172 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kurs Dollar Amerika, Cadangan Devisa dan Produk Domestik Bruto terhadap Impor Makanan dan Minuman di Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a developing country where the industrial sector has not been able to meet all domestic demand, especially in commodity food and drinks. Classical theory by David Ricardo stated that a country would benefit from International trade if the product specialization and exporting goods in which the country can produce relatively more productive as well, where the country\u27s imported goods relatively less productive or unproductive, with this consideration, Indonesia entry in International trade. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the US dollar exchange rate, foreign exchange reserves and gross domestic products imultaneously and partially to the value of imports of food and drinks in Indonesia in 1993-2012, and analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results of the data analysis F test showed that the US dollar exchange rate, foreign exchange reserves and gross domestic product an effect simultaneously to the value of imports of food and drinks in Indonesia in 1993-2012. The result of partial test (t) which indicates, the US dollar exchange rate variable negative and significant, variable Foreign Exchange Reserves positive and significant and gross domestic product has no effect on imports of food and drinks in Indonesia in 1993-2012

    Perbandingan Faktor-Faktor yang Menentukan Pemilihan Lokasi Pedagang Perak dan Emas di Pasar Seni Celuk dan Ubud

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    In this research aimed to compare the Factors Determining the Selection of Silver and Gold Dealer Locations in Celuk and Ubud Art Market . The sample size used in this study , at each location is 36 . Sampling in art market Celuk using proportional random sampling method and in the Ubud Market Nonproportional using random sampling methods . The data used in this penelityian is the primary data , while technical analysis is used to determine site selection factors in each place is exploratory factor analysis . The study states that the factors that determine the selection of silver and gold merchant locations in the Art Market Celuk is the first factor that is Competition / Competition and the second factor is Capital amount . Meanwhile , the factors that determine silver and gold traders in Ubud Market is the first factor is factor Facility Place of Business and the second factor is a factor Cleanliness Place of Business

    Antioxidant Capacity Of Frangipani (Plumeria Alba) Powder Extract

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    This research aimed to identify the antioxidant capacity, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and total phenolic compounds of frangipani flower powder. The powder was extracted using ethanol, methanol, acetic acid, and water (aquadest). Antioxidant capacity of each extract were determined using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging method, vitamin C were determined using 2,4 Dinitrophenylhydrazine, and total phenolic compounds were determined using Folin Ciocalteu reagent. All of parameters were measured by spectrofotometer. The result shows that the highest value of antioxidant capacity was ethanolic extract (18.19%) and the lowest value was acetic acid extract (12.74%). The highest value of vitamin C was aqueous extract (3.49 mg/100g) and the lowest value was acetic acid extract (3.02 mg/100g). The highest value of total phenolic content was aqueous extract (25.49 mg GAE/g) and the lowest value was acetic acid extract (22.74 mg GAE/g). In conclusion, the higher antioxidant capacity was not always followed by the higher of vitamin C and total phenolic compounds
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