9 research outputs found

    Transport of Twelve Coumarins from Angelicae Pubescentis Radix across a MDCK-pHaMDR Cell Monolayer—An in Vitro Model for Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability

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    Angelicae Pubescentis Radix (APR), a widely used traditional Chinese medicine, is reported to have central nervous system activities. The purpose of this study was to characterize the blood-brain barrier permeability of twelve coumarins from APR including umbelliferone (1), osthol (2), scopoletin (3), peucedanol (4), ulopterol (5), angepubebisin (6), psoralen (7), xanthotoxin (8), bergapten (9), isoimperatorin (10), columbianadin (11), and columbianetin acetate (12) with an in vitro model using a MDCK-pHaMDR cell monolayer. The cell monolayer was validated to be suitable for the permeation experiments. The samples’ transports were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and their apparent permeability coefficients (Papp) were calculated. According to the Papp value, most coumarins could be characterized as well-absorbed compounds except for 4, 10 and 11 which were moderately absorbed ones, in concentration-dependent and time-dependent manners. The results of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor (verapamil) experiments showed that the transport of coumarin 4 was affected by the transport protein P-gp. Sigmoid functions between permeability log(Papp AP-BL*MW0.5) and log D (at pH 7.4) were established to analyze the structure-activity relationship of coumarins. The results provide useful information for discovering the substance basis for the central nervous system activities of APR, and predicting the permeability of other coumarins through BBB

    Peripheral VH4+ plasmablasts demonstrate autoreactive B cell expansion toward brain antigens in early multiple sclerosis patients

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    Plasmablasts are a highly differentiated, antibody secreting B cell subset whose prevalence correlates with disease activity in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). For most patients experiencing partial transverse myelitis (PTM), plasmablasts are elevated in the blood at the first clinical presentation of disease (known as clinically isolated syndrome or CIS). In this study we found that many of these peripheral plasmablasts are autoreactive and recognize primarily gray matter targets in brain tissue. These plasmablasts express antibodies that over-utilize immunoglobulin heavy chain V-region subgroup 4 (VH4) genes, and the highly mutated VH4+ plasmablast antibodies recognize intracellular antigens of neurons and astrocytes. Most of the autoreactive, highly mutated VH4+ plasmablast antibodies recognize only a portion of cortical neurons, indicating that the response may be specific to neuronal subgroups or layers. Furthermore, CIS-PTM patients with this plasmablast response also exhibit modest reactivity toward neuroantigens in the plasma IgG antibody pool. Taken together, these data indicate that expanded VH4+ peripheral plasmablasts in early MS patients recognize brain gray matter antigens. Peripheral plasmablasts may be participating in the autoimmune response associated with MS, and provide an interesting avenue for investigating the expansion of autoreactive B cells at the time of the first documented clinical event

    Evaluating response to disease-modifying therapy in relapsing multiple sclerosis

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