8 research outputs found

    Ekstrak Etanol Ubi Jalar Ungu untuk Mencegah Peningkatan pH Vagina setelah Ovariektomi Bilateral pada Tikus Wistar

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    AVaginal atrophy is one of the most common health problems in postmenopausal women. The disease is characterized by decreasing layers and maturation index of the vaginal epithelium and an increase in vaginal pH. A decrease in vaginal acidity will increase the susceptibility to infections since acidic pH protects the vagina from pathogens infection. The previous study has proven that phytoestrogens were effective to improve the microstructures of the vaginal, reduce urogenital complaints, and improve vaginal pH. The purple sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.) which is cultivated in Bali was recognized for its high anthocyanin content and was reported to have phytoestrogen activity. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of purple sweet potato on vaginal pH in an animal model of menopause. The randomized pre-test post-test control group design study was conducted using 36 bilateral ovariectomized female Wistar rats as an animal model of menopause. The animals were divided randomly into a control group (T0) which was given saline and a treatment group (T1) given an ethanolic extract of purple sweet potato 400 mg/day for 30 days. Vaginal pH was measured before treatment, every week during treatment, and after treatment. The result of the study showed that there was an increase in vaginal pH of the T0 on the 2nd and 3rd week, and after treatment (

    Perbedaan Gambaran Histopatologi Granuloma Paru Mencit Setelah Diinfeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis dan atau Intervensi Silika

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    The characteristics of lung tuberculosis is granuloma, which is consisted of lymphocytes andmacrophages that show the interaction between immune cells and M.tb. Granuloma is the organizationprocess which is depend on lymphocytes invasion, adhesion molecules and chemokine fasilitation. Silicosiswhich is caused by silica, can influence granuloma in the lung. The features of granuloma is variationdepend on the elicited agent and immune reaction. The main purpose of this study was to prove thehistopathology differences of mice lung granuloma caused by M.tb infection, silica intervention and bothin 3th and 7th weeks. It was 45 mice Balb-c strain, divided into 3 groups; P1 got M.tb infection with H37Rvstrain 105 perml,P2 got silica intervention with 60 micro litre and, P3 got both of M.tb infection and silica intervention. Termination of each group were held on 3 and 7 weeks of intervention, continued byhistopathology examination. In the histopathology feature, we done semi-quantitative prosedure to measurelung damage by using Dormans scores; perivasculitis, peribronchiolitis, alveolitis and granuloma. Oneway anova to analysis the differences of histopathologycal result among these groups (P< 0,05). Resultshowed the significant differences among these group. In the 3th weeks, we found mild lung damage werehappened in all groups with granuloma, without necrosic (P1 and P2). In the 7th weeks we found severe lungdamage in P3 with necrotic and fibrotic granuloma sign, with necrosis in P1, with fibrotic in P2. Weconcluded the worst lung damage happened in 7th weeks in group which are got M.tb infection and silicaintervention, with granuloma characterictic of necrosic and fibrotic

    Ekstrak Biji Klabet Menurunkan Jumlah Sel Spermatozoa pada Kelinci

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    Fenugreek seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum) contains saponin diosgenin, wich has an antifertility effect on spermatozoa so it can be used as an oral contraceptive drug. This study was aimedto investigate the effect of fenugreek seed extract to spermatogenic process of rabbit, especially onviability spermatozoa. “Completely randomized control group post-test only design” was used inthis study. The animals were divided into four groups; one control group and three treatmentgroups with six replicates (P0 = control group; P1 = group were given 10 % fenugreek seed extract,1 cc/day; P2 = group were given 20 % fenugreek seed extract, 1 cc/day; P3 = group were given 30 %fenugreek seed extract, 1 cc/day). The extract was given orally once a day in 50 days. After treatment,testicles were sectioned and stained with Hematoxylin Eosin; for qualitative and quantitativemicroscopic analysis. The result of this study showed that the number of spermatozoa were decreasedsignificantly (p&lt;0,05) after receiving 10% fenugreek seed extract 1 cc per day. In conclusion,fenugreek seed extract could reduce the number of spermatozoa

    Potensi Senyawa Fitokimia pada Tumbuhan dalam Menurunkan Kadar Glukosa Darah pada Diabetes Melitus: Potential of Phytochemical Compounds in Plants in Lowering Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetes

