it requires a fundamental transformation of the mode of producing and consuming energy

    Kapitalismus und "natürliche Grenzen": Eine kritische Diskussion ökomarxistischer Zugänge zur ökologischen Krise

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    In the face of climate change and peak oil, a concept of "natural limits" to societal development seems to be necessary for an appropriate understanding of the ecological crisis. Eco-Marxist approaches, like the ones of James O'Connor, Elmar Altvater and Ted Benton, have significantly contributed to develop such a concept. Particularly, they have contributed to dissolving respective discussions from their Malthusian roots and to defining natural limits as related to the capitalist mode of production. However, the eco-Marxist focus on the structural contradictions of capitalism affects its ability to understand the variety of societal relationships with nature which is possible within capitalism, and thus the modes through which the ecological contradictions of capitalism may be regulated. Furthermore, it neglects the various forms of the production of nature which do not necessary lead to natural limits but are nevertheless an issue of socio-ecological power and domination. In order to grasp the ecological crisis in a more comprehensive manner the eco-Marxist view thus has to be complemented by other approaches like critical political ecology and the concept of societal relationships with nature

    National dominierte globale Herrschaft: Zum Verhältnis von Uni- und Multilateralismus in der "Neuen Weltordnung"

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    Current interpretation about an end of multilateralism and of neoliberalist globalisation at all lacks a sufficient understanding of international institutions. Neither was multilateralism in the 1990ties a functional problem-solving approach to global crises nor can the growing tendencies toward unilateralism today renounce the background of multilateral institutions. Both interpretations miss the specific character of global domination incorporated in international institutions. Building on the state theory of Nicos Poulantzas and the diagnosis of Joachim Hirsch towards an "Internationalisation of the state" an alternative approach is developed arguing that international institutions are "second order condensations" of social power relations. The case of the WTO-TRIPsagreement and the global conflicts around its revision is used to show the analytical strength of this approach

    Modo de vida y trabajo imperial. DominaciĂłn, crisis y continuidad de las relaciones societales con la Naturaleza

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    We present the concept “imperial way of living” stating that despite the widespread awareness of the environmental crisis, sustainability policies are still insufficient. We argue that the  dominant patterns of production and consumption invisibilize their own negative (pre-)conditions, which are externalized to other regions. For the first time, we systematically link the concept “imperial way of living” to reflections on paid and unpaid work to better understand the current situation of non-sustainability.Presentamos el concepto “modo de vida imperial”, porque a pese a la amplia consciencia de la crisis medioambiental, las polĂ­ticas de sustentabilidad son aĂşn insuficentes. Argumentamos que los patrones dominantes de producciĂłn y consumo invisibilizan sus propias condiciones negativas, las que son externalizadas a otras regiones. Por primera vez vinculamos de manera sistemática el concepto “modo de vida imperial” con reflexiones acerca del trabajo asalariado y no-asalariado para entender aĂşn mejor la situaciĂłn actual de la non-sustentabilidad

    Multimodale Mobilutions und Privat-PKW Ein Vergleich auf Basis von Transaktions- und monetaeren Kosten; Bericht 4 der choice-Forschung

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    'Examined from a cost perspective, this paper is about a consumer's choice between private automobiles and the installation of a multi-modal set of transportation means. Therefore, the terms inter-modality, multi-modality, self-locomotion, quotidian routine, in combination with the costs of transaction and routinized means of transportation (mobilutions), are partially introduced or defined in a new way. It is an economical fiction that before every journey there is a choice of means of transportationrather, users of transportation systems install for themselves, in a median time span, sets of transportation means, mobilutions. Among the other known items of influence, the combination of total transaction and monetary costs plays a role. Not only is the total costs a parameter of choice, but also the degree to which costs vary. Mobilutions with a high proportion of variable costs are not considered even if, as a whole, they are noticeably cheaper than those which are fixed at a higher proportion. Eventually this leads to lower inevitable returns per carsharing customer and also explains, among other things, the dissatisfactory extent of the German carsharing market. Quantitative breakthroughs require not only a national interface, like that currently being developed by Deutsche Bahn, but also a multi-modal cost function integrating all modes of a multi-modal mobilution. Multi-modal mobilutions must integrate public transportation systems in content and in price. They must vigorously discount higher proportions of automobiles thereby making these higher proportions possible. Independent of consumers intensity of use, mobilutions should be better in price than a private automobile, yet remaining affordable for the operating company. Like the private automobile, mobilutions must be best priced in all modes and emphasize the specific benefits of multi-modalitiy more strenuously. This paper presents a multi-modal cost function that approximates the fulfillment of these demands.' (author's abstract)'Thema der Arbeit ist die kostenseitig beleuchtete Entscheidung des Verkehrsteilnehmers zwischen einem Privat-Pkw und der Einrichtung eines multimodalen Sets von Verkehrsmitteln. Dafuer werden die Begriffe Intermodalitaet, Multimodalitaet, Selbstbeweglichkeit, Routinisierbarkeit in Verbindung mit Transaktionskosten und routinisierbaren Verkehrsmittelsets (Mobilutions) teilweise neu definiert bzw. eingefuehrt. Verkehrsmittelwahl vor jeder Fahrt ist eine oekonomistische Fiktion. Vielmehr richten sich Verkehrsteilnehmer mittelfristig Sets von Verkehrsmitteln ein (Mobilutions). Dabei spielt - neben den anderen bekannten Einflussgroessen - auch die Hoehe der Gesamtkosten, zusammengesetzt aus Transaktions- und monetaeren Kosten eine Rolle. Aber nicht nur die Hoehe ist ein Entscheidungsparameter sondern auch der Grad ihrer Variabilitaet. Mobilutions mit hohen variablen Kostenanteilen scheiden auch dann aus, wenn sie insgesamt deutlich guenstiger sind als solche mit hohen fixen Anteilen. Dies fuehrt zu den beschriebenen sehr geringen Umsaetzen pro Carsharing-Kunden und erklaert so unter anderem die unbefriedigende Groesse des deutschen Carsharing-Marktes. Quantitative Durchbrueche beduerfen nicht nur einer nationalen Oberflaeche, wie sie die Deutsche Bahn zur Zeit entwickelt, sondern auch einer multimodalen Kostenfunktion, die alle Modes einer multimodalen Mobilution integriert. Multimodale Mobilutions muessen den oeffentlichen Verkehr inhaltlich und preislich integrieren, sie muessen hoehere Autoanteile erheblich staerker rabattieren und damit erst ermoeglichen, sie muessen fuer alle Nutzungsintensitaeten preisguenstiger sein als der Privat-Pkw und dennoch fuer die Betreiber akzeptabel bleiben. Sie muessen wie der Privat-Pkw in allen Modes rueckwirkend best priced sein und die spezifischen Vorteile von Multimodalitaet staerker betonen. Das Papier stellt eine multimodale Kostenfunktion vor, die diese Forderungen annaehernd erfuellt.' (Autorenreferat)Available from UuStB Koeln(38)-20030107328 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman