3 research outputs found

    Influence of sieve size on calorific value and proximate properties of bio-briquette composites

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    This work aimed to observe the influence of calorific value and proximate properties in the fabrication of rice husk (RS) and coffee shell (CH) briquettes composite. Rice and coffee husks contain cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. These contents are necessary for the adhesive to bind the briquette (amylose and amylopectin). The raw materials were carbonized at 400 oC for 60 minutes. Variations of sieving size (60, 80, and 100 mesh) and the composition ratio of raw material CH: RS were reviewed to study their effect. Tests of density, moisture content, volatile matter content, ash content, fixed carbon content, shatter index, combustion rate, and calorific value were carried out to determine the optimum composition. The results were obtained with the best quality at a particle size of 60 mesh with the highest calorific value of 17.422 MJ/Kg. It showed that the briquettes have good quality and are comparable with the standard briquette

    Analisis kualitas termal dan mekanik briket campuran arang kulit kopi arabika dan sekam padi

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    Penelitian mengenai analisis kualitas termal dan mekanik pada pembuatan briket arang campuran kulit kopi (KK) dan sekam padi (SP) bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas briket arang campuran kulit kopi dan sekam padi, mengetahui variasi ukuran partikel kulit kopi dan sekam padi terhadap kualitas briket dan mengetahui pengaruh jenis perekat organik terhadap kualitas briket. Kulit kopi dan sekam padi memiliki kandungan selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin ketiganya merupakan kandungan yang perlu dimiliki oleh material untuk pembuatan briket dari limbah biomassa sedangkan kandungan yang diperlukan untuk bahan perekat yaitu amilosa dan amilopektin. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah karbonisasi pada suhu 400oC selama 60 menit. Varisasi ukuran partikel 250µm, 177µm dan 149µm perbandingan komposisi material KK:SP (100%:0%, 75%:25%, 50%:50%, 25%:75% dan 0%:100%) dan penggunaan perekat dari tepung tapioka dan pati biji mangga ditinjau untuk diketahui pengaruhnya. Pengujian densitas, kadar air, kadar zat terbang, kadar abu, kadar karbon terikat, shatter index, laju pembakaran dan nilai kalor dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi yang optimum. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan kualitas terbaik adalah pada komposisi KK:SP 25%:75% dengan ukuran partikel 250µm perekat tepung tapioka dengan nilai densitas sebesar 570,44%, kadar air 6,37%, kadar zat terbang 6,58%, kadar abu 5,01%, kadar karbon terikat 82,04%, shatter index 4,37%, laju pembakaran 0,37 gr/menit dan nilai kalor 4164 kal/gr. Dari hasil penelitian densitas, kadar air, kadar zat terbang, kadar abu, kadar karbon terikat, shatter index, laju pembakaran memiliki kualitas yang baik karena sudah memenuhi standar briket SNI No. 01-6235-2000. Untuk nilai kalor tidak mevmenuhi SNI No. 01-6235-2000, jika merujuk pada peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 047 tahun 2006, nilai kalor pada briket minimal 3500 kal/g

    Influence of Sieve Size on Calorific Value and Proximate Properties of Bio-Briquette Composites

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    This work aimed to observe the influence of calorific value and proximate properties in the fabrication of rice husk (RH) and coffee shell (CS) briquettes composite. Rice and coffee husks contain cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. These contents are necessary for the adhesive to bind the briquette (amylose and amylopectin). The raw materials were carbonized at 400 °C for 60 minutes. Variations of sieving size (60, 80, and 100 mesh) and the composition ratio of raw material CS:RH were reviewed to study their effect. Tests of density, moisture content, volatile matter content, ash content, fixed carbon content, shatter index, combustion rate, and calorific value were carried out to determine the optimum composition. The results were obtained with the best quality at a particle size of 60 mesh with the highest calorific value of 17.422 MJ/kg. It showed that the briquettes have good quality and are comparable with the standard briquette