51 research outputs found

    Lead, cadmium and aluminum in Canadian infant formulae, oral electrolytes and glucose solutions

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    Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and aluminum (Al) were determined in 437 individual samples of infant formulae, oral electrolytes and 5% glucose solutions available in Canada. In the electrolytes, Cd and Pb concentrations were all below 0.01 and 0.041 ng g−1, respectively. In the 5% glucose solutions, Pb and Cd levels averaged 0.01 and 0.09 ng g−1, respectively. Reported on an as-consumed basis, Pb levels in milk- and soya-based formulae averaged 0.90 and 1.45 ng g−1, respectively, while Cd levels averaged 0.23 and 1.18 ng g−1, respectively Average Al levels on an as-consumed basis were 440 ng g−1 (range 10–3400 ng g−1) in milk-based formulae and 730 ng g−1 (range 230–1100 ng g−1) in soy-based formulae. Al concentrations increased in the following order: plain formula < low-iron formula < iron-supplemented formula < casein hydrolysate formula ≈ premature formula ≤ soy formula. For example, in the powdered formulae, average Al concentrations were 18 ng g−1 for plain milk-based, 37 ng g−1 for low-iron, 128 ng g−1 for iron supplemented, 462 ng g−1 for lactose-free, 518 ng g−1 for hypoallergenic and 619 ng g−1 for soy-based formula. Al concentrations, as-consumed, increased with decreasing levels of concentration: powder < concentrated liquid < ready-to-use. Formulae stored in glass bottles contained between 100 and 300 ng g−1 more Al than the same formulae stored in cans. The source of the increased Al did not appear to be the glass itself, because most electrolytes and glucose solutions, also stored in glass, contained less than 8 ng g−1 Al. Corresponding differences in Pb and Cd levels were not observed. Al concentrations varied substantially among manufacturers; however, all manufacturers were able to produce plain milk-based formulae containing less than 50 ng g−1 Al, i.e. within the range of Al concentrations found in human milk. Next to soya-based and hypoallergenic formulae, premature formulae contained among the highest concentrations of Al, ranging 851–909 ng g−1 from one manufacturer and 365–461 ng g−1 from another

    Zawartość Na, K, Ca i Mg w uzupełniających produktach spożywczych przeznaczonych dla niemowląt i małych dzieci

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    The aim of the study was to determine the content of selected mineral elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium) in fruit and vegetable desserts and dinner meals available on the Polish market designed for the nutrition of infants. The research material consisted of commercial desserts and dinner meals for infants, purchased in Lublin and Warsaw (Poland) before their use-by date. Fifteen different types of desserts (in glass jars) and seventeen types of dinner meals (in glass jarshe t) from ten different manufacturers were tested. The tested baby foodstuffs were made in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. The content of Na, K, Ca and Mg was determined by means of the AAS flame technique on a Unicam 939 (AA Spectrometer Unicam) apparatus. The concentrations of Na, Ca and Mg in the analyzed baby foods did not exceed the norms. Assuming that a baby aged 9-12 months consumes one jar of dessert and one jar of dinner meal daily, he/she takes in 94 mg of Na (21% of the AI), more than 342 mg of K (45% of the AI), about 35 mg of Ca (7% of the AI) and above 41 mg of Mg (33% of the AI) which are included in the product

    Content of Na, K, Ca and Mg in complementary infant food

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    The aim of the study was to determine the content of selected mineral elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium) in fruit and vegetable desserts and dinner meals available on the Polish market designed for the nutrition of infants. The research material consisted of commercial desserts and dinner meals for infants, purchased in Lublin and Warsaw (Poland) before their use-by date. Fifteen different types of desserts (in glass jars) and seventeen types of dinner meals (in glass jarshe t) from ten different manufacturers were tested. The tested baby foodstuffs were made in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. The content of Na, K, Ca and Mg was determined by means of the AAS flame technique on a Unicam 939 (AA Spectrometer Unicam) apparatus. The concentrations of Na, Ca and Mg in the analyzed baby foods did not exceed the norms. Assuming that a baby aged 9-12 months consumes one jar of dessert and one jar of dinner meal daily, he/she takes in 94 mg of Na (21% of the AI), more than 342 mg of K (45% of the AI), about 35 mg of Ca (7% of the AI) and above 41 mg of Mg (33% of the AI) which are included in the product

