25 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Keliling Nusantara Edisi Sumatera Berbasis Android Dan IOS

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    Diversity of art and culture in Indonesia should be preserved so as not to become extinct in the face of times so that it can be passed on to generations to come. Many of the people of Indonesia who forget about the culture to identity of the area because of several factors such as the people of Indonesia more interested of the western culture than self culture, the region of Indonesia which large also cause people\u27s reluctance to learn because of constrained of time, distance and cost as well as limitations of the media information about the art and culture that currently can only be learned through pictures and visit the location of art and culture directly make the introduction of art and culture to people of Indonesia not yet optimal. Therefore required a media so that people can learn more about the wealth of art and culture without having to visit directly into the location of the arts and cultures its. “Keliling Nusantara Edisi Sumatra” application that was built can be the way to preserve the national culture. The function of this application as a learning media for recognize the diversity of arts and cultures of Indonesia on the island of Sumatra. This application is built using Mobione Studio and running on Android and iOS devices. The application is made using the UCD (User Centered Design) which has been mapped to multimedia development methods by Luther from the stage specify the context of use and specify the users and organisational requirements are mapped into the concept, the stage produce design solutions are mapped into the design, production and collecting material as wellas the evaluate design againts the user requirements are mapped into the stage of testing and distribution. The results produced an application based on Android and iOS contains folks song and lyrics and sound, traditional dress, traditional homes, custom traditions, traditional weapons, traditional dance, tradition musical instrument, the symbol of the region, the anniversaries, the name of the capital city, location, area and amount of population and the flora and fauna typical area on the island of Sumatra. The application goes well on the Android operating system version 2.2-4.X and iOS version 5-7 correspond with the functionality, specification and design of desired

    Pengembangan Permainan Edukatif Pahlawan Nasional Berbasis Android

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    With over time the smartphone is increasingly recognized by the public, it is contrary to the interest in learning about the history of Indonesia, especially the National Hero. Because of it, the idea to combine these two, which combines the sophistication of a smartphone with a history of national hero. Lack of instructional media on a national hero also be one of the factors that led to the creation of this application, not only can be an alternative medium of learning from the lessons of history, this application can also be one of the games that can entertain users. This application intended to provide additional knowledge about the national hero aside from the lessons taught in schools or other educational institutions, the media smartphone is well known by the public is expected that these applications can easily be accepted and may be useful for users who play this application

    Pengembangan Permainan Edukatif Ragam Budaya Nusantara Berbasis Android

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    This research aims to develop a game software that can be used as an alternative means of learning media in Indonesian local culture for the community in the form of the game in the Android operating system. The methodology used in this study is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) sourced from Luther and has been modified by Sutopo, which consists of six stages, namely the concept, design, collection of material, manufacture, testing, and distribution. Testing applications that have been created using black-box method, which is carried out to check the functions contained in the application. The process of application testing is done by using a questionnaire. The testing is done objectively by asking ratings from users of the application. Therefore, the results of the study that were obtained using black-box method, indicates that the game is already working according to specifications needed to show test results for each application functions and buttons. And the results of the questionnaire data obtained by the average score of all ratings amounted to 84%. And it can be concluded that the applications made are well-qualified

    Perancangan Game Math Adventure Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Android

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    Upaya meningkatkan efisiensi penyediaan aplikasi yang mengandung unsur pendidikan diperlukan berbagai alternatif dan inovasi baru dalam hal pemrograman untuk bisa diterapkan sebagai alat untuk mempermudah proses pembelajaran. Adanya game edukasi matematika ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung anak dalam proses pembelajaran matematika, dan menghilangkan rasa jenuh dan takut bagi anak-anak untuk belajar matematika. Game edukasi ini sangat berguna dibidang pendidikan khususnya matematika. Penulis memilih anak berusia 6 tahun sampai 9 tahun sebagai pengguna dalam game edukasi ini, karena akan lebih efektif jika mulai belajar matematika dari kecil karena di usia itulah anak-anak bisa dengan mudah mengingat dalam belajar menghitung. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) yang bersumber dari Luther dan sudah dimodifikasi oleh Sutopo. Alat bantu yang digunakan untuk menganalisis penyusun menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML). Sedangkan aplikasi yang digunakan dalam pembuatam skripsi ini adalah construct 2. Penerapan game edukasi matematika ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut. Jadi disaat anak memainkan game ini anak tidak bosan dan tidak takut untuk belajar matematika, dengan harapan semangat anak untuk belajar akan lebih terpacu dan meningkatkan kualitas belajar anak. Untuk game edukasi ini sendiri diharapkan dapat dikembangkan lagi dalam hal animasi, desain, fitur, dan music sehingga menjadi semakin atraktif

    Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Berbasis Mobile Untuk Diagnosis Dini Meningitis

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    In Indonesia, cases of meningitis happen quite a lot because meningitis patients are not aware that he was infected with meningitis. This is because the early symptoms resemble regular headaches. Lack of community information about a disease and its symptoms and causes make the process of treatment is slow so it can make the disease worse and fatal. This research is devoted to makes of meningitis expert system that can be used by the public to solve the problem. This expert system is developed using Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC). The steps to create an expert system using this method are assessment, acquisition of knowledge, design, and testing. This application tested using black box testing methods and directly testing by an expert. Based on test results showed a qualitative testing that system there is no error of its functions. Application of expert system can make the process of diagnosis according to the data obtained from the experts. For renew of disease and symptoms, it can be done by modifying the database.Di Indonesia kasus meningitis terjadi cukup banyak dikarenakan penderita meningitis yang tidak mengetahui bahwa dirinya terserang meningitis. Hal ini karena gejala awal penyakit menyerupai sakit kepala biasa. Kurangnya informasi masyarakat tentang suatu penyakit beserta gejala dan penyebabnya membuat proses penanganannya menjadi lambat sehingga dapat membuat penyakit semakin parah dan berakibat fatal. Penelitian ini dikhususkan untuk pembuatan sistem pakar meningitis yang bisa digunakan oleh masyarakat memecahkan masalah tersebut. Sistem pakar dibuat dengan metodologi Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC). Langkah pembuatan sistem pakar menggunakan metode ini adalah penilaian, akuisisi pengetahuan, desain, dan pengujian. Pengujian aplikasi ini menggunakan metode pengujian kotak hitam dan pengujian langsung oleh pakar. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapatkan hasil pengujian secara kualitatif bahwa sistem tidak terdapat kesalahan dalam menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya. Aplikasi sistem pakar dapat melakukan proses diagnosis penyakit sesuai data yang didapatkan dari pakar. Untuk memperbarui penyakit dan gejala dilakukan dengan cara merubah basisdata

    Sistem Manajemen Keluhan Mitra Kerjasama Berbasis Framework Code Igniter Dan SMS Gateway

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    Pada Balai IPTEKnet Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) terdapat sebuah prosedur untuk memanajemen keluhan mitra kerjasama. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan mitra kerjasama agar dapat menyampaikan keluhannya serta memudahkan staf Balai IPTEKnet dalam mengelola keluhan yang disampaikan oleh mitra kerjasama. Manajemen ini merupakan salah satu strategi CRM atau manajemen hubungan pelanggan yang ada di Balai IPTEKnet BPPT. Teknologi informasi memainkan peranan penting dan makin luas dalam bisnis. Mengingat berkembangnya dunia teknologi informasi dewasa ini, maka upaya yang akan dilakukan peneliti agar memudahkan pelanggan untuk berinteraksi dengan pegawai Balai IPTEKnet dalam menyampaikan keluhan dan mengefisienkan staf Balai IPTEKnet dalam memanajemen keluhan yaitu dengan membuat sebuah sistem manajemen keluhan mitra kerjasama berbasis web.Perancangan sistem dilakukan setelah data diperoleh dan analisa terhadap data yang didapat telah dilakukan. Sistem yang akan dibuat dirancang berdasarkan metode unified process dan menggunakan diagram UML (Unified Modeling Language). Dilakukan pengujian dengan menggunakan metode black box

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Layanan Jasa Cleaning Service Berbasis Web dan Mobile di Liochita Cleaning Semarang

