891 research outputs found

    Real-Time Online Re-Planning for Grasping Under Clutter and Uncertainty

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    We consider the problem of grasping in clutter. While there have been motion planners developed to address this problem in recent years, these planners are mostly tailored for open-loop execution. Open-loop execution in this domain, however, is likely to fail, since it is not possible to model the dynamics of the multi-body multi-contact physical system with enough accuracy, neither is it reasonable to expect robots to know the exact physical properties of objects, such as frictional, inertial, and geometrical. Therefore, we propose an online re-planning approach for grasping through clutter. The main challenge is the long planning times this domain requires, which makes fast re-planning and fluent execution difficult to realize. In order to address this, we propose an easily parallelizable stochastic trajectory optimization based algorithm that generates a sequence of optimal controls. We show that by running this optimizer only for a small number of iterations, it is possible to perform real time re-planning cycles to achieve reactive manipulation under clutter and uncertainty.Comment: Published as a conference paper in IEEE Humanoids 201

    Tapping the Potentials of Crowdfunding as a Financing Mechanism for Entrepreneurship Ideas in Nigeria

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    Crowdfunding as an emerging financing method for SMEs and creators of innovative ideas is gaining ground around the world but it is yet to be fully appreciated in the Nigerian market. Thus, the aim of this paper which is exploratory is targeted at providing an insight of its potential, opportunities, and challenges for the Nigerian entrepreneur. The methodology was a review of the extant literature and information gathered from other secondary sources on the concept to determine its practicability in Nigeria.  It is true that with several constraints and associated risks, it may not be practicable to start the implementation of all known crowdfunding models in the country, but the conclusion is that there is no better time than now for the implementation of the Donation and Pre-order models to pilot crowdfunding for entrepreneurial activities in the country. Keywords: Crowdfunding, Fundraisers, SMEs, Startups, Creative ideas, Donor/Backers, Crowdfunding platform, et

    Awareness and Attitude Towards Crowdfunding in Nigeria

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    Crowdfunding is a new funding innovation available to entrepreneurs’ and creators of innovative ideas to raise money to fund projects for a predetermined reward. The new funding innovation is yet to penetrate into the fabrics of entrepreneurial finance in Nigeria but with considerable acceptance in the USA, France, Netherlands, Britain, etc. Presently, crowdfunding campaigns for entrepreneurial activities in Nigeria are at its lowest ebb, hence this study is conceived to scale the level of awareness and the peoples’ attitude regarding the concept. The study is exploratory, thus the method adopted is qualitative but with a survey instrument designed for the purpose. The findings of this study suggest crowdfunding awareness is very low at only 24% of respondents and most of the participants cannot identify or name crowdfunding platforms operational in Nigeria. Most crowdfunding donors donated for a social cause, especially to help the sick in the country, if awareness is built, the same fit is replicable for entrepreneurial activities. The study reveals a significant gap between crowdfunding awareness and actual participation. With only 2.2% of the total respondents had ever participated in crowdfunding as a backer and none ever participating as a fundraiser. The conclusion is that crowdfunding for entrepreneurial activities is a possibility in Nigeria should the people become more positive regarding the concept and a change of attitude towards the funding innovation; this, of course, regulatory and other stakeholders do have complimentary roles to play. Keywords: Crowdfunding, Backer, Awareness, Attitude, SMEs

    Potential Impact Of Brexit On Fruits And Vegetables Purchases In Scotland

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    At the start of 2021, the Economics Observatory suggested that the British pound was 15 percent weaker relative to the Euro than it was on the eve of the Brexit referendum. The present paper assesses the implications of price increases for fruits and vegetables sold in Scotland due to an unfavorable Brexit deal; depreciates the British pound/trade tariffs on fruits and vegetables imported from the EU. Demand for fourteen kinds of fruits and vegetables was estimated using monthly time series data from 2006 to 2020. A major share of the vegetables is either produced in the UK or imported from the rest of the world. Tropical fruits and grapes are typically sourced from the rest of the world. A 10 percent price rise could reduce net total purchases of fruit and vegetable by 2-63 percent offsetting the government's goal to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by 400 grams per person per day

    QYMSYM: A GPU-Accelerated Hybrid Symplectic Integrator That Permits Close Encounters

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    We describe a parallel hybrid symplectic integrator for planetary system integration that runs on a graphics processing unit (GPU). The integrator identifies close approaches between particles and switches from symplectic to Hermite algorithms for particles that require higher resolution integrations. The integrator is approximately as accurate as other hybrid symplectic integrators but is GPU accelerated.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure
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