19 research outputs found

    Prototipe Sistem Autobrake Pada Mobil Menggunakan Sensor Jarak Ultrasonik Hc-sr04 Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560

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    Com/2014/03/accumulator-atau-aki.html, pada 30 Mei 2015 pukul 16.15 WIB.Setyadi, Ary. 2010. Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Karya Ilmiah. Semarang: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Undip.Sulistyowati, Riny. 2012. Perancangan Prototype System Kontrol Dan Monitoring Pembatas Daya Listrik Berbasis Mikrokontroler. Tugas Akhir Teknik Elektro (tidak diterbitkan). Surabaya: Institut Adhi Tama Surabaya.Tooley, Mike. 2003. Rangkainan Elektronik Prinsip dan Aplikasi Edisi Kedua. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga

    Alat Ukur Induktansi Digital Berbasis Atmega 32

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    P. (1996). Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Elektronika Edisi Ketiga (terjemahan Prof. M. Barmawi, Ph.D. , M.O. Tjia, Ph.D., Departemen Fisika, Institut Teknlogi Bandung). Jakarta: Erlangga.Bishop, O. (2004). Dasar-Dasar Elektronika (terjemahan Irzam Harmein S.T). Jakarta: Erlangga.Yuliana, E. (2006). Rancang Bangun Alat Induktansi dan Kapasitansi Meter. Semarang. Universitas Negeri Semarang.Amallia, F. (2009). Rancang Bangun Kapasitansi dan Induktansi Meter Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega8 Dengan Tampilan LCD. Jakarta. Universitas Mercu Buana.Frank D, Petrezuella. (2001). Elektronika Industri. Yogyakarta: And

    Perancangan Ergonomi Kursi Kafe dengan Participatory Design

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    Studi ergonomi yang dilakukan adalah pengujian Kenyamanan produk kursi kafe. Desain kursi initerdiri dari enam komponen: bagian tempat duduk, sandaran bahu, dan empat buah kaki. Aplikasikursidigunakanbaikuntuk dirumahmaupunperhotelan mencakupkafetaria, terasdanrestoransederhana.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur tingkat Kenyamanan dudukpada rancangan kursi tersebut.Oleh karena Kenyamanan merupakan sesuatu yang subyektif makaalam studi ini melibatkan pengguna dalam pengukurannya untuk memastikan bahwa produk yangdirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Kenyamanan pengguna.Untuk mengukur Kenyamanan ini makaukuran kursi harus sesuai dengan ukuran antropometri pengguna yang ditujukan untuk usia 20-30tahun dan diharapkan dapat menjangkau 90% populasi pengguna. Ukuran kursi yang dirancangdengan satu jenis ukuran atau all size. Karena sifatnya yang subyektif tersebut maka dalam studi inimenggunakan metode participatory design, dimana pengguna dilibatkan untuk memberikanpenilaian Kenyamanan desain kursi.7 partisipan terdiri dari 5 pria dan 2 wanita menguji prototipekursi dan memberikan penilaian terhadap dimensi: tinggi -, kedalaman -, lebar -, dan penilaiankenyamanan keseluruhan kursi. Pengujian dilakukan tiga kali menghasilkan ukuran optimal untuktinggi 470 mm, dalam 410 mm , dan lebar 435 mm

    Prototipe Pengangkat Sampah Otomatis pada Saluran Pintu Air Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 8535

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    Abdillah Kurniawan, Heru Winarno, in paper prototype of waste lifting automatic on channel floodgate based on microcontroller ATMega 8535 explain that waste generated by the community from day to day more and more. Waste problems increasingly complex society is not discipline, in the sense that many people who throw garbage out of place, including dumped in the river. It can disrupt the flow of water. So in this thesis was designed prototype automatic garbage lifting the sluice channel driven by a 12 volt DC motor, used as a carrier conveyor trash removal results, this prototype design using microcontroller 8535 as the system controller. Minimum System 8535 microcontroller itself is as controller input, output, dc motor driver, rang the buzzer in case of opening the floodgates, and lcd M1632 as a viewer status. Trash removal tool aims to reduce the accumulation of garbage in the canal sluice. With these tools can mitigate human performance

    Kwh Meter Digital dengan Sistem Prabayar Berbasis Ic Bl0932 dan Mikrokontroler 38024