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    Liochita cleaning is a company engaged in the field of cleaning services which are located in the city of Semarang. Until now, the existing of information systems on Liochita Cleaning were not sufficiently able to manage the company and thus to make this company as a company that developed and developing its field and can compete with other companies is not possible. Start from recording customer data and order data, which is the became one as income data, so this companies are less aware in detail of the customer data. On the other hand, customers must make a call in advance to order the services that it requires no small cost. Lack of marketing facilities makes this company unable to include all of costumers in the city of Semarang. Data recording is still using paper, so this company were at risk of paper lost which is containing data that has been recorded . Development of an information system in this study using the method of the waterfall. Waterfall model consists of: requirements, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. For the start of the design, developer need to observations or interviews to determine the needs of the system that being developed. Applications developed using the framework CodeIgniter. The results of this final project is an information system that can meet the needs of Liochita Cleaning in the management of these services, customers and orders in accordance with the business processes that Liochita Cleaning have and allow customers to book services

    Penyisipan Media Teks Dan Citra Menggunakan Teknik Steganografi Pada Media Pembawa Citra Digital

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    Information has now become an important comodity in human life, with the rapid development of communications technology has enable people to communicate and exchange information more easily. Internet is very popular and used by billions users worldwide, the information passing through the internet is very large, and some certain people trying to get this information for profit. The information need to be secured to prevent the others to get the information that send through the internet, steganography can be used to hide the information before sending it and the receiver can recover the hidden data. Digital steganography using computer can use a variety of digital file, digital image file is one of them. With the infomation being hidden inside the image-carrier, the others will not aware about the hidden information. Application created using C# programming leanguage and the steganoraphy method using Least Significant Bit Insertion (LSBI). Microsoft Visual Studio used as Integrated Development Environtment (IDE) to code and design the user interface. Software develpment model using Extreme Programming, and the testing using black box method. Application designed to hide text or image inside an image-carrier and the hidden text or image can be recovered. The result of this research are an application that can hide text or image into image-carrier, and the hidden text or image can be recovered. Based on the testing application can run as expected and fulfill all the requirements

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi Presensi Digital Guru Dan Karyawan SMA Negeri 9 Semarang

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    Berdasarkan surat edaran dari Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Semarang, terhitung mulai Januari 2015 tiap sekolah dihimbau untuk beralih dari sistem presensi manual menjadi digital. Hingga awal Maret ini, presensi guru dan karyawan di SMA Negeri 9 Semarang masih dilakukan secara manual. Maka diperlukan sebuah penelitian untuk merancang dan menerapkan sistem presensi digital bagi SMA Negeri 9 Semarang. Tahapan penelitian meliputi perencanaan, analisis, perancangan, implementasi, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan. Perangkat lunak dibangun dengan framework PHP Phalcon, basis data MySQL, dan aplikasi webserver Nginx pada sistem operasi Ubuntu 14.04. Mesin presensi dengan metode pengenalan wajah dipilih untuk mendapatkan data kehadiran yang bersifat autentik. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode kotak hitam dan kotak putih. Semua kebutuhan fungsional telah diimplementasikan pada aplikasi web dan kebutuhan non-fungsional pun telah terpenuhi. Sistem presensi digital ini menjadi solusi bagi SMA Negeri 9 Semarang dalam USAha uji coba penggunaan presensi digital

    Pembuatan Penghitung Jumlah Mobil Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega 8535 Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik

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    Car drivers often experience difficulties to park their cars in the parking lot there is a slot or an empty space with a limited number. For example, some parking places such as shopping centers, apartments and hotels. To determine the state of the parking spaces have been filled or not it is necessary to update the conditions in the room. The purpose of this thesis is to create a functioning device calculates and displays the number of entrances. A number of automatically calculating devices have been made. General description of the device is designed to use the SRF04 ultrasonic sensor, microcontroller ATMega8535, and buzzer. SRF04 ultrasonic sensors as detecting obstructions between the ends of the door with the barrier wall and counting. With the existence of this device in the state of the room can be determined easily and saves time