    Zawartość zn, cu, fe i mn w gotowych produktach owocowych i owocowo-warzywnych przeznaczonych dla niemowląt

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    A baby’s diet can be greatly varied by offering new tastes. Children tend to consume willingly fruit such as apples or bananas. The first fruit tastes may be recognized by children by enriching their menu with dessert products containing pressed fruit, delicate in taste and smooth in texture so that they are easy to swallow. The research material consisted of fruit and vegetable desserts for infants and young children. Fifteen different types of desserts (in jars) from eight different manufacturers were tested. The content of Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn was determined by means of the AAS flame technique in a Unicam 939 (AA Spectrometer Unicam) apparatus. Although the permissible levels of Zn, Fe and Mn (Journal of Law 2007) were not exceeded in the dessert products, nearly all the products contained too much copper. The analyzed products contained the average of 282.2 mg of Zn per 100 kcal, 648.9 mg of Fe, 129.5 mg of Cu and 195.4 mg of Mn. Assuming that a baby aged 9-12 months consumes one jar of dessert daily, she/he ingests almost 0.27 mg of Zn (9% of the RDA), ca 0.63 mg of Fe (5.7% of the RDA), 0.12 mg of Cu (40% of the AI) and 0.21 mg of Mn from the product. Fruit and vegetable products are an important source of mineral elements in the baby’s diet. Because they usually contain less Zn and Mn in reference than demanded, they are a supplementary product rather than a staple one in infant nutrition.Bardzo istotną rolą urozmaicania diety jest poznawanie nowych smaków. Dzieci zazwyczaj chętnie jadają owoce o łagodnym smaku, np. jabłka lub banany. Pierwsze owocowe smaki w jadłospisie dziecko może poznać dzięki delikatnym deserkom, które zawierają przetarte owoce, mają łagodny smak i gładką konsystencję ułatwiającą przełykanie. Materiał do badań stanowiły owocowo-warzywne desery przeznaczone dla niemowląt i małych dzieci. Badano 15 różnych typów deserów (w słoikach), wyprodukowanych przez ośmiu producentów. Zawartość Zn, Cu, Mn oraz Fe oznaczono za pomocą płomieniowej techniki AAS w aparacie Unicam 939 (AA Spektrometr Unicam). W badanych deserach dopuszczalny w polskiej normie (PN 2007) poziom Zn, Fe oraz Mn nie został przekroczony, natomiast zawartość Cu była zbyt wysoka. Badane produkty zawierały średnio 282.2 mg Zn 100 kcal–1, 648.9 mg Fe, 129.5 mg Cu oraz 195.4 mg Mn. Przyjmując, że dziecko w wieku 9-12 miesięcy spożywa dziennie jeden słoik deseru, wraz z tym posiłkiem przyjmuje ok. 0.27 mg Zn (9% RDA), 0.63 mg Fe (5.7% RDA), 0.12 mg Cu (40% AI) oraz 0.21 mg Mn. Produkty owocowo-warzywne są ważnym źródłem składników mineralnych w diecie dziecka. Ponieważ zawierają zwykle zbyt mało Zn i Mn w stosunku do zapotrzebowania, nie są produktem podstawowym w żywieniu niemowląt, a jedynie uzupełniającym

    Ocena stopnia narazenia niemowlat na pobieranie olowiu i kadmu w preparatach mleka w proszku

