776 research outputs found

    Key challenges for transformations towards a circular economy : the status quo in Germany

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    Facing an ever-increasing global consumption of natural resources and related environmental as well as socioeconomic challenges, the transition towards a circular economy will be of crucial importance. The issue is high on the political agenda, especially since the European Commission published its Circular Economy Action Plan in December 2015. Apparently different stakeholders have very different perceptions of the concept as well as different expectations for its implementation. During a workshop series by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, experts from policy, science, administration, industry and unions discussed key issues for the circular economy: What's the status quo in Germany? How can the circular economy be implemented in a comprehensive and efficient way? Which instruments are available? Is the legal framework on EU and national level sufficient for the evolvement of a circular economy? What is the role of the consumer? What are the economic potentials especially with regard to job creation? How can research and innovation policy contribute to this process? This paper aims to summarise the different discussions

    Magnetic properties of amorphous thin films produced by ion mixing

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    We have produced several magnetic amorphous alloys by ion mixing of thin multilayer films. Our results show that the ion mixing technique is able to produce amorphous films of the various categories (transition metal-metalloid, transition metal pairs) at the composition appropriate for the appearance of magnetic ordering. A comparison of their saturation magnetization with that of related vapor quenched films suggests similar nearest-neighbor coordination in both kinds of samples

    A Feminist Exploration of Violence: How Language and Identity Shape Perceptions

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    Using research from across disciplines such as Criminology, Feminist Theory, and Social Psychology, the following paper presents a case for the restructuring of the present understanding of violence, victims, survivors, and perpetrators. The current definitions and understandings of each of these topics are narrow caricatures which results in the exclusion of many instances of violence. I complicate our understandings of victims and of perpetrators, to allow people thought of as unable to perpetrate violence, to be held accountable and those thought as unable to be victimized to be believed

    Brilliant biophotonics:physical properties, pigmentary tuning & biological implications

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    Fonkelende kleuren van vogels, kevers en vlinders onderzocht Miljoenen jaren van evolutionaire geschiedenis hebben tot de verbazingwekkende diversiteit van biologische organismen geleid, die tegenwoordig gebruik maken van verschillende kleurmechanismen om heldere, fonkelende kleuren te reflecteren. De meest briljante en schitterende kleuren, zoals het witste wit en het zwartste zwart van vele dier- soorten, zoals vogels, kevers en vlinders, ontstaan uit de fysieke interactie van licht met geordende, quasi-geordende en ongeordende materie, wat resulteert in structurele kleuren. Deze biofotonische nanostructuren kunnen variëren in complexiteit, gaande van 'eenvoudige' multilaag-structuren tot topologisch complexe, driedimensionale fotonische kristallen. Deze fotonische structuren veranderen de spectrale samenstelling van het invallende licht en creëren zo de fonkelende kleuren, die we iedere dag kunnen zien. Bodo Wilts onderzocht een waaier van fotonische structuren in vogels, kevers en vlinders en bekeek in detail hoe deze complexe structuren met het invallend licht wisselwerken. Hij bestudeerde hoe deze structuurkleuren afgestemd kunnen worden door de aanwezigheid van absorberende pigmentaire filters. Door een brede reeks van verschillende fysische technieken en rekenfysica te gebruiken, kreeg hij inzicht in de optische eigenschappen van deze complex gevormde composieten van structurele en pigmentaire kleuren. De biologische functies van deze structuren worden in het proefschrift besproken en kunnen variëren van interseksuele signalering tot camouflage

    Measuring urban circularity based on a territorial perspective : final report ; CIRCTER - circular economy and territorial consequences

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    This report provides an overview of the main findings from the different research tasks in the CIRCTER project and delivers selected policy messages with European coverage. The report provides: (Sec. 2) a territorial definition of the circular economy; (Sec. 3) insights into the available statistics on material and waste patterns and flows and their interpretation, alongside new territorial evidence on both aspects; (Sec. 4) a sectoral characterisation of the circular economy at regional level (NUTS-2), including data on turnover and jobs; (Sec. 5) key findings from the CIRCTER case studies; (Sec. 6) a systemic interpretation of the circular economy that works as a knowledge-integration mechanism for the entire report; (Sec. 7 and 8) an analysis of the most relevant circular economy policies and strategies at various territorial levels; (Sec. 8) a subset of policy recommendations focusing in particular on territorial and cohesion policies, and; (Sec. 9) suggestions for further research