4 research outputs found

    An Evidence-based Guide for Obesity Treatment in Primary Care

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    On behalf of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, we present a model of obesity management in primary care based on the 5As counseling framework (Assess, Advise, Agree, Assist, and Arrange). Primary care physicians can use the 5As framework to build and coordinate a multidisciplinary team that: 1) addresses patients\u27 psychosocial issues and medical and psychiatric comorbidities associated with obesity treatment failure; 2) delivers intensive counseling that consists of goal setting, self-monitoring, and problem solving; and 3) connects patients with community resources to assist them in making healthy lifestyle changes. This paper outlines reimbursement guidelines and weight-management counseling strategies, and provides a framework for building a multidisciplinary team to maximize the patient\u27s success at weight management

    Advancing our understanding of religion and spirituality in the context of behavioral medicine

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    Recognizing and understanding the potentially powerful roles that religiousness and spirituality (RS) may serve in the prevention and amelioration of disease, as well as symptom management and health related quality of life, significantly enhances research and clinical efforts across many areas of behavioral medicine. This article examines the knowledge established to date and suggests advances that remain to be made. We begin with a brief summary of the current knowledge regarding RS as related to three exemplary health conditions: (a) cardiovascular disease; (b) cancer; and, (c) substance abuse. We then focus on particular concerns for future investigations, emphasizing conceptual issues, possible mediators and moderators of relationships or effects, and methodology. Our discussion is framed by a conceptual model that may serve to guide and organize future investigations. This model highlights a number of important issues regarding the study of links between RS and health: (a) RS comprise many diverse constructs, (b) the mechanisms through which RS may influence health outcomes are quite diverse, and (c) a range of different types of health and health relevant outcomes may be influenced by RS. The multidimensional nature of RS and the complexity of related associations with different types of health relevant outcomes present formidable challenges to empirical study in behavioral medicine. These issues are referred to throughout our review and we suggest several solutions to the presented challenges in our summary. We end with a presentation of barriers to be overcome, along with strategies for doing so, and concluding thoughts

    Exploring the need for interventions to manage weight and stress during interconception

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    Interventions to manage weight and stress during the interconception period (i.e., time immediately following childbirth to subsequent pregnancy) are needed to promote optimal maternal and infant health outcomes. To address this gap, we summarize the current state of knowledge, critically evaluate the research focused on weight and stress management during the interconception period, and provide future recommendations for research in this area. Evidence supports the importance of weight and stress management during the reproductive years and the impact of weight on maternal and child health outcomes. However, evidence-based treatment models that address postpartum weight loss and manage maternal stress during the interconception period are lacking. This problem is further compounded by inconsistent definitions and measurements of stress. Recommendations for future research include interventions that address weight and stress tailored for women in the interconception period, interventions that address healthcare providers\u27 understanding of the significance of weight and stress management during interconception, and long-term follow-up studies that focus on the public health implications of weight and stress management during interconception. Addressing obesity and stress during the interconception period via a reproductive lens will be a starting point for women and their families to live long and healthy lives

    Advancing our understanding of religion and spirituality in the context of behavioral medicine

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