19 research outputs found

    Six Developmental Trajectories Characterize Children With Autism

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    The goal of this study was to describe the typical longitudinal developmental trajectories of social and communication functioning in children with autism and to determine the correlates of these trajectories

    The Population Level Impacts of Differential Fertility Behavior of Parents of Children with Autism

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    Drawing on population level data of exceptional quality (including detailed diagnostic information on the autism status of sibling pairs of over 3 million different mothers), this study confirms that stoppage is the average fertility response to a child born with autism, thereby reducing observed concordance in sibling pairs and leading to potentially biased estimation of genetic contributions to autism etiology. Using a counterfactual framework and applying matching techniques we show, however, that this average effect is composed of very different responses to suspicion of autism depending on birth cohort, the character of the disorder (severe versus less severe), the gender of the child, poverty status, and parental education. This study also sheds light on when parents suspect autism. We find that parents’ fertility behavior changes relative to matched controls very early after the birth of a child who will later be diagnosed with autism

    How Judges Can Reduce Racial Disparities in the Criminal-Justice System

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    For decades, researchers and policymakers have been concerned about the disproportionate presence of blacks and Latinos in the criminal-justice system.1 While a fairly substantial proportion of these racial disparities can be explained by greater criminal involvement among blacks and Latinos in certain crimes,2 researchers continue to find that, even after controlling for differences in criminal behavior and other legally relevant factors, minorities are treated more punitively than similarly situated whites from arrest to sentencing in numerous jurisdictions.3 Consequently, researchers suggest that racial disparities arise not just from disproportionate criminal involvement or the disparate impact of facially neutral laws but also from differential treatment by criminal-justice officials, such as police officers, lawyers, probation officers, and judges. While researchers have theorized how criminal-justice officials’ biases and stereotypes may result in differential treatment,4 researchers have little understanding of how officials make sense of the social problem of racial disparities and how, if at all, they work to address the problem


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    Nanostructured polystyrene well plates allow unbiased high-throughput characterization of circulating tumor cells

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    Rapid, reliable and unbiased circulating tumor cell (CTC) isolation and molecular characterization methods are urgently required for implementation in routine clinical diagnostic and prognostic procedures. We report on the development of a novel unbiased CTC detection approach that combines high-throughput automated microscopy with a simple yet efficient approach for achieving a high level of tumor cell binding in standard tissue culture polystyrene (PS) well plates. A single 5 min high-power oxygen plasma treatment was used to create homogeneous nanoscale roughness on standard PS tissue culture plates and, in turn, drastically enhance the binding of a range of tumor cells. After physical adsorption of an adlayer of poly-l-lysine, binding yields above 97% were obtained at 2 h for all tumor cell lines used in the study. Morphological analysis of the cells confirmed strong adherence to the nanorough PS substrates. Clinically relevant concentrations of a highly metastatic breast cancer cell line, used as model for CTCs, could be reliably detected among blood cells on the nanorough polystyrene plates using an automated microscopy system. The approach was then successfully used to detect CTCs in the blood of a stage IIIc colorectal cancer patient. By combining the high binding abilities of nanorough PS well plates with the high-throughput nature of high-content analysis systems, this methodology has great potential toward enabling unbiased routine clinical analysis of CTCs. It could be applied, once clinically validated, in any clinical center equipped with an automated microscopy facility at a fraction of the cost of current CTC isolation technologies.Yuan Wan, Marnie Winter, Bahman Delalat, Jennifer E. Hardingham, Phulwinder K. Grover, Joseph Wrin, Nicolas H. Voelcker, Timothy J. Price, and Benjamin Thierr