8 research outputs found

    The pattern distribution of serovars for seropositive samples in buffaloes, cattle, pigs, and humans in 5 regions of Thailand.

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    <p>The highest MAT titer reactive against each serovar of each positive sample is described. Samples are ordered according to seroprevalence: Shermani (SHE), Ranarum (RAN), Sejroe (SEJ), Bratislava (BRA), Tarassovi (TAR), Panama (PAN), Hebdomadis (HEB), Mini (MIN), Sarmin (SAR), Autumnalis (AUT), Louisiana (LOU), Manhao (MAN), Icterohaemorrhagiae (ICT), Pomona (POM), Cynopteri (CYN), Ballum (BAL), Bataviae (BAT), Javanica (JAV), Grippotyphosa (GRI), Pyrogenes (PYR), and Djasiman (DJA).</p

    Regional distributions of most prevalent serovars and serovar associations in buffaloes, cattle, pigs, and humans in 5 regions of Thailand.

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    <p>By using the highest MAT titer criteria: BRA = Bratislava, HEB = Hebdomadis, PAN = Panama, RAN = Ranarum, SEJ = Sejroe, SHE = Shermani, TAR = Tarassovi, BRA/SHE = Bratislava and Shermani, RAN/SHE = Ranarum and Shermani, SAR/SHE = Sarmin and Shermani, SEJ/SHE = Sejroe and Shermani, SHE/TAR = Shermani and Tarassovi, and RAN/SHE/TAR = Ranarum, Shermani and Tarassovi, and the other group. The sizes of pie charts refer to the size of positive MAT samples. The seroprevalence was calculated relative to the number of samples for each species and in each region.</p