120 research outputs found

    Hospital Competition under Regulated Prices: Application to Urban Health Sector Reforms in China

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    We develop a model of public-private hospital competition un- der regulated prices, recognizing that hospitals are multi-service Ăžrms and that equilibria depend on the interactions of patients, hospital administrators, and physicians. We then use data from China to calibrate a simulation model of the impact of China?s recent payment and organizational reforms on cost, quality and access. Both the analytic and simulation results show how provid- ing implicit insurance through distorted prices leads to over/under use of services by proĂžtability, which in turn fuels cost escalation and reduces access for those who cannot a?ord to self-pay for care. Hospital competition for patients will improve social welfare only if policymakers pay careful attention to payment incentives and regulation.

    China’s tough stance on COVID is unlikely to change soon, but minor modifications are possible

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    Opening up China to international travel and allowing COVID to spread would represent a huge risk to the country’s leaders, says Winnie Yip (Harvard)

    The Contribution of Population Health and Demographic Change to Economic Growth in China and India

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    We find that a cross-country model of economic growth successfully tracks the growth takeoffs in China and India. The major drivers of the predicted takeoffs are improved health, increased openness to trade, and a rising labor force-to-population ratio due to fertility decline. We also explore the effect of the reallocation of labor from low-productivity agriculture to the higher productivity industry and service sectors. Including the money value of longevity improvements in a measure of full income reduces the gap between the magnitude of China's takeoff relative to India's due to the relative stagnation in life expectancy in China since 1980.aging, health, retirement

    Is the Convergence of Accounting Standards Good for Stock Markets?

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    This paper examines the impact of the convergence of Hong Kong Accounting Standard 40 (HKAS 40) with the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) on the stock prices of firms in the property industry. Using a sample of 22111 firm-day observations, we show that the new standard has a negative impact on the stock performance of these firms.Hong Kong Accounting Standard 40, Event Window, Stock Return.

    Patient choice of health care providers in China: primary care facilities versus hospitals

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    As China’s health system is faced with challenges of overcrowded hospitals, there is a great need to better understand the recent patterns and determinants of people’s choice between primary care facilities and hospitals for outpatient care. Based on recent individual-level data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey (CHARLS) and official province-level data from China health statistical yearbooks, we examine the patterns of outpatient visits to primary care facilities versus hospitals among middle-aged and older individuals and explore both supply- and demand-side correlates that explain these patterns. We find that 53% of outpatient visits were paid to primary care facilities as opposed to hospitals in 2015, compared to 60% in 2011. Both supply and demand factors were associated with this decline. On the supply side, we find that the density of primary care facilities did not account for this decline, but higher densities of hospitals and licensed doctors were associated with lower use of primary care facilities. On the demand side, we find that individuals with higher socioeconomic status and greater health care needs were less likely to use primary health care facilities. Our findings suggest that a high concentration of health care professionals in hospitals diverts patients away from primary care facilities. Staffing the primary care facilities with a well-trained health care workforce is the key to a well-functioning primary care system. The findings also suggest a need to address demand-side inequality issues

    Vision-based Force Feedback Estimation for Robot-assisted Surgery using Instrument-constrained Biomechanical 3D Maps

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    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA 2018International audienceWe present a method for estimating visual and haptic force feedback on robotic surgical systems that currently do not include significant force feedback for the operator. Our approach permits to compute contact forces between instruments and tissues without additional sensors, relying only on endoscopic images acquired by a stereoscopic camera. Using an underlying biomechanical model built on-the-fly from the organ shape and by considering the surgical tool as boundary conditions acting on the surface of the model, contact force can be estimated at the tip of the tool. At the same time these constraints generate stresses that permit to compose a new endoscopic image as visual feedback for the surgeon. The results are demonstrated on in- vivo sequences of a human liver during robotic surgery, while quantitative validation is performed on an DejaVu and ex-vivo experimentation with ground truth to show the advantage of our approach

    Genome sequence and genetic linkage analysis of Shiitake mushroom _Lentinula edodes_

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    _Lentinula edodes_ (Shiitake/Xianggu) is an important cultivated mushroom. Understanding the genomics and functional genomics of _L. edodes_ allows us to improve its cultivation and quality. Genome sequence is a key to develop molecular genetic markers for breeding and genetic manipulation. We sequenced the genome of _L. edodes_ monokaryon L54A using Roche 454 and ABI SOLiD genome sequencing. Sequencing reads of about 1400Mb were de novo assembled into a 40.2 Mb genome sequence. We compiled the genome sequence into a searchable database with which we have been annotating the genes and analyzing the metabolic pathways. In addition, we have been using many molecular techniques to analyze genes differentially expressed during development. Gene ortholog groups of _L. edodes_ genome sequence compared across genomes of several fungi including mushrooms identified gene families unique to mushroom-forming fungi. We used a mapping population of haploid basidiospores of dikaryon L54 for genetic linkage analysis. High-quality variations such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions, and deletions of the mapping population formed a high-density genetic linkage map. We compared the linkage map to the _L. edodes_ L54A genome sequence and located selected quantitative trait loci. The Shiitake community will benefit from these resources for genetic studies and breeding.

