18 research outputs found

    Molalla comprehensive plan : City of Molalla

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    71 pp. Referenced map not included. Published 2007. Captured October 24, 2008.The Molalla Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) is intended to serve the principal policy document for land use within Molalla Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). It is intended to guide physical development of the City. The Plan is organized to reflect applicable Statewide Planning Goals. It includes a Land Use Plan Map and text. [From the Plan

    Draft report : Cottage Grove transportation system plan

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    346 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, tables, charts, figures, appendices. Published March, 2008. Captured March 24, 2009.This Cottage Grove Transportation System Plan (TSP) identifies projects and programs needed to support the City's Goals and Policies and to serve planned growth through the TSP horizon year (2025). The TSP builds on the previous plan that was developed in 1998 for the city, and addresses changes in local and regional growth patterns, new transportation planning policies adopted by the state, and recent changes in transit services provided to the City, among other issues. This document presents the recommended investments and priorities for the Pedestrian, Bicycle, Transit, and Motor Vehicle systems in the City of Cottage Grove along with new transportation programs to correct existing shortfalls and enhance critical services. For each travel mode, a Master Plan project map and list are identified to support the city's transportation goals and policies. The most critical elements of these Master Plans are referred to as Action Plans. The final chapter identifies the estimated plan costs and makes recommendations about potential new funding sources to support the plan. [From the Plan]"This project is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. This TGM grant is financed, in part, by federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), local government, and the State of Oregon funds.

    South Ridgeline habitat study : Final report

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    177 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published August, 2007. Captured January 23, 2008.This report contains documentation of a five-month inventory and assessment of over 2600 acres of upland habitats on public and private land in the South Ridgeline area of Eugene, Oregon. The South Ridgeline Habitat Study (SRHS) was undertaken to document the location, quantity, and quality of upland habitat, and suitability of habitat for uncommon and rare species in the area, and to do so in a way that meets the inventory standards contained in the administrative rules for Statewide Planning Goal 5.... This report contains: 1) background information about the study area, including ecological history; 2) methodology for inventory and assessment ratings; and 3) a summary of results. [From the Document

    Final report for Boardman interchange area management plans and transportation system update

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    156 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published June, 2007. Captured July 28, 2008.This report presents the Interchange Area Management Plans for the two interstate highway connections in the City of Boardman at Main Street and at Laurel Lane. The city relies on these two interchanges for access to Interstate 84 for nearly all of its regional trips, and uses them for intra-city travel between the north and south areas of the community. The Interchange Area Management Plans (IAMP) were developed to assure that, as the city continues to develop, these facilities will provide safe and convenient access to Boardman and the surrounding area. This report also presents key findings that update the City of Boardman鈥檚 adopted Transportation System Plan. The Transportation System Plan (TSP) updates focus on new street connectivity recommendations developed through the IAMP process, several additions to the long-term pedestrian and bicycle system to better serve the community, and development code amendments to implement new community transportation standards. The TSP updates will require a separate approval by city council to be implemented. [From the Plan]This project is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. This TGM grant is financed, in part, by federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), local government, and the State of Oregon funds

    Damascus Natural Resource Inventory : Natural resources report

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    285 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published July, 2007. Captured January 15, 2008.The City of Damascus, through a Goal 5 Planning grant from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, retained a consultant team led by Winterbrook Planning to conduct an inventory of natural resources within the city limits. The inventory addresses the following natural resources: wetlands, riparian corridors, wildlife habitats, groundwater resources, and Oregon scenic waterways. This inventory addresses Statewide Planning Goal 5, which requires local governments in Oregon to protect natural resources and conserve scenic and historic areas and open spaces. The inventory is part of the City鈥檚 efforts to address long-term growth management goals and to complete a Comprehensive Plan for the new City, which was incorporated in November, 2004. [From the Document]"[Damascus received a] Goal 5 Planning grant from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development.

    Memorandum re updated natural features program outline

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    16 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Tables, illus. Published February 12, 2007. Captured October 30, 2008.Following review by City staff, this draft program outline will serve as the basis for review of other steps in the Goal 5 process, including the analysis of Economic, Social, Environmental and Energy (ESEE) consequences, where appropriate. It is anticipated that changes will be made in the draft program as a result of the ESEE analysis and public review and adoption process. [From the document

    Update of economic opportunity analysis for the City of Albany

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    24 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Tables. Published September 16, 2007. Captured July 10, 2009.This memorandum presents an update to Albany鈥檚 EOA. It includes the following sections: recent economic activity in Albany describes the employment trends, business activity, and potential growth industries in the City of Albany since the 2000 EOA; employment forecast and land demand presents an updated forecast of employment and suitable land needed to accommodate employment growth; site needs presents the number, type, and characteristics of sites needed to accommodate expected future employment growth; suitable sites inventory presents the serviceable land area and sites with required site characteristics; comparison of employment site needs with the supply of suitable sites presents the deficit or surplus of employment land within the Albany UGB. [From the document

    City of Molalla draft residential land needs report

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    14 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Tables. Published July, 2008. Captured October 21, 2008.This Report determines year 2027 and 2058 housing and public / semi-public land needs for the City of Molalla, Oregon. Determination of Molalla's housing needs builds upon the foundation found in the Housing section of Molalla Comprehensive Plan (Plan Element B). That 1986 CP included a revised housing needs projections by type through the Year 2005. To develop a Year 2027 housing need projection, Winterbrook relied on a revised population projection prepared by E.D. Hovee, evaluation of demographic trends from the 1990 and 2000 US Census, review of recent development trends, and input from City staff. Based on a series of assumptions, this report determines the number, type and density of housing units that will be meet to accommodate planned population growth over the next 20 and 43 years. [From the document

    City of Cottage Grove economic opportunities analysis : Final draft report

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    52 pp. Tables, charts. Draft published March 21, 2009. Captured July 16, 2009.Our research, and insights from the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), identified several distinct comparative advantages that are likely to attract a wide range of potential employment to Cottage Grove. [From the document

    City of Reedsport transportation system plan

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    160 pp. Maps and figures included. "Adopted by City Council February 6, 2006." Published February 2006. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.This Reedsport Transportation System Plan (TSP) identifies projects and programs needed to support the City鈥檚 Goals and Policies and to serve planned growth over the next 20 years, and will be incorporated (by reference) into the Reedsport Comprehensive Plan. This document presents the investments and priorities for the Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Motor Vehicle systems along with new transportation programs to correct existing shortfalls and enhance critical services. For each travel mode, a Master Plan project map and list are identified to support the city鈥檚 transportation goals and policies. The most critical elements of these Master Plans are referred to as Action Plans. The final chapter identifies the estimated plan costs and makes recommendations about potential new funding sources to support the plan. [From the Plan]"This project is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. This TGM grant is financed, in part, by federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), local government, and the State of Oregon funds.