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    Diabetes melitus adalah gangguan metabolik kronis yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia atau tingginya glukosa dalam darah karena gangguan dalam sekresi maupun respons terhadap hormon insulin. Menurut data dari International Diabetes Federation, prevalensi diabetes melitus di seluruh dunia sudah sangat tinggi, yaitu 537 juta pada tahun 2021. Akan tetapi, sudah ada berbagai obat alternatif alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menangani penyakit tersebut. Dalam beberapa penelitian, banyak tanaman yang sudah teruji khasiatnya sebagai obat antidiabetes alami karena kandungan fitokimianya. Studi literature review ini dilakukan dengan pencarian data melalui Google Scholar dan Science Direct dalam kurun  waktu 10 tahun terakhir (2013-2022). Dari 29 artikel yang sesuai diperoleh hasil bahwa beberapa kandungan fitokimia pada tumbuhan seperti alkaloid dengan kemampuannya memperbaiki sel beta pankreas, flavonoid sebagai astringen, saponin dengan kemampuannya menstimulasi sekresi insulin dari sel beta pankreas, dan tanin sebagai antioksidan alami berpotensi menurunkan glukosa darah pada diabetes melitus tipe 1 dan 2

    Flavonoid dalam Penyembuhan Luka Bakar pada Kulit: Flavonoids in Healing Burns on the Skin

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    Burns can be caused by heat or other acute trauma, currently the number of cases is still high in Indonesia and the world. The advances of burns treatment are made through research on possible natural ingredients. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that are most commonly found in plants and as well as possible in burn healing. The aims of this literature review are decribed burns, histological structure of skin, and the effectiveness of flavoinoids in burns healing. The method used in this literature review is by searching data through the Science Direct, PubMed, and Google chrome databases. The search results of 19 appropriate journals, it was found that the flavonoid compounds can heal burns through their ability to inhibit prostanoid biosynthesis, inhibition of phosphodiesterase, and various other important mechanisms. Keywords: burns, histological structure of skin, flavonoids, burns healing Abstrak Luka bakar dapat sebabkan oleh panas atau trauma akut lain, saat ini jumlah kasusnya masih tinggi di Indonesia maupun dunia. Kemajuan pengobatan luka bakar dilakukan melalui penelitian bahan alami yang berpotensi. Flavonoid adalah senyawa polifenolik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada tumbuh-tumbuhan serta berpotensi dalam penyembuhan luka bakar. Literature review ini bertujuan mengulas tentang luka bakar, struktur histologi kulit serta potensi flavonoid pada penyembuhan luka bakar. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan literature review ini dengan pencarian data melalui database pada Science Direct, PubMed, dan Google chrome. Dari hasil pencarian ditemukan 19 jurnal yang sesuai, diperoleh hasil bahwa senyawa jenis flavonoid yang terkandung pada beberapa tumbuhan berpotensi menyembuhkan luka bakar melalui kemampuannya dalam penghambatan biosintesis prostanoid, penghambatan fosfodiesterase, serta berbagai mekanisme penting lainnya. Kata Kunci: luka bakar, struktur histologi kulit, flavonoid, penyembuhan luka baka

    Perbedaan Gambaran Histopatologi Granuloma Paru Mencit Setelah Diinfeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis dan atau Intervensi Silika (THE INFLUENCES OF TIME IN THE HISTOPATHOLOGY OF LUNG GRANULOMA IN MICE AFTER INFECTION OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS AND SILI

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    The characteristics of lung tuberculosis is granuloma, which is consisted of lymphocytes andmacrophages that show the interaction between immune cells and M.tb. Granuloma is the organizationprocess which is depend on lymphocytes invasion, adhesion molecules and chemokine fasilitation. Silicosiswhich is caused by silica, can influence granuloma in the lung. The features of granuloma is variationdepend on the elicited agent and immune reaction. The main purpose of this study was to prove thehistopathology differences of  mice lung granuloma caused by M.tb infection,  silica intervention and bothin 3th  and 7th weeks. It was 45 mice Balb-c strain, divided into 3 groups;  P1 got  M.tb infection with H37Rvstrain 105  perml,P2 got silica intervention with 60 micro litre and, P3 got both of M.tb infection and  silica intervention. Termination of each group were held on 3 and 7 weeks of intervention, continued byhistopathology examination. In the histopathology feature, we done semi-quantitative prosedure to measurelung damage by using Dormans scores; perivasculitis, peribronchiolitis, alveolitis and granuloma. Oneway anova to analysis the differences of histopathologycal result among these groups (P&lt; 0,05).  Resultshowed the significant differences  among these group.  In the 3th weeks, we found  mild lung damage werehappened in all groups with granuloma, without necrosic (P1 and P2). In the 7th weeks we found  severe lungdamage in P3 with necrotic and fibrotic granuloma sign, with necrosis in P1, with fibrotic in P2.  Weconcluded the worst lung damage happened in 7th weeks in group which are got M.tb infection and silicaintervention, with granuloma characterictic of necrosic and fibrotic

