67 research outputs found

    Life Course Racism and Depressive Symptoms among Young Black Women

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the life course effects of racism on depressive symptoms in young Black women and to identify particularly sensitive periods. Guided by life-course theory and using logistic regression, we analyzed baseline data on racism frequency and stress from racism at two time periods (before age 20 and during the 20s) and follow-up data (at approximate 20-month intervals) on depressive symptoms (using a modified 11-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, CES-D) among 1612 Black women participants aged 23–34 years living in Detroit, MI. Of the 1612 women, 65% reported experiencing some racism at baseline, and 36.5% had high depressive symptoms at follow-up. Those who experienced high frequency of racism before age 20 had an increased risk for high depressive symptoms (RR = 1.26, 95% CI: 1.07, 1.46) compared to participants in the low racism frequency group. We observed similar associations for high vs. low stress from racism (RR = 1.30, 95% CI : 1.06, 1.54) and high vs. low combination of racism frequency and stress (RR = 1.38, 95% CI: 1.13, 1.64). These findings did not hold or were weaker when assessing racism during the 20s. Among women who experienced high racism across the two time periods, the risk of high depressive symptoms was higher than those who experienced low racism during both periods (RR = 1.49, 95% CI: 1.14, 1.86). The slightly stronger associations between racism and depressive symptoms in childhood and adolescence than in young adulthood suggest that early life might be a sensitive period for experiencing racism

    Genetic Relationships of Crown Rust Resistance, Grain Yield, Test Weight, and Seed Weight in Oat

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    Integrating selection for agronomic performance and quantitative resistance to crown rust, caused by Puccinia coronata Corda var. avenae W.P. Fraser & Ledingham, in oat (Avena sativa L.) requires an understanding of their genetic relationships. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic relationships of crown rust resistance, grain yield, test weight, and seed weight under both inoculated and fungicide-treated conditions. A Design II mating was performed between 10 oat lines with putative partial resistance to crown rust and nine lines with superior grain yield and grain quality potential. Progenies from this mating were evaluated in both crown rust-inoculated and fungicide-treated plots in four Iowa environments to estimate genetic effects and phenotypic correlations between crown rust resistance and grain yield, seed weight, and test weight under either infection or fungicide-treated conditions. Lines from a random-mated population derived from the same parents were evaluated in three Iowa environments to estimate heritabilities of, and genetic correlations between, these traits. Resistance to crown rust, as measured by area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), was highly heritable (H = 0.89 on an entry-mean basis), and was favorably correlated with grain yield, seed weight, and test weight measured in crown rust-inoculated plots. AUDPC was unfavorably correlated or uncorrelated with grain yield, test weight, and seed weight measured in fungicide-treated plots. To improve simultaneously crown rust resistance, grain yield, and seed weight under both lower and higher levels of crown rust infection, an optimum selection index can be developed with the genetic parameters estimated in this stud

    American thoracic society/national heart, lung, and blood institute asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap workshop report

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    Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are highly prevalent chronic obstructive lung diseases with an associated high burden of disease. Asthma, which is often allergic in origin, frequently begins in infancy or childhood with variable airflow obstruction and intermittent wheezing, cough, and dyspnea. Patients with COPD, in contrast, are usually current or former smokers who present after the age of 40 years with symptoms (often persistent) including dyspnea and a productive cough. On the basis of age and smoking history, it is often easy to distinguish between asthma andCOPD. However, some patients have features compatible with both diseases. Because clinical studies typically exclude these patients, their underlying disease mechanisms and appropriate treatment remain largely uncertain. To explore the status of and opportunities for research in this area, the NHLBI, in partnership with the American Thoracic Society, convened a workshop of investigators in San Francisco, California on May 14, 2016. At the workshop, current understanding of asthma-COPD overlap was discussed among clinicians, pathologists, radiologists, epidemiologists, and investigators with expertise in asthma and COPD. They considered knowledge gaps in our understanding of asthma-COPD overlap and identified strategies and research priorities that will advance its understanding. This report summarizes those discussions

    Lunar occultation of the diffuse radio sky: LOFAR measurements between 35 and 80 MHz

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    We present radio observations of the Moon between 35 and 80 MHz to demonstrate a novel technique of interferometrically measuring large-scale diffuse emission extending far beyond the primary beam (global signal) for the first time. In particular, we show that (i) the Moon appears as a negative-flux source at frequencies 35 z >12) and the Epoch of Reionization (12 > z>5)
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