316 research outputs found

    Robust Entanglement through Macroscopic Quantum Jumps

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    We propose an entanglement generation scheme that requires neither the coherent evolution of a quantum system nor the detection of single photons. Instead, the desired state is heralded by a {\em macroscopic} quantum jump. Macroscopic quantum jumps manifest themselves as a random telegraph signal with long intervals of intense fluorescence (light periods) interrupted by the complete absence of photons (dark periods). Here we show that a system of two atoms trapped inside an optical cavity can be designed such that a dark period prepares the atoms in a maximally entangled ground state. Achieving fidelities above 0.9 is possible even when the single-atom cooperativity parameter C is as low as 10 and when using a photon detector with an efficiency as low as eta = 0.2.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, more detailed discussion of underlying physical effect, references update

    Decoherence of tripartite states - a trapped ion coupled to an optical cavity

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    We investigate the non-dissipative decoherence of three qubit system obtained by manipulating the state of a trapped two-level ion coupled to an optical cavity. Modelling the environment as a set of noninteracting harmonic oscillators, analytical expressions for the state operator of tripartite composite system, the probability of generating maximally entangled GHZ state, and the population inversion have been obtained. The pointer observable is the energy of the isolated quantum system. Coupling to environment results in exponential decay of off diagonal matrix elements of the state operator with time as well as a phase decoherence of the component states. Numerical calculations to examine the time evolution of GHZ state generation probability and population inversion for different system environment coupling strengths are performed. Using negativity as an entanglement measure and linear entropy as a measure of mixedness, the entanglement dynamics of the tripartite system in the presence of decoherence is analysed.Comment: Revised version, errors corrected and references added. 12 pages, 6 figures, Presented at ICSSUR May 2005, Besancon, Franc

    Quantum state preparation and control of single molecular ions

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    Preparing molecules at rest and in a highly pure quantum state is a long standing dream in chemistry and physics, so far achieved only for a select set of molecules in dedicated experimental setups. Here, a quantum-limited combination of mass spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy is proposed that should be applicable to a wide range of molecular ions. Excitation of electrons in the molecule followed by uncontrolled decay and branching into several lower energy states is avoided. Instead, the molecule is always connected to rotational states within the electronic and vibrational ground-state manifold, while a co-trapped atomic ion provides efficient entropy removal and allows for extraction of information on the molecule. The outlined techniques might enable preparation, manipulation and measurement of a large multitude of molecular ion species with the same instrument, with applications including, but not limited to, precise determination of molecular properties and fundamental tests of physics.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, reformatted for resubmissio

    Stability of atomic clocks based on entangled atoms

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    We analyze the effect of realistic noise sources for an atomic clock consisting of a local oscillator that is actively locked to a spin-squeezed (entangled) ensemble of NN atoms. We show that the use of entangled states can lead to an improvement of the long-term stability of the clock when the measurement is limited by decoherence associated with instability of the local oscillator combined with fluctuations in the atomic ensemble's Bloch vector. Atomic states with a moderate degree of entanglement yield the maximal clock stability, resulting in an improvement that scales as N1/6N^{1/6} compared to the atomic shot noise level.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex

    Focusing Vacuum Fluctuations II

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    The quantization of the scalar and electromagnetic fields in the presence of a parabolic mirror is further developed in the context of a geometric optics approximation. We extend results in a previous paper to more general geometries, and also correct an error in one section of that paper. We calculate the mean squared scalar and electric fields near the focal line of a parabolic cylindrical mirror. These quantities are found to grow as inverse powers of the distance from the focus. We give a combination of analytic and numerical results for the mean squared fields. In particular, we find that the mean squared electric field can be either negative or positive, depending upon the choice of parameters. The case of a negative mean squared electric field corresponds to a repulsive Van der Waals force on an atom near the focus, and to a region of negative energy density. Similarly, a positive value corresponds to an attractive force and a possibility of atom trapping in the vicinity of the focus.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures; additional discussion added in Sects. IV and I

    Broadband laser cooling of trapped atoms with ultrafast pulses

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    We demonstrate broadband laser cooling of atomic ions in an rf trap using ultrafast pulses from a modelocked laser. The temperature of a single ion is measured by observing the size of a time-averaged image of the ion in the known harmonic trap potential. While the lowest observed temperature was only about 1 K, this method efficiently cools very hot atoms and can sufficiently localize trapped atoms to produce near diffraction-limited atomic images

    A microfabricated surface-electrode ion trap for scalable quantum information processing

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    We demonstrate confinement of individual atomic ions in a radio-frequency Paul trap with a novel geometry where the electrodes are located in a single plane and the ions confined above this plane. This device is realized with a relatively simple fabrication procedure and has important implications for quantum state manipulation and quantum information processing using large numbers of ions. We confine laser-cooled Mg-24 ions approximately 40 micrometer above planar gold electrodes. We measure the ions' motional frequencies and compare them to simulations. From measurements of the escape time of ions from the trap, we also determine a heating rate of approximately five motional quanta per millisecond for a trap frequency of 5.3 MHz.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Scalable quantum search using trapped ions

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    We propose a scalable implementation of Grover's quantum search algorithm in a trapped-ion quantum information processor. The system is initialized in an entangled Dicke state by using simple adiabatic techniques. The inversion-about-average and the oracle operators take the form of single off-resonant laser pulses, addressing, respectively, all and half of the ions in the trap. This is made possible by utilizing the physical symmetrie of the trapped-ion linear crystal. The physical realization of the algorithm represents a dramatic simplification: each logical iteration (oracle and inversion about average) requires only two physical interaction steps, in contrast to the large number of concatenated gates required by previous approaches. This does not only facilitate the implementation, but also increases the overall fidelity of the algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Ion dynamics in a linear radio-frequency trap with a single cooling laser

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    We analyse the possibility of cooling ions with a single laser beam, due to the coupling between the three components of their motion induced by the Coulomb interaction. For this purpose, we numerically study the dynamics of ion clouds of up to 140 particles, trapped in a linear quadrupole potential and cooled with a laser beam propagating in the radial plane. We use Molecular Dynamics simulations and model the laser cooling by a stochastic process. For each component of the motion, we systematically study the dependence of the temperature with the anisotropy of the trapping potential. Results obtained using the full radio-frequency (rf) potential are compared to those of the corresponding pseudo-potential. In the rf case, the rotation symmetry of the potential has to be broken to keep ions inside the trap. Then, as for the pseudo-potential case, we show that the efficiency of the Coulomb coupling to thermalize the components of motion depends on the geometrical configuration of the cloud. Coulomb coupling appears to be not efficient when the ions organise as a line or a pancake and the three components of motion reach the same temperature only if the cloud extends in three dimensions

    Molecular heat pump for rotational states

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    In this work we investigate the theory for three different uni-directional population transfer schemes in trapped multilevel systems which can be utilized to cool molecular ions. The approach we use exploits the laser-induced coupling between the internal and motional degrees of freedom so that the internal state of a molecule can be mapped onto the motion of that molecule in an external trapping potential. By sympathetically cooling the translational motion back into its ground state the mapping process can be employed as part of a cooling scheme for molecular rotational levels. This step is achieved through a common mode involving a laser-cooled atom trapped alongside the molecule. For the coherent mapping we will focus on adiabatic passage techniques which may be expected to provide robust and efficient population transfers. By applying far-detuned chirped adiabatic rapid passage pulses we are able to achieve an efficiency of better than 98% for realistic parameters and including spontaneous emission. Even though our main focus is on cooling molecular states, the analysis of the different adiabatic methods has general features which can be applied to atomic systems
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