17 research outputs found

    Pesticide management in Rwanda : analysis of the current pest control products administration and management system

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    This report describes the assessment of the current pest control products administration and management system in Rwanda. The assessment includes the aspects pesticide registration and evaluation, inspection and control and waste management. Roles, responsibilities and capacities of the public institutions involved are evaluated and current Rwandan legislations, regulations and procedures on pest control products are reviewed based on a series of consults and/or interviews with public and private institutions, actors and stakeholders in Rwanda. Finally, a set of observations and recommendations for improvement is provided based on the assessment

    Ditch parameterisation for the aquatic exposure assessment of plant protection products in the Netherlands by sideways and upward spraying in fruit orchards

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de hydrologische parameterisatie van het model van de kavelsloot naast fruitboomgaarden, onderdeel van de blootstelling-scenario's voor fruitbomen in Nederland

    Duiding van het rapport ā€˜Een onderzoek naar de mogelijke relaties tussen de afname van weidevogels en de aanwezigheid van bestrijdingsmiddelen op veehouderijenā€™ door Jelmer Buijs en Margriet Samwel-Mantingh

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    De auteurs van het rapport hebben een belangwekkend vraagstuk op tafel gelegd dat tot nu toe weinig aandacht heeft gekregen. De blootstelling aan bestrijdingsmiddelen via (kracht)voer en mest, en de negatieve effecten op voedsel van weidevogels (o.a. insecten en wormen) zou inderdaad een blinde vlek in onze noties t.a.v. de ontwikkeling van de weidevogels kunnen zijn. Het onderzoek heeft een belangrijke signalerende betekenis: bestrijdingsmiddelen verspreiden zich vanuit bedrijven, o.a. via aangekochtkrachtvoer en gebruik van vliegenverdelgers in de stal, niet alleen binnen gangbare maar ook binnen biologische bedrijven. Daarnaast komen diverse antiparasitaire diergeneesmiddelen in de mest terecht

    Ditch parameterisation for the aquatic exposure assessment of plant protection products in the Netherlands by sideways and upward spraying in fruit orchards

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    Pests and diseases in fruit-orchards and lane tree-nurseries are frequently treated with pesticides, that are applied by sideways or upward spraying. To assess the risk to aquatic organisms associated with the application of these pesticides, specific scenarios are required as part of a tiered assessment scheme. In these scenarios, next to spray drift, drainage is included as well as entry route of pesticide in the ditch. This report describes the hydrological parameterisation of the edge-of-field ditch model next to fruit-orchards. This parameterised model is part of the Dutch exposure assessment scenarios for fruit-orchards. This report is an update of WEnR report 2850. In addition to the hydrological parameterisation described in WEnR report 2850, the drainage entry route to the ditch is now part of the hydrological parameterisation described

    Testing the Greenhouse Emission Model (GEM) for Pesticides Applied via Drip Irrigation to Stone Wool Mats Growing Sweet Pepper in a Recirculation System

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    Pesticide emissions to surface water from greenhouses with crops grown on substrates in open or closed systems may be significant. It is important, therefore, to test models such as the Greenhouse Emission Model (GEM), which was developed to assess these emissions as part of the Dutch authorization procedure for use of plant protection products in greenhouses. GEM was tested using an experiment in which imidacloprid and pymetrozine were applied via drip irrigation to stone wool mats growing sweet pepper. The irrigation system in such greenhouses consists of a mixing tank to prepare the nutrient solution and a series of tanks to treat and recirculate the drain water back to the mixing tank. Emissions may occur because (part of) this recirculation water may be discharged or leached to the surface water. GEM assumes that all tanks are perfectly mixed. GEM further assumes that the water in these mats is perfectly mixed and that the pesticide behavior can be simulated by assuming one perfectly mixed reservoir. The model predicted breakthrough of both pesticides out of the mats earlier than measured, and the measured maximum concentrations were approximately two times lower than predicted. We considered a series of possible causes, including a smaller water volume in the mats, a higher plant uptake factor, and sorption to the stone wool. The model performance improved by representing the mats as a sequence of two equally large tanks with plant uptake restricted to the first tank. We recommend to study the solute transport process and the distribution of plant roots in the mats in more detail to further underpin the hypothesis used and improve the model. After this first validation, the GEM model might also be used in other countries to forecast emissions of PPPs to surface water