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    Infants and little children are the highest risk group as far as the exposition to toxic metals is concerned. Newly born babies do not have effectively functioning regulatory mechanisms and the absorption of mineral elements, including toxic ones, is higher than in older children and adults. Separate, more rigorous requirements have been determined for food products for infant nutrition. Special attention is required in the case of toxic metals, including lead and cadmium, which are regarded as particularly harmful to the organism. The objective of the present work was to establish the content of lead and cadmium in powdered milk used in the nutrition of infants in the first months of their lives. Moreover, on the basis of surveys, the popularity of using milk replacement formulas was determined, as well as factors affecting this situation. All the examined preparations were labelled as “a special nutrition product”. They had been purchased in different groceries in Lublin in October 2007, all before their use-by date. The shares of Pb and Cd were marked in the samples. It was demonstrated that only two preparations did not comply with the recommendations regarding the content of cadmium, while in the other samples the maximum value was not exceeded. It was also noted that the analysed preparations were not safe for babies as far as the content of lead was concerned. At the same time, it was observed that as many as 87% babies were breast-fed, which is a positive phenomenon, whereas 40% women used combined nutrition for their children (breast feeding alternately with powdered milk). The choice of a particular preparation resulted in the first place from the doctor’s recommendations, and next from babies’ preferences and friends’ opinions.Niemowlęta oraz małe dzieci to grupa populacji o najwyższym ryzyku narażenia na toksyczne działanie metali. U noworodków zaraz po urodzeniu brak jest sprawnie działających mechanizmów regulacyjnych, a wchłanianie składników mineralnych, w tym także pierwiastków toksycznych, jest większe niż u dzieci starszych i osób dorosłych. Ustalono odrębne, bardziej rygorystyczne wymagania dla produktów spożywczych przeznaczonych do żywienia niemowląt. Szczególnej uwagi wymagają metale szkodliwe, do których zalicza się m.in. ołów i kadm, uznawane za szczególnie niebezpieczne dla organizmu. Celem pracy było ustalenie zawartości ołowiu i kadmu w mleku w proszku stosowanym w żywieniu niemowląt w pierwszych miesiącach życia. Ponadto na podstawie badań ankietowych określono popularność stosowania preparatów mlekozastępczych oraz czynniki wpływające na ten stan. Materiał do badań stanowiły preparaty uznanych marek, przeznaczone do żywienia niemowląt w pierwszych miesiącach życia. Wszystkie badane preparaty miały adnotację „produkt specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego”. Produkty zakupiono w sklepach spożywczych na terenie Lublina w październiku 2007 r., w okresie ich przydatności do spożycia. W pobranych próbach oznaczono zawartość Pb i Cd. Jedynie dwa preparaty nie spełniały wymagań odnośnie do zawartości kadmu, w pozostałych wartość dopuszczalna nie została przekroczona. Ponadto stwierdzono, że analizowane preparaty nie są bezpieczne dla niemowląt pod względem zawartości ołowiu. Jednocześnie stwierdzono, że aż 87% dzieci było karmionych piersią, co jest zjawiskiem pozytywnym, przy czym 40% kobiet stosowało żywienie mieszane (karmienie piersią naprzemiennie z mlekiem w proszku). Największy wpływ na zakup danego preparatu miała porada lekarza, następnie upodobania dziecka oraz opinia znajomych

    The influence of raw grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) seeds on growth performance and biochemical and haematological parameters in the blood of grower-finisher pigs