    Evaluation of a village-based digital health kiosks program: A protocol for a cluster randomized clinical trial

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    Background To address disparities in healthcare quality and access between rural and urban areas in China, reforms emphasize strengthening primary care and digital health utilization. Yet, evidence on digital health approaches in rural areas is lacking. Objective This study will evaluate the effectiveness of Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital's Digital Health Kiosk program, which uses the Dingbei telemedicine platform to connect rural clinicians to physicians in upper-level health facilities and provide access to artificial intelligence-enabled diagnostic support. We hypothesize that our interventions will increase healthcare utilization and patient satisfaction, decrease out-of-pocket costs, and improve health outcomes. Methods This cluster randomized control trial will enroll clinics according to a partial factorial design. Clinics will be randomized to either a control arm with clinician medical training, a second arm additionally receiving Dingbei telemedicine training, or a third arm with monetary incentives for patient visits conducted through Dingbei plus all prior interventions. Clinics in the second and third arm will then be orthogonally randomized to a social marketing arm that targets villager awareness of the kiosk program. We will use surveys and Dingbei administrative data to evaluate clinic utilization, revenue, and clinician competency, as well as patient satisfaction and expenses. Results We have received ethical approval from Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital (IRB approval number: GD2H-KY IRB-AF-SC.07-01.1), Peking University (IRB00001052-21007), and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (323385). Study enrollment began April 2022. Conclusions This study has the potential to inform future telemedicine approaches and assess telemedicine as a method to address disparities in healthcare access. Trial registration number: ChiCTR210005387

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy v. group psychoeducation for people with generalised anxiety disorder: randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Research suggests that an 8-week mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) course may be effective for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Aims: To compare changes in anxiety levels among participants with GAD randomly assigned to MBCT, cognitive–behavioural therapy-based psychoeducation and usual care. Method: In total, 182 participants with GAD were recruited (trial registration number: CUHK_CCT00267) and assigned to the three groups and followed for 5 months after baseline assessment with the two intervention groups followed for an additional 6 months. Primary outcomes were anxiety and worry levels. Results: Linear mixed models demonstrated significant group × time interaction (F(4,148) = 5.10, P = 0.001) effects for decreased anxiety for both the intervention groups relative to usual care. Significant group × time interaction effects were observed for worry and depressive symptoms and mental health-related quality of life for the psychoeducation group only. Conclusions: These results suggest that both of the interventions appear to be superior to usual care for the reduction of anxiety symptoms

    Association between health insurance cost-sharing and choice of hospital tier for cardiovascular diseases in China: a prospective cohort study

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    Background: Hospitals in China are classified into tiers (1, 2 or 3), with the largest (tier 3) having more equipment and specialist staff. Differential health insurance cost-sharing by hospital tier (lower deductibles and higher reimbursement rates in lower tiers) was introduced to reduce overcrowding in higher tier hospitals, promote use of lower tier hospitals, and limit escalating healthcare costs. However, little is known about the effects of differential cost-sharing in health insurance schemes on choice of hospital tiers. Methods: In a 9-year follow-up of a prospective study of 0.5 M adults from 10 areas in China, we examined the associations between differential health insurance cost-sharing and choice of hospital tiers for patients with a first hospitalisation for stroke or ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in 2009–2017. Analyses were performed separately in urban areas (stroke: n = 20,302; IHD: n = 19,283) and rural areas (stroke: n = 21,130; IHD: n = 17,890), using conditional logit models and adjusting for individual socioeconomic and health characteristics. Findings: About 64–68% of stroke and IHD cases in urban areas and 27–29% in rural areas chose tier 3 hospitals. In urban areas, higher reimbursement rates in each tier and lower tier 3 deductibles were associated with a greater likelihood of choosing their respective hospital tiers. In rural areas, the effects of cost-sharing were modest, suggesting a greater contribution of other factors. Higher socioeconomic status and greater disease severity were associated with a greater likelihood of seeking care in higher tier hospitals in urban and rural areas. Interpretation: Patient choice of hospital tiers for treatment of stroke and IHD in China was influenced by differential cost-sharing in urban areas, but not in rural areas. Further strategies are required to incentivise appropriate health seeking behaviour and promote more efficient hospital use. Funding: Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Kadoorie Charitable Foundation, China Ministry of Science and Technology, and National Natural Science Foundation of China
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