9,719 research outputs found

    Sum rules for an atomic hyperfine structure in a magnetic field

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    Sum rules for the energy levels of a hyperfine multiplet in a constant uniform magnetic field is presented. It is found that for any values of the electron angular moment and the nuclear spin there are certain linear combinations of energy levels which do not depend on the magnetic field and can be used to determine the unperturbated hfs separation in the presence of perturbing magnetic field. It is also demonstrated that there are other linear combinations which are linear with the external magnetic field and hence can be used to determine bound values of the electron and nuclear magnetic moments. The accuracy of the approximation within which the result is valid is also discussed

    Spin Density Matrix of Spin-3/2 Hole Systems

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    For hole systems with an effective spin j=3/2, we present an invariant decomposition of the spin density matrix that can be interpreted as a multipole expansion. The charge density corresponds to the monopole moment and the spin polarization due to a magnetic field corresponds to a dipole moment while heavy hole-light hole splitting can be interpreted as a quadrupole moment. For quasi two-dimensional hole systems in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field B the spin polarization is a higher-order effect that is typically much smaller than one even if the minority spin subband is completely depopulated. On the other hand, the field B can induce a substantial octupole moment which is a unique feature of j=3/2 hole systems.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Spin precession and alternating spin polarization in spin-3/2 hole systems

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    The spin density matrix for spin-3/2 hole systems can be decomposed into a sequence of multipoles which has important higher-order contributions beyond the ones known for electron systems [R. Winkler, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{70}, 125301 (2004)]. We show here that the hole spin polarization and the higher-order multipoles can precess due to the spin-orbit coupling in the valence band, yet in the absence of external or effective magnetic fields. Hole spin precession is important in the context of spin relaxation and offers the possibility of new device applications. We discuss this precession in the context of recent experiments and suggest a related experimental setup in which hole spin precession gives rise to an alternating spin polarization.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Current-Induced Polarization and the Spin Hall Effect at Room Temperature

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    Electrically-induced electron spin polarization is imaged in n-type ZnSe epilayers using Kerr rotation spectroscopy. Despite no evidence for an electrically-induced internal magnetic field, current-induced in-plane spin polarization is observed with characteristic spin lifetimes that decrease with doping density. The spin Hall effect is also observed, indicated by an electrically-induced out-of-plane spin polarization with opposite sign for spins accumulating on opposite edges of the sample. The spin Hall conductivity is estimated as 3 +/- 1.5 Ohms**-1 m**-1/|e| at 20 K, which is consistent with the extrinsic mechanism. Both the current-induced spin polarization and the spin Hall effect are observed at temperatures from 10 K to 295 K.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Beam Effects on the Cryogenic System of LEP2

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    The LEP collider was operated during 1996 for the first time with superconducting cavities at the four interaction points. During operation for physics it was observed that the dissipated heat in the cavities is not only a function of the acceleration gradient, but depends also on beam characteristics such as intensity, bunch length and beam current. These beam effects had not been foreseen in the original heat budget of the LEP cryogenic system. The observations indicating the beam effect and its origin are presented. The available capacity of the refrigerators demonstrates that cryogenics might become a limiting factor for the performance of the LEP collider

    The L1-Potts functional for robust jump-sparse reconstruction

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    We investigate the non-smooth and non-convex L1L^1-Potts functional in discrete and continuous time. We show Γ\Gamma-convergence of discrete L1L^1-Potts functionals towards their continuous counterpart and obtain a convergence statement for the corresponding minimizers as the discretization gets finer. For the discrete L1L^1-Potts problem, we introduce an O(n2)O(n^2) time and O(n)O(n) space algorithm to compute an exact minimizer. We apply L1L^1-Potts minimization to the problem of recovering piecewise constant signals from noisy measurements f.f. It turns out that the L1L^1-Potts functional has a quite interesting blind deconvolution property. In fact, we show that mildly blurred jump-sparse signals are reconstructed by minimizing the L1L^1-Potts functional. Furthermore, for strongly blurred signals and known blurring operator, we derive an iterative reconstruction algorithm

    Imaging spin flows in semiconductors subject to electric, magnetic, and strain fields

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    Using scanning Kerr microscopy, we directly acquire two-dimensional images of spin-polarized electrons flowing laterally in bulk epilayers of n:GaAs. Optical injection provides a local dc source of polarized electrons, whose subsequent drift and/or diffusion is controlled with electric, magnetic, and - in particular - strain fields. Spin precession induced by controlled uniaxial stress along the axes demonstrates the direct k-linear spin-orbit coupling of electron spin to the shear (off-diagonal) components of the strain tensor.Comment: 5 pages, 5 color figure

    Invariant expansion for the trigonal band structure of graphene

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    We present a symmetry analysis of the trigonal band structure in graphene, elucidating the transformational properties of the underlying basis functions and the crucial role of time-reversal invariance. Group theory is used to derive an invariant expansion of the Hamiltonian for electron states near the K points of the graphene Brillouin zone. Besides yielding the characteristic k-linear dispersion and higher-order corrections to it, this approach enables the systematic incorporation of all terms arising from external electric and magnetic fields, strain, and spin-orbit coupling up to any desired order. Several new contributions are found, in addition to reproducing results obtained previously within tight-binding calculations. Physical ramifications of these new terms are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; expanded version with more details and additional result

    Coherent optical transfer of Feshbach molecules to a lower vibrational state

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    Using the technique of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) we have coherently transferred ultracold 87Rb2 Feshbach molecules into a more deeply bound vibrational quantum level. Our measurements indicate a high transfer efficiency of up to 87%. As the molecules are held in an optical lattice with not more than a single molecule per lattice site, inelastic collisions between the molecules are suppressed and we observe long molecular lifetimes of about 1 s. Using STIRAP we have created quantum superpositions of the two molecular states and tested their coherence interferometrically. These results represent an important step towards Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of molecules in the vibrational ground state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamic correlations in stochastic rotation dynamics

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    The dynamic structure factor, vorticity and entropy density dynamic correlation functions are measured for Stochastic Rotation Dynamics (SRD), a particle based algorithm for fluctuating fluids. This allows us to obtain unbiased values for the longitudinal transport coefficients such as thermal diffusivity and bulk viscosity. The results are in good agreement with earlier numerical and theoretical results, and it is shown for the first time that the bulk viscosity is indeed zero for this algorithm. In addition, corrections to the self-diffusion coefficient and shear viscosity arising from the breakdown of the molecular chaos approximation at small mean free paths are analyzed. In addition to deriving the form of the leading correlation corrections to these transport coefficients, the probabilities that two and three particles remain collision partners for consecutive time steps are derived analytically in the limit of small mean free path. The results of this paper verify that we have an excellent understanding of the SRD algorithm at the kinetic level and that analytic expressions for the transport coefficients derived elsewhere do indeed provide a very accurate description of the SRD fluid.Comment: 33 pages including 16 figure
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