12 research outputs found

    Herdengesundheits- und Wohlbefindensplanung auf österreichischen Bio-Milchviehbetrieben

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    Herdengesundheits- und Wohlbefindenspläne stellen ein vielversprechendes Instrument zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung von Tiergesundheit und Wohlergehen auf tierhaltenden Betrieben dar. Dieses Konzept wurde im Rahmen des europäischen ERANet-Projektes CORE Organic ANIPLAN auf 39 österreichischen Bio-Milchviehbetrieben angewendet. Ziel der Studie war es (1) die Herdengesundheits- und Wohlbefindenssituation auf den Betrieben zu erfassen, (2) Herdengesundheits- und Wohlbefindenspläne auf den Betrieben einzuführen und (3) eine Evaluierung der Herdengesundheits- und Wohlbefindenssituation bzw. eine Effektivitätskontrolle der umgesetzten Maßnahmen nach dem Planungsprozess durchzuführen. Die Erfassung der Herdengesundheits- und Wohlbefindenssituation am Betrieb erfolgte gemäß einer leicht angepassten Version des Welfare Quality® Erhebungsprotokolls für Milchkühe. Der Prozess der Herdengesundheitsplanung folgte den sieben Prinzipien, die im Rahmen des Projektes CORE Organic ANIPLAN definiert wurden. Erste Ergebnisse ausgewählter Parameter zeigen über alle Projektbetriebe hinweg unabhängig vom Interventionsbereich und Umsetzungsgrad der Interventionsmaßnahmen keine signifikante Veränderung zwischen den Projektjahren 2008 und 2009. Auf Betrieben, die aktiv Interventionsmaßnahmen umsetzten, konnte eine signifikante Reduktion der Hautschäden und –veränderungen beobachtet werden. Die Lahmheitsprävalenz sowie die durchschnittliche Zellzahl blieben hingegen auch auf den Interventionsbetrieben unverändert

    Farmer opinion on the process of health and welfare planning in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Switzerland

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    This report serves as a deliverable from the ANIPLAN project, with the original title ‘Evaluation report on state of the art regarding animal health and welfare planning in the participating countries’ (Deliverable 5.1). We chose to focus on the farmers’ perspective in each country, and ask the farmers who had participated in our project how they perceived the process of animal health and welfare planning. We did that using a questionnaire which each participant used in an interview with the farmer, asking some specific questions with the aim to evaluate how the farmers had experienced the ANIPLAN approach. We found that this focus was important as a supplement to other outcomes from the project, such as reduction of medicines (Ivemeyer et al., 2011) and improvement of animal based parameters (Gratzer et al., 2011). Furthermore potential scenarios for implementation of this concept into practice can be developed from the farmers responses

    Animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy cattle farms

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    Continuous development is needed within the farm to reach the goal of good animal health and welfare in organic livestock farming. The very different conditions between countries call for models that are relevant for different farming types and can be integrated into local practice and be relevant for each type of farming context. This article reviews frameworks, principles and practices for animal health and welfare planning which are relevant for organic livestock farming. This review is based on preliminary analyses carried out within a European project (acronym ANIPLAN) with participants from seven countries. The process begins with gathering knowledge about the current status within a given herd as background for making decisions and planning future improvements as well as evaluating already implemented improvements. Respectful communication between the owner of the herd and other farmers as well as animal health and welfare professionals (veterinarians and advisors) is paramount. This paper provides an overview of some current animal health and welfare planning initiatives and explains the principles of animal health and welfare planning which are being implemented in ANIPLAN partner countries, in collaboration with groups of organic farmers and organisations

    Farmer groups for animal health and welfare planning in European organic dairy herds

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    A set of common principles for active animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming has been developed in the ANIPLAN project group of seven European countries. Health and welfare planning is a farmer‐owned process of continuous development and improvement and may be practised in many different ways. It should incorporate health promotion and disease handling, based on a strategy where assessment of current status and risks forms the basis for evaluation, action and review. Besides this, it should be 1) farm-specific, 2) involve external person(s) and 3) external knowledge, 4) be based on organic principles, 5) be written, and 6) acknowledge good aspects in addition to targeting the problem areas in order to stimulate the learning process. Establishing farmer groups seems to be a beneficial way of stimulating a dynamic development on the farms towards continuous improvement, as in this case with focus on animal health and welfare planning. Various factors influence the process in different contexts, e.g. geographical, cultural, traditional factors, and a proper analysis of the situation as well as the purpose of the group is necessary, and can relevantly be negotiated and co‐developed with farmers as well as facilitators before being implemented. Farmer groups based on farmer‐to‐farmer advice and co‐development need a facilitator who takes on the role of facilitating the process and ‘decodes’ him‐ or herself from being ‘expert’

    Education and advisor systems related to dairy organic farming in the participating ANIPLAN countries

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    This chapter is the report of ANIPLAN’s deliverable 4.1 titled: ‘Evaluation report on the state of the art regarding advisor systems, education of farmers and advisors and farmer groups in the participating countries’. The seven participating countries (UK, Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands, Norway, Germany and Denmark) had widely different approaches to advisory systems and education. This is important to consider when integrating the outcomes of the ANIPLAN project into the various systems in different countries

    The process of minimising medicine use through dialogue based animal health and welfare planning, Workshop report FIBL. In: CORE Organic project no. 1903 - ANIPLAN

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    The process of minimising medicine use through dialogue based animal health and welfare planning. Livestock are important in many organic farming systems, and it is an explicit goal to ensure high levels of animal health and welfare (AHW) through good management. In two previous EU network projects, NAHWOA & SAFO, it was concluded that this is not guaranteed merely by following organic standards. Both networks recommended implementation of individual animal health plans to stimulate organic farmers to improve AHW. These plans should include a systematic evaluation of AHW and be implemented through dialogue with each farmer in order to identify goals and plan improvements. 11 research institutions in 7 European countries have been involved in the ANIPLAN project with the main objective to minimise medicine use in organic dairy herds through active and well planned AHW promotion and disease prevention. The project consisted of 5 work packages, 4 of which comprised research activities building on current research projects, new applications across borders, exchange of knowledge, results and conclusions between participating countries, and adopting them to widely different contexts. International and national workshops have facilitated this exchange. In the project, animal health and welfare planning principles for organic dairy farms under diverse conditions were developed. Animal health and welfare assessments, based on the WelfareQuality parameters, were conducted in different types of organic dairy herds across Europe. Finally, guidelines for communication about animal health and welfare promotion in different settings were also developed relevant to both existing animal health advisory services or farmer groups such as the Danish Stable School system and the Dutch network program. These proceedings contain the presentations at the final workshop, which also included invited external guests. The proceedings also contain three reports which are deliverables of the project. They are focused on the process of planning for better animal health and welfare, and how farmers and facilitators manage this situation. The focus areas are animal health planning, AHW assessment using animal based parameters and development of advisory systems and farmer groups