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of raw seeds of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) in feed mixtures for grower-finisher pigs on growth performance, and biochemical and haematological parameters in their blood, as well as on the weight of the liver and the kidney. The experiment was performed on 96 grower-finisher pigs of (Polish Landrace × Polish Large White) × Pietrain, weighing from 25 to ca. 100 kg. The pigs were divided into four diet groups. The feed compound of the control group contained extracted soybean meal. In experimental groups soybean meal protein was replaced by raw grass pea seeds in quantities of 50% in grower and/or finisher diet, and 100% in both fattening period. The use of raw grass pea seeds amounting to 50% of protein feeds in finisher diet did not result in lower growth performance in comparison to the control group. However, the fatteners fed grass pea seeds amounting to 50% of protein feedstuffs in both fattening periods revealed the highest feed and energy intake per kg of live weight gain, compared to the group feed grass pea only in the second phase of the fattening period. A higher share of grass pea seeds in the mixture led to weaker growth performance and carcass characteristics. Hypertrophy of kidney and liver was noted in the animals which were fed with raw seeds of grass pea amounting to 100% of protein feeds. Also, hyperactivity of ALAT, ASAT and alkaline phosphatase was observed in the animals serum. No negative influence of applying raw seeds of grass pea amounting up to 50% of protein feeds in grower and/or finisher periods on the parameters examined was noted.

    Zawartosc wybranych skladnikow mineralnych w sokach warzywno-owocowych przeznaczonych dla niemowlat i malych dzieci

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    Food is the main source of mineral elements but some are also provided with drinking water and supplements. Juices, for example, are an important source of mineral elements. In infants’ diet minerals are provided mainly by fruit and vegetable purée juices. Infants and young children should be given juices labelled as “special purpose food”. Pasteurised juices are recommended for infants, as they are free of bacteria and toxins, a condition that cannot be completely fulfilled while making juices at home. The aim of the present work was to determine the content of some minerals in fruit and vegetable juices for infants and children under three years of age. The research material consisted of juices, all before their use-by date, purchased in grocer shops in Lublin in January 2006. In total 20 juices were examined, 8 of which were labelled as ‘special purpose food’, 2 were recommended by the National Food and Nutrition Institute and ten juices were labelled as ‘food for young children’. Juices make an important source of minerals in the diet of infants and young children. The most valuable ones are the fruit and vegetable purée juices, as they provide significant amounts of dry mass which includes fibre, minerals and vitamins. Differences in the content of particular mineral elements in juices result primarily from their composition. Although juices for infants and young children should not contain any additives, products without certificates must be treated with caution as it cannot be excluded that some may contain prohibited compounds, e.g. calcium ascorbate or calcium chloride.Źródłem poszczególnych pierwiastków jest głównie pożywienie, niektórych dostarczają woda pitna i suplementy. Ważnym źródłem składników mineralnych w diecie dziecka są soki. Niemowlęta i małe dzieci powinny otrzymywać soki oznaczone jako „żywność specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego”. Dla małych dzieci rekomendowane są soki pasteryzowane, ponieważ są one wolne od bakterii i toksyn, a tych warunków mogą nie spełniać soki wytwarzane w domu. Celem pracy było określenie zawartości wybranych składników mineralnych w sokach warzywno-owocowych przeznaczonych dla niemowląt i dzieci do lat 3. Materiał do badań stanowiły soki zakupione w sklepach spożywczych na terenie Lublina w styczniu 2006 r., w okresie ich przydatności do spożycia. Osiem zakupionych soków miało adnotację, że jest to „środek specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego”, 2 były rekomendowane przez Instytut Żywności i Żywienia, natomiast 10 soków nie miało żadnych adnotacji o przeznaczeniu do żywienia niemowląt i małych dzieci. Soki są ważnym źródłem składników mineralnych w diecie niemowląt i małych dzieci. Najcenniejsze są soki przecierowe owocowo-warzywne, ponieważ dostarczają znacznych ilości suchej masy, w skład której wchodzą m.in. błonnik, składniki mineralne i witaminy. Różnice w zawartości poszczególnych składników mineralnych w sokach wynikają przede wszystkim z ich składu komponentowego. Soki dla niemowląt i małych dzieci nie powinny zawierać żadnych substancji dodatkowych, należy jednak traktować z rezerwą produkty bez atestów, nie można bowiem w nich wykluczyć obecności dodatków niedozwolonych, np. askorbianianu wapnia czy chlorku wapnia