36 research outputs found

    A neutrophil-dependent pathway for the generation of a neutral peptide mediator: partial characterization of components and control by alpha-1-antitrypsin.

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    A biologically active neutral peptide mediator is cleaved from a plasma protein substrate by an alpha-1-antitrypsin-inhibitable serine protease apparently residing on the membrane of the human neutrophil. The peptide mediator has an approximate mol wt of 1,000, and is distinguished from the kinin peptides by a neutral isoelectric point, susceptibility to inactivation by trypsin as well as chymotrypsin and activity on the isolated, atropinized, and antihistamine-treated guinea pig ileum with relatively little action on the estrous rat uterus. The neutrophil protease is fully inhibitable by DFP, trypsin inhibitors from lima or soy bean, and alpha-1-antitrypsin and is associated with the high mol wt fragments of the neutrophil and not the nuclear, lysosomal, or cytoplasmic subcellular fraction. The substrate has an approximate mol wt of 90,000 and is chromatographically separable from kininogen. The exquisite sensitivity of the neutrophil protease to alpha-1-antitrypsin was established both by inhibition with highly purified alpha-1-antitrypsin and by the inability of the protease to generate detectable neutral peptide in a homozygous (ZZ) alpha-1-antitrypsin-deficient patient without heat inactivation of the residual inhibitor. On the other hand, plasma from a (null) alpha-1-antitrypsin-deficient patient supported neutral peptide generation and revealed an additional factor which inactivated neutral peptide

    Experimental models for the autoimmune and inflammatory blistering disease, Bullous pemphigoid

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    Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is a subepidermal skin blistering disease characterized immunohistologically by dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) separation, an inflammatory cell infiltrate in the upper dermis, and autoantibodies targeted toward the hemidesmosomal proteins BP230 and BP180. Development of an IgG passive transfer mouse model of BP that reproduces these key features of human BP has demonstrated that subepidermal blistering is initiated by anti-BP180 antibodies and mediated by complement activation, mast cell degranulation, neutrophil infiltration, and proteinase secretion. This model is not compatible with study of human pathogenic antibodies, as the human and murine antigenic epitopes are not cross-reactive. The development of two novel humanized mouse models for the first time has enabled study of disease mechanisms caused by BP autoantibodies, and presents an ideal in vivo system to test novel therapeutic strategies for disease management

    Delayed hypersensitivity to penicillin

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    Dermatologic Emergencies

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