101 research outputs found

    Frequency and accuracy of weight comments by others, and the association with weight misperception among Hong Kong adolescents

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    *Purpose:* To assess the frequency and accuracy of weight comments received from different sources among Chinese adolescents and the relation of weight comments to weight misperception.

*Methods:* In the Hong Kong Student Obesity Surveillance (HKSOS) project 2006-07, 22612 form 1 to 7 students (41.5% boys) completed a questionnaire on obesity. Students were asked if they had received serious "too fat" or "too thin" comments over the past 30 days from family members, peers and professionals, and the accuracy of the comments was assessed against the actual weight status. Weight misperception was defined as discordance between the actual and perceived weight status. Logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted odd ratios (ORs) for weight misperception by weight comments received.

*Results:* One in three students received weight comments, most commonly from mother for both "too fat" and "too thin" comments. Health professional was the most accurate source of weight comments, yet less than half the comments were correct. Receiving incorrect weight comments was significantly associated with weight misperception in all sex-weight status sub-groups, particularly among obese girls. In contrast, student who received correct weight comments were less likely to have weight misperception.

*Conclusions:* Weight comments were commonly received by Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong, yet most of the comments were inaccurate, and such incorrect comments were associated with weight misperception. Family members, peers and professionals should realize the potential adverse effects of their weight comments and adolescents should be taught how to correctly assess their weight status to reduce misperceptions


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    中國蛙神話並不限於中原地區及南方地區,藏族地區、北方少數民族也流傳著各種形態的蛙神話及其變體、變異的民間文學作品128。在考古的發現中, 彩陶蛙紋的分佈地區廣泛,從中原綿延至西北,如:河南省澠池縣的仰韶村、 陝縣的廟底溝、陝西省華陰縣的西關堡、臨潼縣的姜寨、甘肅省的馬家窯、青海省樂都縣的柳灣等129,可見中國的蛙崇拜出現很早,且出現於不同的地區。 文學創作雖然為文學家天馬行空的想像,但也往往能表現當時社會的一些文化、習俗,故本文欲借《聊齋誌異‧青蛙神》討論文學作品對蛙神話的吸收、 轉化與以意創造

    Investigation into the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for people living with HIV

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    BACKGROUND: People living with HIV (PLWH) report high levels of anxiety. This study assessed the prevalence of COVID-19-related anxiety in PLWH. METHODS: Participants were recruited from two UK HIV clinics (01/03/2020 - 30/05/2022) and asked to complete the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. The proportion with scores ≥9 (cut-off for dysfunctional pandemic-related anxiety) and ≥1 (reporting of any pandemic-related anxiety) were analysed. RESULTS: 115 PLWH were included, predominantly identifying as male (83.5%, n = 96), white (58.3%, n = 67) and reporting post-secondary education (82.6%, n = 95), with a median age of 51 years (range 22-93). Median CAS score was 0, with 4.4% scoring ≥9 (n = 5). More women scored ≥9 than men (16.7% (n = 3) and 2.1% (n = 2) respectively). Black African (13.6%, n = 3) and Other Ethnic Minority PLWH (25%, n = 2) had a greater proportion of scores ≥9 than White/Asian PLWH (both 0%). SARS-CoV-2 exposure was associated with scores greater than 1 but not greater than 9. CAS score was not associated with lower CD4 (<350 cells/mm3), detectable HIV viral load (≥50 copies/ml), or a history of pre-pandemic anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: Pandemic-related anxiety was low, but we identified a sub-population reporting dysfunctional pandemic related anxiety. Future work should further investigate the psychological impact of the pandemic on this group

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy v. group psychoeducation for people with generalised anxiety disorder: randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Research suggests that an 8-week mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) course may be effective for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Aims: To compare changes in anxiety levels among participants with GAD randomly assigned to MBCT, cognitive–behavioural therapy-based psychoeducation and usual care. Method: In total, 182 participants with GAD were recruited (trial registration number: CUHK_CCT00267) and assigned to the three groups and followed for 5 months after baseline assessment with the two intervention groups followed for an additional 6 months. Primary outcomes were anxiety and worry levels. Results: Linear mixed models demonstrated significant group × time interaction (F(4,148) = 5.10, P = 0.001) effects for decreased anxiety for both the intervention groups relative to usual care. Significant group × time interaction effects were observed for worry and depressive symptoms and mental health-related quality of life for the psychoeducation group only. Conclusions: These results suggest that both of the interventions appear to be superior to usual care for the reduction of anxiety symptoms

    Alternative-Splicing in the Exon-10 Region of GABAA Receptor β2 Subunit Gene: Relationships between Novel Isoforms and Psychotic Disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Non-coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in GABRB2, the gene for beta(2)-subunit of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor, have been associated with schizophrenia (SCZ) and quantitatively correlated to mRNA expression and alternative splicing. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Expression of the Exon 10 region of GABRB2 from minigene constructs revealed this region to be an "alternative splicing hotspot" that readily gave rise to differently spliced isoforms depending on intron sequences. This led to a search in human brain cDNA libraries, and the discovery of two novel isoforms, beta(2S1) and beta(2S2), bearing variations in the neighborhood of Exon-10. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of postmortem brain samples showed increased beta(2S1) expression and decreased beta(2S2) expression in both SCZ and bipolar disorder (BPD) compared to controls. Disease-control differences were significantly correlated with SNP rs187269 in BPD males for both beta(2S1) and beta(2S2) expressions, and significantly correlated with SNPs rs2546620 and rs187269 in SCZ males for beta(2S2) expression. Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis indicated that Thr(365), a potential phosphorylation site in Exon-10, played a key role in determining the time profile of the ATP-dependent electrophysiological current run-down. CONCLUSION: This study therefore provided experimental evidence for the importance of non-coding sequences in the Exon-10 region in GABRB2 with respect to beta(2)-subunit splicing diversity and the etiologies of SCZ and BPD