    Training on Environmental Risk Assessment as a component of EFSAā€™s risk assessments

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    This final report evaluates the training courses delivered under the contract NP/EFSA/SCER/2018/01. The courses are to explain the basics of how to conduct environmental risk assessments (ERAā€™s) with a particular focus on (1) living organisms, i.e. the deliberate commercial release into the environment of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOā€™s), or the introduction and spread of invasive alien species that are harmful to plant health; and (2) substances used as pesticides or as feed additives (FA).A total of six training courses were organised, which were attended by in total 113 participants. The first four trainings were organised in 2019 and they took place at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma. The last two trainings were organised as webinar training courses.The targeted participants of the training courses were members of EFSAā€™s Scientific Committee/Panels and their working groups, preferably the newly designated ones. Members of the EFSA Networks as well as EFSA scientific staff could also participate in the training courses.The delivered training courses were perceived by the participants as good to very good

    Diergeneesmiddelen & hormonen in het milieu door de toediening van drijfmest : Een verkennende studie in de Provincie Gelderland naar antibiotica, antiparasitaire middelen, coccidiostatica en natuurlijke hormonen in mest, (water)bodem, grondwater en oppervlaktewater

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    Het voorkomen, de risicoā€™s en de mogelijkheden voor emissiereductie van humane geneesmiddelen in water krijgen de afgelopen jaren steeds meer aandacht. Naar diergeneesmiddelen gaat tot op heden minder aandacht uit dan naar humane geneesmiddelen. In 2017 is daarom onderzoek verricht naar de lotgevallen van diergeneesmiddelen in drijfmest uit de intensieve veehouderij die toegediend wordt op het land. Het onderzoek richtte zich op de kalver- en varkenshouderij en met name op het risico van uitspoeling. Voor het onderzoek werden vijf op zandgrond gelegen bedrijven in Gelderland geselecteerd uit iedere sector. Voorafgaand aan de mesttoediening werd een monster van de mest zelf genomen en op diverse tijdstippen voor en na de mestinjectie werden de bodem, het grondwater en het oppervlaktewater en sediment van kavelsloten naast de bemeste percelen bemonsterd. In al deze monsters werden de concentraties van een groot aantal antibiotica, antiparasitaire middelen, coccidiostatica en natuurlijke hormonen bepaald middels chemische analyse

    Greenhouse data experiment drip irrigation 2016

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    The 'Greenhouse data experiment drip irrigation 2016' file contains data gathered during the experiment as described in Wipfler et al. (2020), Testing of the Greenhouse Emission Model for application of plant protection products via drip irrigation. WENR report 3004. Climate parameters were collected from the Lets Grow database, these parameters include water supply, drain water flow, external rainwater intake, radiation outside (W/m2), realized temperature and relative humidity in greenhouse compartment

    Inventarisatie van maatregelen voor een betere verbinding van land- en tuinbouw met natuur

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    This report provides a description of measures which can be applied to improve the connection between agri- and horticulture and nature. The goal of this is working towards resilient farming systems, as one of the components mentioned in the Future Vision Crop Protection 2030 and accessory Implementation Program. Based on a broad inventory and external consultation among chain parties, farmer collectives and individual farmers, all measures which can make an important contribution to this goal have been identified and reviewed.Four (groups off) production types have been distinguished, being outdoor arable farming, fruit and tree cultivation, flower bulb cultivation and greenhouse horticulture. All measures have been assessed on their contribution to the goals of the Implementation Program, applicability and benefit to the overall biodiversity