1,337 research outputs found

    Ordovician volcanic and hypabyssal rocks in the central and southern Miramichi Highlands: their tectonic setting and relationship to contemporary volcanic rocks in northern New Brunswick

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    New analyses of mafic igneous rocks from the central Miramichi Highlands have led us to modify the interpretation of its tectonic setting. New samples have been obtained from the Bam ford Brook and Trousers Lake areas of New Brunswick, and the Danforth area in Maine. All subalkalic mafic rocks, including the Trousers Lake striped amphibolites, are associated with a thick sequence of metasedimentary rocks and all are continental tholeiites, analogous to tholeiitic suites in the Tetagouche Group of the northern Miramichi Highlands. The presence of alkalic basalt and comendite in this area supports this correlation. In the southern Miramichi Highlands of Maine, silicic and intermediate volcanic rocks form part of the Woodstock-Meductic arc-related volcanic suite. RÉSUMÉ De nouvelles analyses de roches ignées mafiques provenant du centre des hautes-terres de la Miramichi nous ont conduit à modifier l’interprétation de leur environnement tectonique. De nouveaux échantillons ont été recueillis dans les régions du ruisseau Bamford et du lac Trousers au Nouveau-Brunswick, et dans la région de Danforth au Maine. Toutes les roches mafiques subalcalines, incluant les amphibolites rubannées du lac Trousers, sont associées avec une séquence épaisse de roches métasédimentaires et sont toutes des tholéiites continentales, similaires aux suites tholéiitiques appartenant au Groupe de Tétagouche du nord des hautes-terres de la Miramichi. La présence de basaltes alcalins et de comendites dans cette région appuie cette corrélation. Dans le sud des hautes-terres de la Miramichi au Maine, les volcanites siliceuses et inlermddiaires constituent une partie de la suite volcanique d'arc de Woodstock-Meductic. [Traduit par le journal

    Development of a Medication Monitoring System for an Integrated Multidisciplinary Program of Assertive Community Treatment (IMPACT) Team

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    Purpose: The primary goal was to improve medication management oversight for a severely mentally ill (SMI) community-based population by developing a medication monitoring system based on current guidelines to optimize pharmacotherapy and minimize potential medication-related adverse effects. The secondary goal was improvement in coordination of care between healthcare providers. Methods: Guidelines for medication used for psychiatric indications were reviewed. A database of medication for psychiatric indications with monitoring recommendation was developed. Results: Medication regimens for 68 members of the Integrated Multidisciplinary Program of Assertive Community Treatment (IMPACT) program qualified for review. Fourteen medications, carbamazepine, chlorpromazine, clozapine, fluphenazine and fluphenazine long-acting injections (LAI), haloperidol and haloperidol LAI, lithium, lurasidone, olanzapine, paliperidone and paliperidone LAI, perphenazine, quetiapine, risperidone and risperidone LAI, valproic acid/divalproex, and ziprasidone, were identified. In total, 111 medications are used on a monthly basis. Each member receives more than one medication qualifying for review. Additional monitoring parameters that were evaluated included changes in laboratory orders for members with insulin-dependent diabetes. Annual lipid panels were changed to every 6 months, if applicable. Conclusions and Future Directions: This medication monitoring program was developed to help ensure IMPACT members receive the most effective care and minimize potential medication-related adverse effects. The secondary goal was to improve coordination of care. Medication monitoring will be added as a continuous quality assurance measure. Lab results will be reviewed at least monthly. The medication monitoring program will be evaluated annually.   Type: Student Projec

    The Impact of Climate Policy on U.S. Aviation

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    Abstract and PDF report are also available on the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change website (http://globalchange.mit.edu/).We evaluate the impact of an economy-wide cap-and-trade policy on U.S. aviation taking the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (H.R.2454) as a representative example. We use an economywide model to estimate the impact of H.R. 2454 on fuel prices and economic activity, and a partial equilibrium model of the aviation industry to estimate changes in aviation carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and operations. Between 2012 and 2050, with reference demand growth benchmarked to ICAO/GIACC (2009) forecasts, we find that aviation emissions increase by 130%. In our climate policy scenarios, emissions increase by between 97% and 122%. A key finding is that, under the core set of assumptions in our analysis, H.R. 2454 reduces average fleet efficiency, as increased air fares reduce demand and slow the introduction of new aircraft. Assumptions relating to the sensitivity of aviation demand to price changes, and the degree to which higher fuel prices stimulate advances in the fuel efficiency of new aircraft play an important role in this result.U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Office of Environment and Energy under FAA Award Number: 06HCHNEHMIT, Amendment Nos. 018 and 028. ErichHBecker Foundation. The Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and a consortium of government and industrial sponsors