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    Bimo Kristianto Lukito, Heru Winarno, in paper prepaid digital KWH meter based on IC BL0932 and microcontroller 38024 explain that an analog meter kWh used by PLN placed in homes. Has several drawbacks, including the effects of age and weather making its numbers less opaque and can be seen. Read error resulted in the use of electrical power and recording electricity bills electricity that could harm users. To overcome these problems made ​​a digital kWh meter with prepaid systems, with the advantages of digital display are lit and large enough. The system replaced the way payments are prepaid, by using an electronic prepaid card replacement bills. Digital kWh meter is controlled by a microcontroller with type 38024 and type IC BL0932 uses a function to read the voltage and current (with load reaches 1300 watts) to determine the energy used in home installations using the LCD as a data viewer that the amount of electrical energy used at home . The payment system by purchasing an electronic voucher, containing a digital scale (functioning as a pulse) as a comparison of the amount of energy used. This system automatically decides if the magnitude of the voltage reaches a value of 0

    Sensor Fiber Optik Bf4r sebagai Pendeteksi Warna pada Alat Pensortir Bobbin Benang Berbasis Plc Omron Cp1e-n 30 Dra dan Scada

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    Akbar Tandu Fasila, Heru Winarno, in this paper explain that in the modern era, the progress of technology is very important in their daily lives, particularly in the industrial sector. Changes to automated manual system is very developed in order to achieve the maximum point of production and reduce the level of error that often occur in manual systems. It also affects the yarn spinning industry yanl, g now utilize the tools pensortir menerapkkan yarn bobbins with pneumatic system, PLC and SCADA. Planning tool making this sort can not be separated from the fiber optic sensor for identifying the color on each bobbin thread through the intensity of light that is captured by a fiber optic sensor tersbut. The workings of the system works and consists of two cylinders Pneumatic that serves as the actuator, two sensors fiber optics for detecting the light intensity on the bobbin thread, one unit PLC OMRON CP1E-N 30 DRA as the main controller systems, and SCADA as the monitoring system works

    Simulator Kubikel Minimum Untuk Investigasi Gangguan Scada Sistem Distribusi Tenaga Listrik 20 Kv

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    Wahyu Adi Prasetiyo, Heru Winarno, in this paper explain that with the SCADA system delivery and processing of data from substation equipment consisting of equipment protection, control and measurement becomes faster known by the operator (dispatcher). Measurement and status information indicative of the electric power system are collected in RTU is placed in the substation (GI) which is then sent to the SCADA Master Station.Kinerjasistem dipengaruhiolehpopulasigangguan happened. The more the population of nuisance, then it will significantly reduce the level of reliability of the distribution network which is under the control of the SCADA system. SCADA interference in the distribution of electrical power distribution systems 20 kV affect the level of reliability of the distribution network. Especially if the disturbance of the telecontrol Circuit Breaker. To repair SCADA telecontrol especially the disruption of the necessary investigative trials open close CB, but in emergency situations CB load shedding can not be done with the many considerations. Simulator cubicles with Circuit Breaker Dummy serves to replace the function of the actual CB in order to do the test cubicles control of SCADA without load shedding. By removing the SCADA communication in cubicles and then move it to the CB Dummy testing/investigation disorder can be performed optimally. This tool is equipped with IED Digital Meter Relay Protection and SCADA based so that in addition to the investigation failed control can also be used for investigations and telesignal telemetering disorders

    Analisis Nilai Indeks Keandalan Sistem Jaringan Distribusi Udara 20 Kv pada Penyulang Pandean Lamper 1,5,8,9,10 di Gi Pandean Lamper

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    Nur Indah Arifani, Heru Winarno, in this paper explain that interruption of electricity supply for customers is very disturbing activity. Interruption/outage that occurred in the distribution network led to the disruption of continuity of service. Lots and duration of outages at the feeder Pandean Lamper 1,5,8,9, and 10 at Substation Pandean Lamper observed by the authors to get a reliability index value. This observation aims to get the value of SAIFI and SAIDI in substation feeder PDL Pandean Lamper at 1, 5, 8, 9, 10 and compared with a standard value of PLN as a world-class company (WCC) is SAIFI = 3 time/customer/year, SAIDI = 1.66 hours/customer/year. Disorders due to components and equipment as well as the tree is the most dominant cause of the outage. To obtain this index takes a data rate of failure (λ), a long interruption (U) and the number of customers (N) as well as get other customer-oriented index values ​​are CAIFI, CAIDI, ASAI, ASUI. The analysis showed that the reliability index value for the feeder SAIFI value of PDL 1, 5, 8, 9, 10 all have a lower index value of PLN standards. For the fifth feeder SAIDI value only feeder PDL 9 impaired outages longer than four other feeder with an index value of 1.78 hours/customer/year beyond the PLN standard. For those who do not fit the standard feeder PLN performed maintenance measures components, as well as the supervision of the disturbance and other animals