325 research outputs found

    Nearby Red Dwarfs and Their Dance Partners: Characterizing More Than 2000 Single and Multiple M Dwarfs Near the Sun

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    This dissertation presents the results of a study to (1) determine the census of the nearby southern M dwarf stellar population via three types of distances and (2) determine the multiplicity rate of nearby M dwarfs using two different search methodologies. The first part of this work reports three types of distance calculations (photographic, photometric, and trigonometric) for 1748 southern M dwarfs. Distances were estimated for 500 red dwarfs using photographic plate BRI magnitudes from SuperCOSMOS, while estimates were made for 667 stars using CCD VRI magnitudes. Both BRI and VRI were combined with 2MASS infrared JHK magnitudes. Distances for an additional 581 red dwarfs were derived from trigonometric parallaxes, 124 of which were measured for the first time during this work. For the second portion of this thesis, an all-sky sample of 1122 M dwarfs, known via trigonometric parallaxes to lie within 25 pc of the Sun, was surveyed for stellar companions at separations of 2 to 600 . I-band images using primarily the CTIO/SMARTS 0.9m and the Lowell 42in telescopes were obtained in order to search these systems for companions at separations of 2 to 180 . A complementary reconnaissance of wider companions to 600 was also done via blinking SuperCOSMOS BRI images. We find a stellar multiplicity fraction of 27.4 ±\pm 1.3% for M dwarfs. Using this new gauge of M dwarf multiplicity near the end of the stellar main sequence, we calculate a multiplicity fraction of 30.1% for stellar systems of all types, implying that most systems are single. We find a peak in the separation distribution of the companions at 26 AU, i.e., distances on the scale of our Solar System, with a weak trend of smaller projected separations for lower mass primaries. A hint that M dwarf multiplicity may be a function of age/composition was revealed, with faster moving (and generally older) systems being multiple slightly less often. We calculate that at least 16% of M dwarf mass is made up of the stellar companions of multiple systems. Finally, we show that the mass function for M dwarfs increases to the end of the main sequence

    Editorial Introduction

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    The Solar Neighborhood XLII. Parallax Results from the CTIOPI 0.9-m Program --- Identifying New Nearby Subdwarfs Using Tangential Velocities and Locations on the H-R Diagram

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    Parallaxes, proper motions, and optical photometry are presented for 51 systems made up 37 cool subdwarf and 14 additional high proper motion systems. Thirty-seven systems have parallaxes reported for the first time, 15 of which have proper motions of at least 1"/yr. The sample includes 22 newly identified cool subdwarfs within 100 pc, of which three are within 25 pc, and an additional five subdwarfs from 100-160 pc. Two systems --- LSR 1610-0040 AB and LHS 440 AB --- are close binaries exhibiting clear astrometric perturbations that will ultimately provide important masses for cool subdwarfs. We use the accurate parallaxes and proper motions provided here, combined with additional data from our program and others to determine that effectively all nearby stars with tangential velocities greater than 200 km s−1^{-1} are subdwarfs. We compare a sample of 167 confirmed cool subdwarfs to nearby main sequence dwarfs and Pleiades members on an observational Hertzsprung-Russell diagram using MVM_V vs.~(V−Ks)(V-K_{s}) to map trends of age and metallicity. We find that subdwarfs are clearly separated for spectral types K5--M5, indicating that the low metallicities of subdwarfs set them apart in the H-R diagram for (V−Ks)(V-K_{s}) = 3--6. We then apply the tangential velocity cutoff and the subdwarf region of the H-R diagram to stars with parallaxes from {\it Gaia} Data Release 1 and the MEarth Project to identify a total of 29 new nearby subdwarf candidates that fall clearly below the main sequence.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Distance Dependent Offsets between Parallaxes for Nearby Stars and Gaia DR1 Parallaxes

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    We use 612 single stars with previously published trigonometric parallaxes placing them within 25 pc to evaluate parallaxes released in Gaia's first data release (DR1). We find that the Gaia parallaxes are, on average, 0.24±0.020.24 \pm 0.02 mas smaller than the weighted mean trigonometric parallax values for these stars in the solar neighborhood. We also find that the offset changes with distance out to 100 pc, in the sense that the closer the star, the larger the offset. We find no systematic trends in the parallax offsets with stellar VV magnitude, V−KV-K color, or proper motion. We do find that the offset is roughly twice as large for stars south of the ecliptic compared to those that are north.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter. The table 1 is available in its entirety in a machine-readable form in the online journa

    The Solar Neighborhood. XXXIV. A Search for Planets Orbiting Nearby M Dwarfs using Astrometry

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    Astrometric measurements are presented for seven nearby stars with previously detected planets: six M dwarfs (GJ 317, GJ 667C, GJ 581, GJ 849, GJ 876, and GJ 1214) and one K dwarf (BD −-10 3166). Measurements are also presented for six additional nearby M dwarfs without known planets, but which are more favorable to astrometric detections of low mass companions, as well as three binary systems for which we provide astrometric orbit solutions. Observations have baselines of three to thirteen years, and were made as part of the RECONS long-term astrometry and photometry program at the CTIO/SMARTS 0.9m telescope. We provide trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions for all 16 systems, and perform an extensive analysis of the astrometric residuals to determine the minimum detectable companion mass for the 12 M dwarfs not having close stellar secondaries. For the six M dwarfs with known planets, we are not sensitive to planets, but can rule out the presence of all but the least massive brown dwarfs at periods of 2 - 12 years. For the six more astrometrically favorable M dwarfs, we conclude that none have brown dwarf companions, and are sensitive to companions with masses as low as 1 MJupM_{Jup} for periods longer than two years. In particular, we conclude that Proxima Centauri has no Jovian companions at orbital periods of 2 - 12 years. These results complement previously published M dwarf planet occurrence rates by providing astrometrically determined upper mass limits on potential super-Jupiter companions at orbits of two years and longer. As part of a continuing survey, these results are consistent with the paucity of super-Jupiter and brown dwarf companions we find among the over 250 red dwarfs within 25 pc observed longer than five years in our astrometric program.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A
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