    Development of a Medication Monitoring System for an Integrated Multidisciplinary Program of Assertive Community Treatment (IMPACT) Team

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    Purpose: The primary goal was to improve medication management oversight for a severely mentally ill (SMI) community-based population by developing a medication monitoring system based on current guidelines to optimize pharmacotherapy and minimize potential medication-related adverse effects. The secondary goal was improvement in coordination of care between healthcare providers. Methods: Guidelines for medication used for psychiatric indications were reviewed. A database of medication for psychiatric indications with monitoring recommendation was developed. Results: Medication regimens for 68 members of the Integrated Multidisciplinary Program of Assertive Community Treatment (IMPACT) program qualified for review. Fourteen medications, carbamazepine, chlorpromazine, clozapine, fluphenazine and fluphenazine long-acting injections (LAI), haloperidol and haloperidol LAI, lithium, lurasidone, olanzapine, paliperidone and paliperidone LAI, perphenazine, quetiapine, risperidone and risperidone LAI, valproic acid/divalproex, and ziprasidone, were identified. In total, 111 medications are used on a monthly basis. Each member receives more than one medication qualifying for review. Additional monitoring parameters that were evaluated included changes in laboratory orders for members with insulin-dependent diabetes. Annual lipid panels were changed to every 6 months, if applicable. Conclusions and Future Directions: This medication monitoring program was developed to help ensure IMPACT members receive the most effective care and minimize potential medication-related adverse effects. The secondary goal was to improve coordination of care. Medication monitoring will be added as a continuous quality assurance measure. Lab results will be reviewed at least monthly. The medication monitoring program will be evaluated annually.   Type: Student Projec

    Development of a Medication Monitoring System for an Integrated Multidisciplinary Program of Assertive Community Treatment (IMPACT) Team

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    Purpose: The primary goal was to improve medication management oversight for a severely mentally ill (SMI) community-based population by developing a medication monitoring system based on current guidelines to optimize pharmacotherapy and minimize potential medication-related adverse effects. The secondary goal was improvement in coordination of care between healthcare providers. Methods: Guidelines for medication used for psychiatric indications were reviewed. A database of medication for psychiatric indications with monitoring recommendation was developed. Results: Medication regimens for 68 members of the Integrated Multidisciplinary Program of Assertive Community Treatment (IMPACT) program qualified for review. Fourteen medications, carbamazepine, chlorpromazine, clozapine, fluphenazine and fluphenazine long-acting injections (LAI), haloperidol and haloperidol LAI, lithium, lurasidone, olanzapine, paliperidone and paliperidone LAI, perphenazine, quetiapine, risperidone and risperidone LAI, valproic acid/divalproex, and ziprasidone, were identified. In total, 111 medications are used on a monthly basis. Each member receives more than one medication qualifying for review. Additional monitoring parameters that were evaluated included changes in laboratory orders for members with insulin-dependent diabetes. Annual lipid panels were changed to every 6 months, if applicable. Conclusions and Future Directions: This medication monitoring program was developed to help ensure IMPACT members receive the most effective care and minimize potential medication-related adverse effects. The secondary goal was to improve coordination of care. Medication monitoring will be added as a continuous quality assurance measure. Lab results will be reviewed at least monthly. The medication monitoring program will be evaluated annually

    Introduction: looking beyond the walls

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    In its consideration of the remarkable extent and variety of non-university researchers, this book takes a broader view of ‘knowledge’ and ‘research’ than in the many hot debates about today’s knowledge society, ‘learning age’, or organisation of research. It goes beyond the commonly held image of ‘knowledge’ as something produced and owned by the full-time experts to take a look at those engaged in active knowledge building outside the university walls
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