30 research outputs found

    Propuesta de estrategias comerciales para mejorar la participación de mercado de la Empresa Construhogar en la ciudad de Riobamba

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    El presente trabajo de investigación es una propuesta de estrategias comerciales para mejorar la participación de mercado de la empresa Construhogar en la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo. La cual ayudara a incrementar la cuota de mercado por ende obtener una cartera de clientes más amplia y altos volúmenes de venta dentro de la empresa. Se realizó el estudio de mercado a los consumidores finales, un FODA, además se aplicó la matriz BCG y la matriz RMG herramientas que sirvieron para tener una visión más amplia del problema que se está estudiando. En la actualidad la implementación de estrategias comerciales es primordial para las empresas ya que de ello depende el éxito o fracaso de la misma. Por lo expuesto es esencial la aplicación de las siguientes estrategias comerciales: Publicidad en Radio, publicidad en medios alternativos, merchandising, capacitaciones al personal de ventas, procedimientos de venta, motivación a la fuerza de ventas, lo cual contribuirá al incremento de la cuota de mercado logrando obtener una ventaja competitiva frente a la competencia directa de la empresa, satisfaciendo así las necesidades de los clientes y su fidelización.The present research is a proposal of commercial strategies to improve the market share of the company Construhogar in the city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo. Which will help to increase the market share; therefore, obtain a broader portfolio of customers and high volumes of sales within the company. A market study was carried out to the final customers, Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats (FODA), in addition, it was applied the matrix Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and the matrix developed by the Consulting Firm Rafael Muñiz Group (RMG); tools that served to have a broader view of the problem being studied. At present, the implementation of commercial strategies is paramount for companies since it depends on the success or failure of it. Therefore, it is essential to apply radio advertising, alternative media advertising, merchandising, sales staff training, sales procedures, motivation to the sales force, which will contribute to the increase in market share from being able to obtain a competitive advantage compared to the direct competition of the company; thus, satisfying the needs of the customers and their fidelity. It is recommended to apply the proposal designed in this research to improve market share and above all provide the attention required by customers to meet their requirements and needs

    Estudio de la demanda de cuarto nivel y propuesta priorizada para la carrera de Administración de Empresas – ESPOCH

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    El presente proyecto de investigación denominado Estudio de la demanda de cuarto nivel y propuesta priorizada para la Carrera de Administración de Empresas de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, tuvo como finalidad conocer la demanda pertinente de posgrados en el campo de Administración según el Reglamento de Armonización de la Nomenclatura de Títulos Profesionales y Grados Académicos que confieren las Instituciones de Educación Superior del Ecuador, lo que contribuirá a las necesidades del campo laboral y al fortalecimiento del perfil profesional. La metodología de investigación utilizada fue de enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, mediante el método inductivo y nivel descriptivo, con énfasis en el requerimiento de la institución, además se utilizaron técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de información primaria como la aplicación de encuestas a cuatro segmentos, estudiantes y graduados de la Carrera de Administración de Empresas de la ESPOCH y profesionales del sector público y privado del Área Administrativa de la Provincia de Chimborazo para fortalecer la investigación científica. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación de campo permitieron identificar que el Programa de maestría en Administración Pública es el más demandado por la población objetivo, además, de que estarían dispuestos a estudiar dicho programa de maestría en la ESPOCH por su trayectoria y localización accesible. La propuesta se basa en crear un programa de maestría en Administración Pública permitiendo formar profesionales competitivos y capaces de fomentar el desarrollo de la administración y bienestar de la sociedad. Se concluye que el estudio de demanda de posgrados beneficia a la institución y a la carrera en su objetivo de formar profesionales de calidad y pertinencia social. Se recomienda que la ESPOCH amplíe su oferta académica de posgrados en áreas administrativas para mantenerse frente a las condiciones cambiantes, aumentar su desarrollo y a la vez contribuir a la educación de cuarto nivel.The present research project called Study of the fourth level demand and prioritized proposal for the Business Administration Career of the Polytechnic High School of Chimborazo, was aimed at knowing the relevant demand of postgraduates in the field of Administration according to the Harmonization Regulation of the Nomenclature of Professional Degrees and Academic Degrees conferred by the Higher Education institutions of Ecuador, which will contribute to the needs of the labor field and the strengthening of the professional profile. The research methodology used was of a qualitative and quantitative approach, using the method Inductive and descriptive method, with emphasis on the requirement of the institution, also used techniques and instruments for collecting primary information such as the application of surveys to four segments, students and graduates of the Business Administration Degree of ESPCOH and prof Public and private sectors of the Administrative Area of the Province of Chimborazo to strengthen scientific research. The results obtained in the field research allowed to identify that the Master's Program in Public Administration is the most demanded by the target population, in addition to that they would be willing to study this master's program at ESPOCH because of its trajectory and accessible location. The proposal is based on creating a master's program in Public Administration allowing to train competitive professionals and capable of promoting the development of the administration and welfare of society. It is concluded that the study of postgraduate demand benefits the institution and the career in its objective of training professionals of quality and social relevance. It is recommended that ESPOCH expand its postgraduate academic offer in administrative areas to keep up with changing conditions, increase its development and at the same time contribute to fourth level education

    Serious Games for First Responders

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    In this chapter, serious games for fire and rescue services and medical personnel are investigated. Command training and joint training are considered for the value it can provide in all first responder services learning to work together

    Hydraulics of steady-flow well systems

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    CER47-52DFP12.Includes bibliographical references

    Hydraulics of wells

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    CER47-52DFP42.March 1952.Includes bibliographical references (pages 41-42).Acknowledgement is given to C. H. Zee, a graduate student in irrigation engineering, and to Dr. Robert O. Bock, associate professor of physics, both of Colorado A & M College, for making available unpublished data on the seepage face for gravity wells

    Immediate and 5-year cumulative outcome after paediatric intensive care in Sweden

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    Background: Little has been reported about intensive care of children in Sweden. The aims of this study are to (I) assess the number of admissions, types of diagnoses and length-of-stay (LOS) for all Swedish children admitted to intensive care during the years 1998-2001, and compare paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) with other intensive care units (adult ICUs) (II) assess immediate (ICU) and cumulative 5-year mortality and (III) determine the actual consumption of paediatric intensive care for the defined age group in Sweden. Methods: Children between 6 months and 16 years of age admitted to intensive care in Sweden were included in a national multicentre, ambidirectional cohort study. In PICUs, data were also collected for infants aged 1-6 months. Survival data were retrieved from the National Files of Registration, 5 years after admission. Results: Eight-thousand sixty-three admissions for a total of 6661 patients were identified, corresponding to an admission rate of 1.59/1000 children per year. Median LOS was 1 day. ICU mortality was 2.1% and cumulative 5-year mortality rate was 5.6%. Forty-four per cent of all admissions were to a PICU. Conclusions: This study has shown that Sweden has a low immediate ICU mortality, similar in adult ICU and PICU. Patients discharged alive from an ICU had a 20-fold increased mortality risk, compared with a control cohort for the 5-year period. Less than half of the paediatric patients admitted for intensive care in Sweden were cared for in a PICU. Studies are needed to evaluate whether a centralization of paediatric intensive care in Sweden would be beneficial to the paediatric population