    Hong Kong Renal Registry Report 2012

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    SummaryThis report examined the characteristics and trends of dialysis and renal transplant patients among the resident population of Hong Kong who were managed by hospitals or dialysis centers of the Hospital Authority, and accounted for approximately 95% of all patients receiving renal replacement therapies (RRTs) in the territory. Patients receiving RRTs solely in the private sector were not included in this report. Data trends from 1996 to 2011 are presented. In 2011, 1115 new patients were accepted into RRT programs, and the incident rate was 157 patients per million populations (pmp). An increasing trend was noted. The incident rate was 95.1 pmp at the commencement of the annual report in 1996. The point prevalence on December 31, 2012 was 8197 with a prevalence rate of 1152.5 pmp. Overall, there were 3573 patients (43.6%) on peritoneal dialysis (PD) and 1246 patients (15.2%) on hemodialysis (HD), and 3378 patients (41.2%) were living with a functioning renal transplant. The PD/HD ratio was 74.2:25.8. The “PD First” policy was continued. The overall mortality rate among RRT patients was 9.95 patients per 100 patient-years exposed. There was a decreasing trend in mortality among PD patients. Infection and cardiovascular complications were the most common causes of death. Renal transplant was the modality with the best survival rates. The 5 years cumulative patient survival rate for patients on transplant treatment was 89.6%, whereas the corresponding patient survival rates for PD and HD patients were 50.7% and 55.7%, respectively. More than 70% of RRT patients with reports on rehabilitation were active and had normal daily activities

    A Recombination Hotspot in a Schizophrenia-Associated Region of GABRB2

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    Background: Schizophrenia is a major disorder with complex genetic mechanisms. Earlier, population genetic studies revealed the occurrence of strong positive selection in the GABRB2 gene encoding the β2 subunit of GABAA receptors, within a segment of 3,551 bp harboring twenty-nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and containing schizophrenia-associated SNPs and haplotypes. Methodology/Principal Findings:In the present study, the possible occurrence of recombination in this 'S1-S29' segment was assessed. The occurrence of hotspot recombination was indicated by high resolution recombination rate estimation, haplotype diversity, abundance of rare haplotypes, recurrent mutations and torsos in haplotype networks, and experimental haplotyping of somatic and sperm DNA. The sub-segment distribution of relative recombination strength, measured by the ratio of haplotype diversity (Hd) over mutation rate (θ), was indicative of a human specific Alu-Yi6 insertion serving as a central recombining sequence facilitating homologous recombination. Local anomalous DNA conformation attributable to the Alu-Yi6 element, as suggested by enhanced DNase I sensitivity and obstruction to DNA sequencing, could be a contributing factor of the increased sequence diversity. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis yielded prominent low LD points that supported ongoing recombination. LD contrast revealed significant dissimilarity between control and schizophrenic cohorts. Among the large array of inferred haplotypes, H26 and H73 were identified to be protective, and H19 and H81 risk-conferring, toward the development of schizophrenia. Conclusions/Significance: The co-occurrence of hotspot recombination and positive selection in the S1-S29 segment of GABRB2 has provided a plausible contribution to the molecular genetics mechanisms for schizophrenia. The present findings therefore suggest that genome regions characterized by the co-occurrence of positive selection and hotspot recombination, two interacting factors both affecting genetic diversity, merit close scrutiny with respect to the etiology of common complex disorders. © 2010 Ng et al

    Biallelic mutations in valyl-tRNA synthetase gene VARS are associated with a progressive neurodevelopmental epileptic encephalopathy.

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    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) function to transfer amino acids to cognate tRNA molecules, which are required for protein translation. To date, biallelic mutations in 31 ARS genes are known to cause recessive, early-onset severe multi-organ diseases. VARS encodes the only known valine cytoplasmic-localized aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Here, we report seven patients from five unrelated families with five different biallelic missense variants in VARS. Subjects present with a range of global developmental delay, epileptic encephalopathy and primary or progressive microcephaly. Longitudinal assessment demonstrates progressive cortical atrophy and white matter volume loss. Variants map to the VARS tRNA binding domain and adjacent to the anticodon domain, and disrupt highly conserved residues. Patient primary cells show intact VARS protein but reduced enzymatic activity, suggesting partial loss of function. The implication of VARS in pediatric neurodegeneration broadens the spectrum of human diseases due to mutations in tRNA synthetase genes

    A Brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation Intervention for Chinese Young Adults With First Episode Psychosis: A Study Protocol

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    Family psychoeducation (FPE) has been recommended as a major component in the treatment of psychosis. Many previous studies have implemented an intensive program design that often only emphasized improvements in patients’ illness outcomes but the benefits for caregivers were limited. There have been calls for a time-limited but cost-effective FPE program to mitigate the looming reality of the suffering of people with psychosis and their families. A Brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation for psychosis program is developed to reduce caregivers’ burden and promote young adult’s recovery. A randomized controlled trial will be conducted to compare this intervention with an ordinary FPE intervention. Both arms will involve six sessions, with a total contact time of 12 h. 300 caregivers of young adults who have experienced first episode psychosis within last 3 years will be recruited. Program effectiveness will be assessed by comparing outcomes measuring the caregivers’ burden, mental health symptoms, positive well-being, and the young adult’s mental health symptoms during the study and at 9-month post-randomization. The role of expressed emotions, interpersonal mindfulness, and non-attachment in mediating these outcomes will be explored. An additional qualitative approach Photovoice is selected to explore the complex family experiences and the benefits of mindfulness from the caregivers’ personal perspectives.Trial Registration: The trial is registered with the United States Clinical Trials Registry (ClinicalTrials.gov): NCT03688009