    Growth Hormone Menurunkan Ekspresi Protein p53 dan p21 Sel Endotel Tikus Jantan (GROWTH HORMONE REDUCES P53 AND P21 ENDOTHELIAL PROTEIN EXPRESSION IN MALE RATS)

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    The use of growth hormone (GH) treatment in aging related condition such as atherosclerosis is stillcontroversial. Previous study showed GH reduce atherosclerotic plaque and prevent endothelial cellsenescence. This study was aimed to understand the mechanism of GH effect to endothelial senescencethrough p53/p21 pathway. A randomized posttest only control group design study was conducted. Twentymale Wistar rats were randomized into five groups; negative control (P0), positive control (P1), and GHtreated group (P2, P3, P4). Negative control group was fed with standard diet, and others were fed withatherogenic diet for 20 weeks. After 10 weeks, subjects were injected subcutaneously (0,1 mL) with aquadest(P0 and P1) and increasing dose of GH (0,02 IU, 0,04 IU, and 0,08 IU) for P2, P3, P4 once a day respectivelyfor 10 weeks. In the end of the study all subjects were examined for p53 and p21 endothelial proteinexpressions. Immunohistochemistry of endothelial p53 showed reduce expression in treated groups (P0:7.28 ± 0.36; P1: 39.51 ± 1.18; P2: 32.70 ± 1.10; P3: 16.98 ± 0.78; and P4: 14.29 ± 0.38). The reduction was also observed in p21 expression (P0: 5.38 ± 0.49; P1: 37.81 ± 0.76; P2: 26.02 ± 1.54; P3: 16.37 ± 1.24; andP4: 4.82 ± 0.61. One way analysis of variance and post hoc test (LSD) analysis showed significant differencesbetween all groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, GH reduces endothelial expression of p53 and p21 and thispathway may contribute to GH effect on atherosclerotic plaque and endothelial senescence

    Penurunan Kadar Trigliserida pada Tikus Jantan dengan Terapi Growth Hormone (DECREASE OF TRIGLYCERIDE LEVEL IN MALE RAT BY GROWTH HORMONE TREATMENT)

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    The use of growth hormone (GH) as cardiovascular disease treatment is still controversial. In thispreliminary study the effect of growth hormone therapy on plasma triglyceride level in dyslipidemia wasexamined. Pre and post control group design study was done using 20 dyslipidemic (total cholesterol &gt;200mg/dL) male rats, age 11–12 month-old. The subjects were divided into four groups, aquadest (P0), GH0.02 IU/day (P1), GH 0.04 IU/day (P2), and GH 0.08 IU/day (P3). All subjects were given high cholesteroldiet for three weeks to achieve dyslipidemic in blood level. Aquadest and GH were injected subcutaneouslyonce daily for two weeks. Triglyceride plasma level was measured on day 22nd and 38th by using colorimetricenzymatic test. The mean of pre test plasma triglyceride level of all groups was 136.30 mg/dL and nosignificant difference was found among the groups (p &gt; 0.05). Growth hormone therapy significantly reducedplasma triglyceride level of P1 by 11.78% (118.82 mg/dL, p &lt; 0.01), P2 by 23.46% (103.41 mg/dL, p &lt; 0.01),and P3 by 35.15% (90.22 mg/dL, p &lt; 0.01). Comparison of  post test data amomg the groups showedsignificant difference (p &lt; 0.01). This study show that growth hormone therapy could reduce plasmatriglyceride level in dyslipidemic rat. However, further research is needed to more understand the effect ofthe therapy on cardiovascular diseases